Sometimes, it may be impractical or not cost-effective to bring all your employees to a central location for a training session. Distributed Business Units are often spread out among remote sites and different locations. Bringing them to the corporate headquarters can be costly and difficult to schedule. Although such situations may prevent you from conducting the traditional-style classroom training session, you can still deliver an effective corporate learning program with other alternatives. More organizations are supplementing their classroom-based training sessions with distance learning program. Distance learning courses can be very helpful to organizations that seek to bridge the learning-delivery gaps caused by multiple geographic locations, time constraints, and other barriers to learning. Distance Learning program offers opportunities for blending Learning and Technology to create engaging learning experiences and learner-centered training. Here are key attributes and benefits of effective Distance Learning program:
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- Easy Access to Resources. Learners can easily access the course materials at their convenience, when and where they need it.
- More Efficient Delivery. In addition to being economical, distance learning allows you to deliver training to a large number of people at multiple sites at the same time.
- Low Cost Delivery. You save money with no or minimized travel, automated administration, etc.
- Allows options for more in-depth study or review whenever needed.
- Support Adult Learning Principles to ensure Effective Transfer of Training. Adult learners learn best in cooperative climates that encourage risk taking and experimentation.
- Learner-Centered Design. In many cases, distance learning puts learners in control of their own learning.
- Simplified Distribution of Materials. Electronic distribution of materials not only saves printing and postage but it also enables instant, worldwide updates to the existing material.
- Consistent Quality.
- Better Use of Subject-matter Experts. Competent trainers often simulate the real work environment and provide real world examples to ensure effective transfer of training to learner's job.
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