Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Short Selling—Strategies, Risks, and Rewards. Improves your Potential Portfolio Efficiency

As investors continue to become more sophisticated and new arbitrage opportunities develop, the securities lending markets will continue to expand and see new entrants. Beneficial owners have been increasing their participation in the lending markets, and they view the market as a low risk way to achieve increased return on their assets. Broker-dealers eager to attract the very profitable client base of hedge funds and other leveraged investors continue to expand their securities lending infrastructures. As a result, the securities lending markets have seen tremendous growth over the last decade. New entrants on both the lending and borrowing side combined with new technologies improving the transparency in the lending markets continue to increase the importance of this market.

There are alternatives to selling short in the cash market. An investor seeking to benefit from an anticipated decline in the price of a stock or stock index may be able to do so in the futures or options markets. Shorting individual stocks in the futures market requires the existence of a single-stock futures contract. Where one exists, a study suggests that it is less costly to implement a short selling strategy in the futures market. In the case of stock index futures, it is less costly to execute a short sale in the futures market. Buying puts and selling calls are two ways to implement short selling in the options market. There are trade-offs between buying puts, selling calls, and borrowing the stock in the cash market in order to sell short.

What Are The Most Important Safety Features Protecting ETF Short Sellers?
The trading flexibility and open-endedness of ETFs offer unusual protection to short sellers.
1. It is essentially impossible to suffer a short squeeze in ETF shares. In contrast to most corporate stocks where the shares outstanding are fixed in number over long intervals,[1] shares in an ETF can be greatly increased on any trading day by any Authorized Participant.[2] Creations or redemptions in large ETFs like the S & P 500 SPDRs and the NASDAQ 100 QQQ’s are occasionally worth several billion dollars on a single day. The theoretical maximum size of the typical ETF, given this in-kind creation process, can be measured in hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars of market value. The open-ended capitalization and required diversification of ETFs takes them out of the extreme risk category. As a practical matter, “cornering” an ETF market is unimaginable. The upside risk in a short sale is still theoretically greater than the downside risk in a long purchase, but even that risk is modified by the way ETF short selling is used to offset other risks.
2. Most ETF short sales are made to reduce, offset, or otherwise manage the risk of a related financial position. The dominant risk management/ risk reduction ETF short sale transaction offsets long market risk with a short or short equivalent position. Unlike the aggressive skier or surfer, the risk manager who sells ETF shares short is nearly always reducing the net risk of an investment position. In contrast to extreme athletes, the risk managers selling ETFs short are more like the ski patrol or lifeguards: They sell ETFs short to reduce total risk in a portfolio.
3. Most serious students of markets consider the uptick rule an anachronism (at best). Requiring upticks for short sales is certainly unnecessary and inappropriate for ETFs that compete in risk management applications with sales of futures, swaps, and options—risk management instruments that have never had uptick rules.

Exchange-traded fund (ETF) short interests have been growing dramatically while the short interest in the typical common stock has declined slightly. We see no particular reason to expect a continuation of the rapid growth in the short interest of many ETFs, but there is also no particular reason to expect ETF short interests to decline, especially for ETF shares used widely in risk management applications. On balance, short selling contributes to the trading efficiency of a few of the more actively traded ETFs. Even more importantly, it contributes to the efficiency of various index arbitrage activities and, consequently, to overall market efficiency.
Investors need not examine or even care about the short interest in an ETF they choose for longer-term investment. The large or small size of its short interest has no implications for a fund’s suitability for long- term investment purposes. Fund analysts and active traders should understand the significance of short selling in the ETF market place, both for its trading cost implications and its sometimes misleading effect on the statistics for share ownership and ETF investment in the aggregate. The ETF short interest is important, but it requires careful interpretation.

Restrictions on Short Selling and Exploitable Opportunities for Investors
Because of restrictions on short selling, many overvalued stocks will be excluded from portfolios by being sold if owned or, otherwise, not bought; however, they will not be sold short. This is because stocks that promise less than a competitive rate of return should be excluded from portfolios but often are not good short sale candidates, especially for those who do not receive use of the proceeds.
It follows that prices are set by the most optimistic investors, not by the typical investor. In many cases the most optimistic investors are also the over optimistic investors. The result is sometimes overpriced stocks that can be identified by good analysis.
Because of the ease of a minority of investors purchasing enough stock to cause it to be overpriced, accounting rules should err on the conservative side. Conservatism will seldom lead to underpricing since there will usually be enough well informed investors to keep the stock priced at least competitively. However, if the accounting sometimes exaggerates profits, there are likely to be enough poorly informed investors for the stock to become overpriced.
The obstacles to short selling, especially failure to receive full use of the proceeds or to receive a market return on them, are more important when the errors in pricing will occur years in the future than when they will be revealed in the near future. Exploitable opportunities to avoid overpriced stocks are most likely when the overpricing is due to various factors that will be typically revealed only years in the future. Possible opportunities arise from things like extrapolating growth too far in the future, not allowing for new entry or market saturation, leaving out numerous low probability adverse events that in the aggregate have an appreciable effect, and the like. Looking for such events several years out probably has a higher return than trying to forecast next year’s earnings, which is where so much effort is expended.
Since competition makes it very difficult to identify stocks that are grossly undervalued, investment success comes from avoiding losers rather than finding great winners. Investing is a loser’s game. If great winners will be very hard to find in a competitive economy, analytic effort should be focused on a small number of stocks which can be extensively studied, rather than on an extensive search for stocks that will double in a year. Typically, investment managers try to follow far too many stocks, frequently failing as a result to uncover relevant negative information about certain stocks.
This yields a theory of bounded efficient markets in which there are upper and lower bounds for stock prices, with most stocks at the lower bound, priced to yield a competitive return. However, the competitive return is higher than the average return. This difference is small enough so that it is probably not worthwhile for individual investors to attempt to pick stocks. However, a small percentage advantage applied to a large sum of money does justify analysis in institutions. It is this analysis that keeps markets close to efficient.

How Short Selling Expands the Investment Opportunity Set and Improves Upon Potential Portfolio Efficiency
Indexing, rather than short selling, is probably the best way for passive investors to optimize their potential portfolio efficiency since, in theory, short selling is not needed to optimize portfolio efficiency as long as market prices reflect equilibrium required returns. But market prices do not always reflect equilibrium required returns. In which case, active investors (who trade based on what they perceive to be some informational advantage) may short sell as a means of improving potential portfolio efficiency. In addition, the rather mixed evidence on whether short selling improves realized portfolio efficiency focuses on risk reduction, so it does not diminish the fact that active investors can improve realized portfolio efficiency, ex post, if they successfully identify and short sell overpriced securities. Of course, this may be more difficult in the future given the growing number of hedge fund managers constructing portfolios with both long and short strategies. Other practical implications follow:
? The risk of recall and the transitory nature of overpricing result in unpredictable durations that require active management of short positions.
? Enhanced indexing with short selling offers active investors the option of focusing on the sell-side of the market. Passive investors may use this strategy to hedge by short selling one or a few stocks, or possibly an index.
? Long-plus-short portfolios allow active investors to manage each side of the market as a separate task. This can be helpful given the unpredictable duration of short positions. Passive investors may use this strategy to hedge their passively constructed long-only portfolio.
? Integrated long-short portfolios are similar to long-plus-short portfolios, except they consider all possible positions together in one integrated optimization. This integrated approach has the potential for improved portfolio efficiency; however, it may be impractical given the unpredictable duration of short positions, especially if the long positions tend to be more passive.
? The magnitude of the short positions in an investor’s portfolio are limited by margin requirements as well as the requirement to escrow short-sale proceeds.
? Adding more leverage to an otherwise fully levered efficient portfolio (i.e., a portfolio in which the margin has been fully utilized given the risky asset allocation) will reduce the proportional amount of short selling allowed, so that the efficiency of the resulting more highly levered portfolio will be reduced.
? Thus, portfolio optimization with realistic asset allocation constraints, that reflect margin requirements and escrowed short-sale proceeds, results in a three-step solution procedure. First, determine the investment weights for long and short positions in the optimal risky portfolio. Second, based an investor’s risk aversion, determine their preferred mean-variance location on the lending-and-borrowing line, along with the associated dollar allocation. Third, determine whether this allocation satisfies the margin requirements. If not, then search for the closest complete portfolio in terms of mean and variance that still satisfies the margin requirements.
? While these short margin requirements apply to individual investors, some long-short hedge funds are effectively able to get around the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation T short margin requirement of 50% by borrowing additional funds from their brokerage firms.

For more Information:
* Equity Trading, Investment Strategy, IPO, Equity Technical Analysis, Stock Valuation Techniques, Wealth Management *


Monday, September 29, 2008

Business Buyout Agreements—A Step-by-step Guide for Co-Owners

A sample for Business Buyout Worksheet

Section I: Introduction
When you're ready to draft your agreement, insert into the blanks in Section I of the agreement this information in the following order:
? Date you'll sign your agreement
? City and state in which you'll sign your agreement
? Name of the 1st owner
? Name of the 2nd owner
? Name of the 3rd owner
? Name of the 4th owner
? Your company's name

Section II: Limiting the Transfer of Ownership Interests
Option 1: Right of First Refusal
? Option 1a: Price and terms in offer
? Option 1b: Price and terms in agreement
? Option 1c: Right of First Refusal applies to sales to current owners
? Option 1d: Right of First Refusal does not apply to sales to current owners

Option 2: Transfers to Relatives Can Be Made Without Restriction or Approval Not with-standing Any Other Provision in This Agreement

Section III: Providing the Right to Force Buyouts
Scenario 1. When an Active Owner Retires or Quits the Company's Employ
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase a Retiring Owner's Interest
? Option 2: Right of Retiring Owner to Force a Sale
? Option 2a: Disincentive period, with illness/injury exception
Number of years______________________________________________________
Disincentive percentage_________________________________________________
? Option 2b: Disincentive period, without illness/injury exception
Number of years____________________________________________________
Disincentive Percentage________________________________________________

Scenario 2. When an Owner Becomes Disabled
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase a Disabled Owner's Interest
Number of months___________________________________________________
? Option 1a: Date disabled owner stops working
? Option 1b: Date of buyout
? Option 2: Right of Disabled Owner to Force a Sale
Number of months_____________________________________________________
? Option 2a: Date disabled owner stops working
? Option 2b: Date of buyout

Scenario 3. When an Owner Dies
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase a Deceased Owner's Interest
? Option 2: Right of Estate, Trust or Inheritors to Force a Sale

Scenario 4. When an Owner's Interest Is Transferred to His or Her Former Spouse
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase Former Spouse's Interest

Scenario 5. When an Owner Loses His or Her Professional License
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase Interest of an Owner Who Has Lost His or Her Professional License
? Option 1a: The full Agreement Price according to Section VI of this agreement
? Option 1b: Decided by an independent appraisal, according to the Appraised Value Method in Section VI of this agreement
? Option 1c: The Agreement Price as established in Section VI of this agreement, decreased by________________________ %
Percentage agreement price will be decreased by____________________________

Scenario 6. When an Owner Files for Personal Bankruptcy
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase Interest of an Owner Who Has Filed for Bankruptcy
Number of days notice required before bankruptcy______________________________

Scenario 7. Encumbrance of Interest
? Option 1: Encumbrances Allowed Subject to Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase Encumbered Interest
? Option 2: No Encumbrance Allowed

Scenario 8. Expulsion of Owner
? Option 1: Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase an Expelled Owner's Interest
? Option 1a: Any criminal conduct against the company (such as embezzlement)
? Option 1b: A serious breach of the owner's duties or of any written policy of the company
? Option 1c:__________________________________________________________
Additional reason for expulsion____________________________________________
? Option 1d: The full Agreement Price according to Section VI of this agreement
? Option 1e: Decided by an independent appraisal, according to the Appraised Value Method in Section VI of this agreement
? Option 1f: The Agreement Price as established in Section VI of this agreement, decreased by________________________%
Percentage agreement price will be decreased by______________________________

Section IV: Buyout Procedure
1. Option of Company and Continuing Owners to Purchase an Interest
b. Number of days that your company will have to make its buyback decision_________________________
c. Number of days that the continuing owners will have to make their individual buyback decisions___________________________________________

2. Right to Force a Sale
b. Number of days that your company will have to make its buyback decision_____________________
c. Number of days that the continuing owners will have to make their individual buyback decisions_______________

Section V: Agreement Price
Valuation Method 1: Agreed Value
Price for the entire company_____________________________________________

Valuation Method 2: Book Value

Valuation Method 3: Multiple of Book Value

Valuation Method 4: Capitalization of Earnings (Adjusted for Income Taxes)
Number of years that earnings will be based on______________________________

Valuation Method 5: Appraised Value

Section VI: Payment Terms
Payment Terms Alternative 1: Full Cash Payment
Number of days when full payment will be due______________________________

Payment Terms Alternative 2: Monthly Installments of Principal and Interest
Term for repayment (in months)__________________________________________
Annual interest rate_____________________________________________________
Date first installment payment will be due___________________________________
Payment due day (day of the month)________________________________________

Payment Terms Alternative 3: Partial Cash Payment, Followed by Monthly Installments of Principal and Interest
Down payment_______________________________________________________
Number of days until down payment will be due_____________________________
Term for repayment (in months)__________________________________________
Annual interest rate_____________________________________________________
Date first installment payment will be due___________________________________
Payment due day (day of the month)_______________________________________

Payment Terms Alternative 4: Monthly Installments of Interest Only, With a Final Payment for the Full Purchase Price
Future date for full payment of purchase price_______________________________
Interest rate___________________________________________________________
Date first interest payment will be due______________________________________
Interest payment day (day of the month)____________________________________

Payment Terms Alternative 5: Customized Schedule for Payment for Ownership Interest
Dates and amounts to be paid under a customized payment schedule______________

For more Information:
* Business Investment Books, Investment Strategy, Investment Planning, Modern Investment Management*


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How to Be an Effective Facilitator. Facilitation Tools and Interpersonal Facilitation Skills

Facilitation Tools

Facilitation Tool Best Use
=========== ==========
Brainstorming Many ideas are needed in a short period of time.
Team input is important.
Ideas need to be generated prior to using other tools.
Nominal Group Technique Involvement from all team members is needed.
A new assignment is beginning.
Rank Ordering Alternatives must be narrowed down in number.
Force-Field Analysis Driving and restraining forces to change need to be identified.
Cause-and- Effect Diagram (Fishbone) Various causes of a particular problem need to be identified. The relationships among the causes need to be visualized.
Storyboarding The problem, process, or possible solution should be visualized.
Small Groups Increased involvement is needed. Multiple issues need to be solved in a minimum amount of time.
Data Gathering Information about the current situation is needed.
Results of efforts need to be evaluated.

Brainstorming appeals to facilitators because it:
? Encourages a high degree of involvement by participants
? Gets the energy of the team flowing
? Requires few props (a flip-chart and markers)
? Allows a lot to be accomplished in a short period of time
? Can be fun

Successful brainstorming efforts follow these steps:
1. Explain the purpose of the session. What's the issue to be addressed or the problem to be discussed?
2. Set up a flip-chart and select another person to be the recorder. If a lot of ideas are anticipated, consider using multiple flip-charts and multiple recorders.
3. Write the issue or problem to be discussed on a flip-chart page or marker board where everyone can see it.
4. Review the following ground rules:
a. Specify time restraints.
b. Explain that the goal is to go for a quantity of ideas—not quality at this stage.
c. Encourage people to free-wheel and not to hold back. Sometimes the crazier the ideas sound, the better.
d. Do not evaluate, make judgments, or criticize what someone says.
e. Explain that it is okay to ask questions to clarify, but not to debate.
f. When silence occurs, wait and then continue. Many good ideas will flow after people get a second wind.
5. Conduct the brainstorming session and stick to the ground rules. When the time limit has been reached, call the session to a halt.
6. Review and combine ideas. Only at this point is it okay for participants to become more discerning about the quality of the ideas that have been suggested. Go back through each idea and eliminate unrealistic or incompatible ideas. Assign some kind of label to the other ideas. For example, use an "M" for ideas that "may be" considered; use an asterisk for the ones that definitely are to be considered.
7. Review the ideas that are left and combine those that are similar.
8. The last step depends on the objective. In some cases, the team may develop an action plan based on the ideas that have been generated. In other cases, the ideas may be turned over to another team or a smaller work team who has the responsibility of using the ideas.

The Nominal Group Technique
The nominal group technique is related to brainstorming and is used when facilitators want to ensure involvement from all team members. It is a useful technique at the beginning of a facilitation assignment when participants can be reluctant to express themselves because they are not yet comfortable with their role in the process. The nominal group technique can also be used to prepare the team for full-scale brainstorming or prior to using rank ordering.

The nominal group technique involves these steps:
1. Identify the topic, issue, or problem to be addressed.
2. Have participants write their ideas about the topic on a piece of paper, in private, without consulting other participants. You can direct them to write down a specific number of ideas or ask them to write down as many as they can think of at the time.
3. Go around the room and ask each participant, in round-robin fashion, to give one idea.
4. Each person must share an idea unless it has already been given by someone else. In this case the participant would "pass."
5. Record the ideas on the flip-chart as they are given.
6. Allow no discussion or debate of the ideas at this point.
7. Continue in a round-robin manner until all ideas have been given.
8. Once all the participants have given their ideas, either stop the process (if no more information is needed) or open it up for more discussion by using brainstorming.

Rank Ordering
Rank ordering is a tool that can help a facilitation team sort through a great deal of information and identify the priorities. The process involves taking one or more votes to narrow the number of options for the team. As the rank-order process continues, the items that are most important to the team begin to emerge and the less important items are eliminated. Facilitators might use rank ordering immediately after a brainstorming session. For example, the team has generated many good ideas, but they can only act on a few. Rank ordering allows the team to identify the critical few that need to be addressed.

Rank Ordering works like this:
1. Determine how many items or priorities need to be selected. Is the objective to select only one item, the top three choices, or some other number?
2. Count the number of items to be considered.
3. Determine how many votes each participant will get. If there will be several rounds of voting, participants might get more than one vote in the earlier rounds. A rule of thumb that is often used is to divide the number of items to be voted on by 3. For example, if the team were voting on 12 items, each participant would get 4 votes (12 divided by 3).
4. Allow participants enough time to make their selections.
5. Conduct the vote using the desired method (secret ballot, show of hands, etc.).
6. Count the votes and rank order the team choices. The process may end at this point if there are clear choices. If not, or if the vote is close on several items, the process may be repeated until the right number of priorities (see step 1) have been identified.

Force-Field Analysis
Force-field analysis helps identify the driving or restraining forces that need to be considered before introducing change. Force-field analysis is more than simply identifying the pros and cons of a particular idea. It requires thoughtful analysis on the part of all participants to consider factors that go beyond the obvious.

Facilitators should follow these steps when using force-field analysis:
1. Draw a copy of the force-field analysis diagram on the flip-chart so everyone can see it. Some facilitators use two flip-charts—one for driving forces and one for restraining forces.
2. Give each participant a copy of the diagram.
3. Write the "problem" in the top box. This is a statement of the problem the team wants to solve. Get agreement from the team before continuing.
4. Write the "goal" in the second box. This should be a specific statement of what will be changed or different if the problem is solved.
5. Use the nominal group technique or brainstorming and have participants identify the driving forces that will help the goal to be achieved.
6. Use the nominal group technique or brainstorming and have participants identify the restraining forces that stand in the way of achieving the goal.
7. Rank order the driving forces.
8. Rank order the restraining forces.
9. Determine what can be done to capitalize on or increase the driving forces by using brainstorming or another tool.
10. Determine what can be done to reduce or eliminate the restraining forces by using brainstorming or another tool.

Cause-and-Effect Diagram
The cause-and-effect diagram, often referred to as a "fishbone" because of the way it looks, is used to identify possible causes for a particular problem (effect). Somewhat similar to the diagramming of sentences, the process visually depicts the relationships that exist among several causes. The fishbone is also useful because the team can subgroup causes under several key headings. Facilitators like it because it provides a graphic representation of a problem and its associated causes. This makes it is easier to see that there are multiple causes and also to see the relationship among the causes.

Here's how facilitators can use this problem analysis tool:
1. Draw a copy of the cause-and-effect diagram on the flip-chart so everyone can see it.
2. Give each participant a copy of the diagram.
3. Write the effect (problem) in the box that represents the "fish's" head.
4. Identify the categories you want to use for the causes. The most commonly used categories are methods, people, material, and equipment. Some facilitators add environment as a fifth category. Totally different categories may be useful depending on the nature of the problem. For example, some other useful categories might be customers, policies, procedures, and marketplace. Write the categories you want to use at the end of the "fish bones."
5. Brainstorm the causes for each category. As the team identifies possible causes, these are added as branches along the bones of the diagram. In some cases there may even be subcauses of the main causes. The objective is to identify the root cause(s) of the problem.

Facilitators use storyboarding when they want team members to visualize a problem, a process, or possible solution to a problem. Instead of relying on words alone to describe a problem or situation (as in the previous techniques), storyboarding emphasizes the use of pictures or drawings.

Here are the steps to follow when using storyboarding as a facilitation tool:
1. Identify the issue or concept to be storyboarded. The first time story-boarding is used with a team it may be helpful to define the issue in more detail by identifying the specific events or tasks they are to storyboard.
2. Give each participant one or more sheets of flip-chart paper and colored markers. Or, give participants several index cards and have them draw one scene on each card.
3. Explain that the emphasis is on the issue not their drawing ability. Have participants begin their storyboard.
4. Have participants post their flip-chart page(s) on the wall. If they are using index cards, have them arrange the cards on a flipchart page and then post the page on the wall.
5. Have the participants explain their storyboard to the entire group. Allow for questions and discussion.
6. Reach agreement on the storyboard that best depicts the solution (not the best artwork). It might be necessary to combine scenes from several storyboards to come up with one that works for all participants.
7. Identify next steps in the process. What action is required to make the storyboard a reality or to solve the problem?

Small Groups
Small groups are used to increase involvement when the size of the entire group may inhibit participation by some members. In most cases, participants will open up when there are fewer people in the group. It is also difficult to "hide" in a small group when the expectation is that everyone will participate. Small groups are also useful when there are several issues to be addressed and time is limited. The small groups can be given an issue or problem to discuss and then report their findings back to the entire group.

Here's a typical way of using small groups:
1. Identify the topic(s) to be discussed.
2. Write the topic on the flip-chart. If there are multiple topics, consider writing each topic on a separate sheet of paper one topic can be given to each group.
3. Explain what the smaller groups are to do. Are they to come up with recommendations? solutions?
4. Let the participants know how much time they will have to work on their assignment.
5. Divide the overall team into smaller groups. The best size for small groups is 5 to 7 people. There are several ways to determine group make up. The easiest way is to have people count off and put all the 1's in a group, all the 2's in a group, and so on. Another way is to randomly distribute colored index cards and have participants with the same color cards make a small group. In some cases, the group members may be hand-picked because of their expertise on the topic being discussed. If the same facilitation assignment lends itself to frequently using small groups, consider changing the group makeup periodically so a group does not become stagnant.
6. Direct each group to select a spokesperson and a recorder.
7. Monitor the time. Stick to the time limit given at the beginning. As the groups are working, move from group to group and be available to answer questions. While moving about, also keep participants informed of how much time they have left.
8. Bring all the small groups back together.
9. Have a spokesperson from each group report on what they accomplished.
10. Allow other participants to ask questions of the spokesperson or other group members.

Data Gathering
Data gathering is a tool that is used outside the team session to prepare information to use during team meetings. The data gathered can be critical when it comes time to make decisions. Effective facilitators know that decision making without any facts or data can be disastrous. They understand that it may not be possible to have all the data needed, but they still make an effort to gather as much information as possible before asking the team to make a decision. The information is then presented to the group and becomes one of the factors to be considered when making decisions and evaluating courses of action.

Some of the more common techniques are these:
? Personal interviews, which involve obtaining information in a one-on-one conversation so that the information is not influenced by other people. This can be a lengthy process depending on the number of people to be interviewed.
? Review of financial reports, which involves looking at the financial implications of decisions. A potential drawback is that sometimes the financial information can be "old" news because it reflects a time period already past,
? Review of statistical reports, which involves looking at other factors besides personal opinions and financial data. However, as with financial reports, sometimes the information is "old" news.
? Questionnaires and surveys, which are ways to gather feedback from many people in a short period of time. Questionnaires can either be signed or anonymous depending on the wishes of the team. The number of surveys will affect how long it takes to compile the results.
? Focus groups, or other opinion-testing groups outside of the team, can share their ideas and provide the team with feedback. Several people from the same department within the organization can provide valuable insight by sharing their points of view. A group made up of some of the organization's customers can provide interesting information about products or services. However, compiling usable data can be difficult if there are a wide variety of opinions.
? Observation involves examining the way a task is being performed to identify possible problems. This process can take more time than other forms of data gathering. Also, the fact that someone is observing can affect the way the person does the job. However, it is a very good method for gathering data first-hand.

For more Information:
* Effective Facilitation Skills, People Skills, Communication Skills *


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Managing Conflict with Peers. How Emotional Hot Buttons, Values , Power and Politics Affect Conflict

Values Differences Affect Conflict

Your values are critically important to your personal well-being. They are the beliefs that you find most meaningful and important. They guide your behavior and are an anchor during hardships or times of change. Conflicts, especially those that occur between peers, often involve differences in values.
For example, if you suggest to a colleague that the workgroup stay late at the office to make more progress on a particular assignment but your colleague wants to go to his daughter’s soccer game, that situation might cause a conflict. At that specific moment the sacrifice and camaraderie of peers pitching in above the call of duty to accomplish a goal may be very important to you, while your peer places more importance on a balance between work and family responsibilities. Depending on how closely held these values are and how deeply each person is committed to them, such differences can result in dramatic conflicts.

Values Differences
Growth, seniority, and promotion resulting from work well done.
Appreciation of the beauty of things, ideas, surroundings, personal space.
High income, financial success, prosperity.
Ability to act independently, with few constraints. Selfsufficiency. Self-reliance. Ability to make most decisions and choices.
Position and power to control events and activities of others.
Giving proper weight to each area of a person’s life.
Continually facing complex and demanding tasks and problems.
Absence of routine. Work responsibilities, daily activities, or settings that change frequently. Unpredictability.
Having close, cooperative working relations with group.
Serving and supporting a purpose that supersedes personal desires. Making a difference.
Rivalry with winning as the goal.
Willingness to stand up for one’s beliefs.
Discovering, developing, or designing new ideas, programs, or things using innovation and imagination.
Economic security
Steady and secure employment. Adequate financial reward. Low risk.
Spending time with spouse, children, parents, and extended family.
Developing close personal relationships with others.
Finding satisfaction, joy, or pleasure.
Helping others
Helping other people attain their goals. Providing care and support.
The ability to laugh at oneself and life.
Acting in accord with moral and ethical standards. Honesty, sincerity, and truth. Trustworthiness.
The pursuit of understanding, skill, and expertise. Continuous learning.
Being involved in close, affectionate relationships. Intimacy.
Faithfulness, duty, dedication.
Respectful of authority, rules, and regulations. A sense of stability, routine, and predictability.
Physical fitness
Staying in shape through exercise and physical activity.
Taking time out to think about the past, present, and future.
Dependability, reliability, accountability for results.
Pride, self-esteem, sense of personal identity.
Strong spiritual/religious beliefs. Moral fulfillment.
Sound judgment based on knowledge, experience, and understanding.

For more Information:
* Conflict Management, Facilitation Skills, Relationship Management *


Monday, September 22, 2008

Creating an Innovative Culture - Idea Generation, Evaluation, Development and Implementation

Introduction to Creating an Innovative Culture

In the business world, innovation is about managing a four-stage process:
1. idea generation - in which the initial ideas are created;
2. evaluation - in which a decision is taken as to which ideas to progress, and which to discard, at least for the present;
3. development - in which an idea is made fully fit-for-purpose;
4. implementation - in which the idea is brought to full fruition.

Furthermore, innovation isn't just about developing new products; the need for new ideas, and to make something happen with those ideas, applies to all these domains too:
? processes - as exemplified by the best examples of business process reengineering;
? structures - in terms of new forms of organization;
? relationships - for example, new forms of external relationships with customers or suppliers, or new forms of internal relationships within your own organization;
? strategy - in the form not only of new innovative strategies, but also as regards the process of strategy formulation;
? you! - for maybe the most fundamental form of innovation is the acceptance, within my mind - or indeed your mind - that maybe there really is a better idea out there!

? Koestler's Law states that creativity - the generation of new ideas - is not a matter of luck or genius. Rather, it can be made to happen by a deliberate process of searching for new patterns of existing components.
? For innovation in business, the components that need to be recombined to form the new patterns are not laid bare, like the notes on a piano. Rather, they exist bundled together in existing patterns - the patterns of our knowledge, learning, and experience.
? As a consequence, before a new pattern can be formed, the old patterns need to be broken apart - only then can the component parts be uncovered, and made available for new pattern formation.
? This process of breaking apart our knowledge, learning, and experience is one of unlearning. Most people find unlearning very difficult to do, especially when we have been successful.
? All the tools and techniques of creativity are mechanisms to help you unlearn. In general, these tools fall into two categories - springboards and retro-fits.
? Springboards are processes that take as the starting point your existing knowledge, learning, and experience. The InnovAction! process, for example, takes this, identifies the underlying elements, and uses the question "How might this be different?" to discover new ideas (see Chapter 6 of Innovation Express).
? Retro-fits, such as the random word technique, project your imagination into a different domain, and encourage you to discover new ideas by retro-fitting from the different domain back to the focus of attention.

To evaluate an idea in a complete, fair, and balanced way, we need to examine the idea from a number of perspectives:
Benefits - Yellow hat
What benefits will arise as a result of successfully implementing the idea? Who are the beneficiaries? What is the likely quantum of benefit? How long will it take for the benefits to come to fruition?
Issues to be managed — Black hat
What issues need to be managed to bring the idea to success? Which issues are potentially "showstoppers," and how can these be circumvented? What are the risks? And how can these risks be identified and managed?
Constituencies and feelings - Red hat
What constituencies (groups of people and individuals) will be affected by the idea, both when it is implemented, and also during implementation? What is their likely reaction to the idea? What can be done to manage these feelings to best effect?
Data - White hat
What data do we need to take an informed decision? What are the sources of the data, and how reliable are they? How do we handle uncertainty in the data?
Solutions - Green hat
What solutions can we identify to the problems identified by the black, red, and white hats? How can these problems be overcome?
Actions - Purple hat
What actions should we take in the light of our analysis so far? Do we have enough information to take a decision? Or is it appropriate to continue this analysis further?
Process - Blue hat
How do we orchestrate this process itself?

1. The day-job doesn't get in the way. Unlearning organizations make time for thinking, exploration, innovation. They don't let the pressures of the day-job stop this.
2. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is not "the way we do things around here." Unlearning organizations don't wait for things to break before they fix them. They are always searching for better ways of doing things, even if there is no explicit "problem" to solve.
3. The only rule is "rules are for breaking." Unlearning organizations recognize that rules, policies, procedures, processes, are artifacts of the time they were originated. All are constantly under review, and those that remain fit-for-purpose are retained, those that have passed their sell-by date are ditched.
4. Negligence is distinguished from learning. Unlearning organizations know that "failure" is a very broad term, and embraces many things. In particular, they distinguish between "negligence" (the deliberate departure from an agreed policy) and "learning" (what happens when an outcome differs from expectations). They do not condone the former; nor do they penalize the latter.
5. They listen. To each other, to the outside world. Actively. Bosses do not finish the sentences of their subordinates; peers use their ears more than their mouths.
6. They share. Resources, information, people, risk. They operate in highly connected networks rather than hierarchical silos; nothing is "mine," for everything is "ours"; everyone is comfortable playing whatever roles are fit-for-purpose at the time.
7. They say "yes" more than they say "no." Go to a meeting. Take a blank sheet of paper, draw a vertical line down the middle. Label the left-hand column "yes," the right-hand column "no." Each time you hear the word "yes," or an equivalent positive remark, place a tick in the left-hand column; likewise for "no" and its surrogates. In an unlearning organization, you will have far more ticks on the left than the right.
8. They don't rush to judge. Unlearning organizations know when to evaluate ideas, and do this only when there is a full and well-balanced view. They do not shoot from the hip, or jerk from the knee: they think from the head.
9. They have a wise approach to managing risk. Unlearning organizations fully recognize that innovation is all about managing risk. They also know full well that, in today's business climate - and especially tomorrow's - to maintain the status quo, though comfortable and familiar, is likely to be more risky than stepping wisely into the unknown. They do not expect every innovation to succeed, nor do they place any foolhardy bets.
10. Their performance measures support innovation, rather than discourage it. Unlearning organizations have enhanced their portfolio of performance measures to ensure that they support, rather than inhibit, innovation. Even to the (unusual) extent of measuring inputs (such as hours spent on idea generation) rather than outputs (number of ideas put into the suggestion box).
11. They are very good at managing both the line and projects
"Did you hear about Pat?"
"No, I don't think so. What's going on?"
"He's been assigned to a "special" project."
"Well, he's on his way out then."
That is a conversation you will not hear in an unlearning organization. Managing the line and managing projects exist easily side by side; being assigned to an innovation project is a symbol of regard; and risk-taking is rewarded.
12. They regard innovation as a core business process in its own right. Unlearning organizations manage innovation, in all its aspects, as a core business process, indeed as the core business process, forming the very heart of the organization's silver bullet machine. For they know that innovation - the ability to solve problems wherever they might arise, to be able to grasp opportunities however fleeting, to be confident in generating stunning new ideas again and again and again and again, and to deliver them too - is truly the ultimate competitive advantage.

For more information:
* Creative Thinking, Business Skills, Innovation & Creativity Books, Personal Productivity and Effectiveness, *


Friday, September 19, 2008

Developing Decision-Making Skills For Business. How to make Good Judgment. How to deal With Risks.

Dealing With Risks

The strength of your desire to avoid risk is likely to depend upon your economic and life circumstances, and upon the size and nature of the risky outcomes.
But to avoid larger possible losses, you are willing to pay an insurance premium that costs more than the expected value of the loss, because such a loss could disrupt your life badly.

In practical terms, we want to know which choice we should make in a particular risky situation, such as purchasing insurance or opening a law office or choosing among investment opportunities in three countries that differ greatly in political stability.
There are two steps to a sound decision:
(1) Understand the nature of the risk and how it fits into the rest of your life (your business).
(2) Use appropriate devices for allowing for the cost to you of assuming the risk or the benefit of avoiding it.

Possible Criteria for Assessing Risk
These are some of the competing principles used in risk analyses, each associated with a different criterion goal for optimization:
1. Maximization of “utility.” The utility principle is the oldest and the most widely used device to allow for risk, especially among finance specialists, perhaps because it lends itself better to mathematical analyses than do the others. It aims to maximize your “utility”—that is, the supposed satisfaction that you might achieve from the resulting sums of money. It systematically takes into account that twice as much money will not give you twice as much satisfaction, the appropriate adjustment depending upon your wealth and the extent of your dislike for risk. All this has little or nothing to do with the concept of utility that Jeremy Bentham proposed in the eighteenth century, and from which the term originally comes. When you apply this principle, you reduce somewhat the expected value of the alternative you choose in order to reduce the variability among possible outcomes.

2. Minimization of regret or disappointment or unpleasant surprise. These related principles aim at reducing the chance that you will end up feeling badly about the outcome. For example, if someone first tells you that you have won a lottery and then two minutes later tells you that it was an error, you are likely to feel worse than if you had never heard either message. (Similarly, hearing from a doctor that you do not have a disease that you thought you might have had is likely to send you out in a particularly pleasant mood.) You therefore choose in a fashion by which you reduce somewhat the expected value of your choice in order to reduce the chance that the outcome will be one that will make you feel regret, disappointment, or unpleasant surprise.

3. The mini-max principle. This principle applies to some situations that are head-to-head games with one or more other players, in which you expect them to actively try to outfox you and where your loss is their gain. This is unlike most situations in life (and in business), where your relationship with the relevant groups of individuals (such as impersonal customers) or with nature (for example, when you are drilling an oil well) is not gamelike because your “opponent” is not actively trying to outfox you. The mini-max principle is a very complicated mathematical strategy for obtaining a combination of relatively large gains while taking the chance of relatively small losses, by attempting to avoid the worst situation that your opponent might force you into. This principle may be appropriate for some very specialized games and perhaps occasionally in war. But, to my knowledge, it has never been found appropriate in everyday life, despite all the inflated claims made for it. It is a classic example of the adepts of a fancy mathematical technique succeeding in a massive snow job on people who do not understand the mathematics but are so insecure about their ignorance that they take it on faith that there must be something of value inside the mysterious mathematical black box—something worth paying a high fee for. Unfortunately, cases like this are not rare in the world of “scholarship.”

The choice among these principles for dealing with risk depends upon your taste. But if your goal is to maximize profit in business, you will not make any allowance for risk other than that warranted by market (rather than personal) considerations.

Risk in a Business Setting
Lending or investing money is a common situation in which risk is a crucial issue. When a bank lends working capital to an individual or a firm, the interest rate depends upon how risky the bank deems the loan— that is, the bank’s estimate of the chance that the borrower will default. Similarly, the bonds of firms that are unstable or have little collateral must pay higher interest rates than do bonds of firms that are more solid. The stocks of firms whose prospects are very uncertain sell at a lower price relative to the firm’s earnings than do the stocks of firms whose earnings are stable and seemingly assured from year to year. And the rate of return to preferred stocks is on average higher than the rate of return to bonds, because in case of a bankruptcy the preferred stocks would lose their value before the bonds would. (Common stocks are riskiest of all in this respect.) This structure is equivalent, from the point of view of the person supplying the funds, to a lower discount factor for a more risky situation.

The Power of Diversification
You can go beyond making a single risky choice by arranging your “portfolio” of risk-taking activities so as to reduce the total risk. For example, instead of investing all your wealth in a single stock, you can diversify among a set of stocks. A life insurance company greatly reduces its risk by selling a great many insurance policies rather than just one.
Almost any diversification reduces the overall risk even while keeping the returns the same. But it is not possible to eliminate all risk with diversification.

People pay to increase their risk when they gamble. But aside from situations where risk is exciting, people generally are risk averse and are willing to pay to reduce risk—as when they buy insurance.
Various mental devices can help you assess your risks and deal with them, such as comparing your actual situation with hypothetical gambles with varying odds.
There are several principles for optimizing—maximization of “utility,” minimization of regret or surprise, and the mini-max principle. Trying to maximize your utility is the most reasonable criterion in almost all everyday situations.
Diversifying the situation in which you are involved—as, for example, in buying a variety of stocks rather than just one—can reduce your risk without reducing the benefits you gain from the activities.

Good Judgment

A key requirement for good judgment is strength of character, says my friend Max Singer. Integrity helps keep your judgment steady when the situation offers inducements to alter your conclusions.

Character may enable a person to act decisively in a situation where others also see the need to act, but the others continue to drift without facing up to what must be done. This is often the case with the decision to fire an employee. Many people shrink from that action, and fool themselves that perhaps the situation will improve. In contrast, the person with sound character and good judgment recognizes that the sooner the deed is done, the better for all.

Good judgment may be thought of simply as a collection of devices for avoiding the pitfalls that afflict human thinking or, more generally, devices for avoiding the pitfalls of life.

Good judgment implies sound balance between depth and breadth. The appropriate balance differs from situation to situation.

Good judgment in each situation usually includes asking questions that are important, and important because they are broad and overarching rather than because they are technically more advanced.

Having good judgment implies considering all the factors that need to be considered, and doing so at all times.In this sense, breadth of knowledge and understanding is the key element in good judgment. Taking into account the forces that come into play in the longer run are an important part of good judgment. Often this requires taking account of adjustment mechanisms that reverse the short-run phenomenon.

Taking account of the long-run and indirect effects is particularly important for understanding and forecasting the course of events in the economy and society as a whole.

Good judgment requires steadiness and constancy and an absence of lapses, a quality not required in more technical roles. A person serving in a top job responsible for the activities of an organization and other individuals must function well every day, whereas a scientist or artist who functions brilliantly on odd days but gets drunk on even days may be a great asset to the organization and to society.

This also implies that a person with good judgment must avoid being carried away by enthusiasms. It may even be an advantage not to have a copious flow of ideas. An executive can usually obtain satisfactory lists of alternatives from subordinates. One is naturally partial to ideas of one’s own. Therefore, not having ideas can help avoid unbalanced judgment. More generally, separating the task at hand from one’s own feelings —keeping ego and fears at bay is especially important—is an important element of good judgment.

My best suggestions to improve your judgment are
(1) obtain a wide range of experience, and
(2) rehearse the habit of asking yourself to check your judgment once more before arriving at a decision—asking yourself whether you have done everything possible to exert good judgment. This is why the greatest advantage of getting older is improved judgment. The more years you live, the more history you have seen, and the more opportunities you have had to see how a complex set of events play out, including the inborn propensities of human nature. This experience can prevent you from falling into pitfalls that younger people might fall into—if you learn from your experience, which is a big “if” indeed.

An important issue concerns the amount of trust to place in a person’s word or competence. Knowing how much faith to place in a consultant or in a prospective partner, for example, is a crucial aspect of an executive’s judgment. A child has more reason to believe a parent than a person at large, because a parent is more likely to have the child’s welfare at heart than does a stranger. And if a parent promises to protect you from danger, the parent has more at stake than does a stranger, and therefore is more reliable. Hence we expect youth to be more credulous than older persons who have had more time to acquire wider experience. Age does not guarantee acuity, however, and believing that it does would be an error of judgment.

The greatest affliction with respect to judgment is the belief of most people that they possess it. This is damaging because an important element of good judgment is humility about how little one knows. The most dangerous are the successful ones who have been getting praise for wielding the tools well. They are unaware that the judgmental aspects of law practice, say, have barely been discussed at law school. If you do not know what you lack, the lack cannot trouble you or affect your practice.

Youths also have not had the traumatic experiences of disaster that one inevitably acquires with time, and therefore youths may lack prudence. An older physician may be less likely than a younger one to advise surgery because she or he has known healthy people to die of anesthesia or complications. But of course this, too, can lead to poor judgment if the older person is so fearful that action is overly inhibited. Certainly it is bad judgment to overemphasize risks: Newspapers and television, which see themselves as watchdogs for the public, often do harm when they emphasize potential dangers—about the environment, for example—to the extent that our judgment about change is warped.

Setting priorities is another test of judgment. What should be done in which order? Which projects must be sacrificed under which conditions? What are the trade-offs? This requires that a person have sound intuition about relative values

A difficult judgment is whether to act now versus purchasing more information with waiting-time and money. It is possible to make some meaningful calculations of this tricky matter, but usually we rely on the decision-maker’s intuition.

The test of judgment is how often you are right relative to how often you are wrong. This is unlike the case of a scientist or artist in their actual work. What matters for those practitioners is not how often they are wrong, but rather how many good things they do, because the bad things they do are not very costly. Indeed, one scientist said that the job of a scientist is to make mistakes as fast as possible in order to save other scientists from having to make those mistakes. (Einstein put value on the then-unfruitful efforts of his last decades for just this reason.) In contrast, bad decisions are costly for managers; they matter as much as the good decisions. Of course a scientist or artist needs good judgment to choose projects that will turn out well, and in this respect they are functioning as managers rather than as artisans.

For more Information:

* Decision Making, Problem Solving, Negotiation, People Skill, People Management, Communication Skills, Business Success EBook, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, *


Professional Resources Centre for IT Books, Computer Books and Internet Books - 19 September 2008 arrivals

Found >200 new arrivals on IT Books, Computer Books and Internet Books on 19 September 2008.

Book_Title Authors
========== ========

Architecture and Patterns for IT Service Management, Resource Planning, and Governance—Making Shoes for the Cobbler’s Children Charles Betz
BPEL Cookbook—Best Practices for SOA-Based Integration and Composite Applications Development—Ten Practical Real-World Case Studies Combining Business Process Management and Web Services Orchestration Harish Gaur et al.
Executing SOA—A Practical Guide for the Service-Oriented Architect Norbert Bieberstein, Robert G. Laird, Keith Jones and Tilak Mitra
Service Oriented Architecture Demystified—A Pragmatic Approach to SOA for the IT Executive Girish Juneja, Blake Dournaee, Joe Natoli and Steve Birkel
Service Oriented Java Business Integration—Enterprise Service Bus Integration Solutions for Java Developers Binildas A Christudas
Service-Oriented Architecture—SOA Strategy, Methodology, and Technology James P. Lawler and H. Howell-Barber
Service-Oriented Modeling—Service Analysis, Design, and Architecture Michael Bell
Simple Architectures for Complex Enterprises Roger Sessions
SOA Approach to Integration—XML, Web Services, ESB, and BPEL in Real-World SOA Projects Matjaz, B. Juric et al
Computer Architecture and Organization—An Integrated Approach Miles J. Murdocca and Vincent P. Heuring
Distributed Systems Architecture—A Middleware Approach Arno Puder, Kay Römer and Frank Pilhofer
Server Architectures—Multiprocessors, Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, and Storage Solutions René J. Chevance
3ds Max at a Glance George Maestri
Accessing Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 William G. Wyatt, Sr
AutoCAD 2007 for Architecture Alan Jefferis, Mike Jones and Tereasa Jefferis
Autodesk Architectural Desktop—An Advanced Implementation Guide Paul F. Aubin and Matt Dillon
Learning and Applying Autodesk Inventor 2008 Step-by-Step L. Scott Hansen
Mastering Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 Paul F. Aubin
Domino 7 Application Development—Writing and Upgrading Applications for the Latest Lotus Notes Domino Platform Dick McCarrick, Stephen Cooke, Timothy Speed and Raphael Savir
Inside the Index and Search Engines—Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Patrick Tisseghem and Lars Fastrup
Professional Windows PowerShell for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 Joezer Cookey-Gam et al
Qmail Quickstarter—Install, Set Up, and Run Your Own Email Server—A Fast-Paced and Easy-to-Follow, Step-by-Step Guide That Gets You Up and Running Quickly Kyle Wheeler
Professional Community Server Themes Wyatt Preul and Ben Tiedt
Lotus Notes Developer’s Toolbox—Tips for Rapid and Successful Deployment Mark Elliott
Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Administrator's Pocket Consultant Ben Curry
SharePoint 2007 and Office Development Expert Solutions Randy Holloway, Andrej Kyselica and Steve Caravajal
Understanding IBM Workplace Strategy & Products—A New Approach to People Productivity, 2nd Edition Ron Sebastian and Douglas W. Spencer
E-Mail Rules—A Business Guide to Managing Policies, Security, and Legal Issues for E-Mail and Digital Communications Nancy Flynn and Randolph Kahn
Working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, Second Edition Jim Steger and Mike Snyder
SAS Intelligence Platform—Overview, Second Edition SAS Institute
Successful Business Intelligence-Secrets to Making BI a Killer App Cindi Howson
Building and Maintaining a Data Warehouse Fon Silvers
The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, Second Edition Ralph Kimball et al
Creating your MySQL Database—Practical Design Tips and Techniques—A Short Guide for Everyone on How to Structure Their Data and Set Up Their MySQL Database Tables Efficiently and Easily Marc Delisle
Data Collection—Planning for and Collecting All Types of Data Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Cathy A. Stawarski
Data Conversion—Calculating the Monetary Benefits Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Holly Burkett
DB2 9 for Developers Philip K. Gunning
DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows—DBA Guide, Reference, and Exam Prep, Sixth Edition George Baklarz and Paul C. Zikopoulos
Enterprise Master Data Management—An SOA Approach to Managing Core Information Allen Dreibelbis et al.
Getting Started with SAS Activity-Based Management 6.4 SAS Institute
Physical Database Design—The Database Professional’s Guide to Exploiting Indexes, Views, Storage, and More Sam Lightstone, Toby Teorey and Tom Nadeau
Pro SQL Server 2005 Disaster Recovery James Luetkehoelter
Understanding DB2—Learning Visually with Examples, Second Edition Raul F. Chong, Xiaomei Wang, Michael Dang and Dwaine R. Snow
Practical Guide to Business Continuity Assurance Andrew McCrackan
Business Continuity Strategies—Protecting Against Unplanned Disasters, 3rd Edition Kenneth N. Myers
Disaster Recovery Testing—Exercising Your Contingency Plan, (2007 Edition) Philip Jan Rothstein
Integrated Business Continuity—Maintaining Resilience in Uncertain Times Geary W. Sikich
Documentum Content Management Foundations—EMC Proven Professional Certification Exam E20-120 Study Guide Pawan Kumar
Implementing Electronic Document and Record Management Systems Azad Adam
Web Content Management with Documentum—Set up, Design, Develop, and Deploy Documentum Applications Gaurav Kathuria
New Directions in Research on E-Commerce Charles Steinfield (ed)
Agent Technology for E-Commerce Maria Fasli
ebXML Simplified—A Guide to the New Standard for Global E-Commerce Eric Chiu
Beyond E-Learning—Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance Marc J. Rosenberg
mLearning—Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of your Hand David S. Metcalf II and John M. De Marco
The E-Learning Revolution—From Propositions To Reality Martyn Sloman
e-Service—New Directions in Theory and Practice Roland T. Rust and P.K. Kannan (eds)
Managing Strategic Enterprise Systems and e-Government Initiatives in Asia—A Casebook Pan Shan-Ling (ed)
Introduction to Mobile Advertising—How to Setup, Create and Manage Ads for Mobile Telephones Lawrence Harte
Mobile Marketing—Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Wireless Technology Alex Michael and Ben Salter
SAP FI CO—Questions and Answers V. Narayanan
Upgrading SAP M. Sens
Mastering Enterprise SOA with SAP NetWeaver and mySAP ERP Scott Campbell and Vamsi Mohun
SAP R/3 FI—Transactions V.K. Narayanan
SAP SCM—Applications and Modeling For Supply Chain Management (With BW Primer) Daniel C. Wood
SAP R/3 Handbook, Third Edition Jose Antonio Hernandez, Jim Keogh and Franklin Martinez
Lessons in Grid Computing—The System Is a Mirror Stuart Robbins
A Networking Approach to Grid Computing Daniel Minoli
A Specially Commissioned Report—The Freedom of Information Act Susan Singleton
Business Process Management with JBoss jBPM A Practical Guide for Business Analysis—Develop Business Process Models for Implementation in a Business Process Management System Matt Cumberlidge
Enriching the Value Chain—Infrastructure Strategies Beyond the Enterprise Bruce Robertson and Valentin Sribar
Geo-Business GIS in the Digital Organization James B. Pick
Healthcare Informatics C. William Hanson III
Information Systems for Healthcare Management, 6th Edition Charles J. Austin and Stuart B. Boxerman
Intelligent Innovation—Four Steps to Achieving a Competitive Edge John A. Cogliandro
Introducing Information Management—The Business Approach Matthew Hinton (ed)
ITIL v3 Foundations Certification Training Stephen Bajada
Managing IT Innovation for Business Value—Practical Strategies for IT and Business Managers Esther Baldwin and Martin Curley
Optimizing Applications for Multi-Core Processors—Using the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives, Second Edition Stewart Taylor
Measuring the Business Value of Information Technology—Practical Strategies for IT and Business Managers David S. Sward
An Executive’s Guide to Information Technology—Principles, Business Models, and Terminology Robert Plant and Stephen Murrell
Business Strategies for the Next-Generation Network Nigel Seel
Internet and Digital Economics Eric Brousseau and Nicolas Curien
The Consequences of Information—Institutional Implications of Technological Change Jannis Kallinikos
Computers—Systems, Terms and Acronyms, 16th Edition M. Susan Hodges
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Third Edition Gavriel Salvendy
IT Made E-Z—A Guide to the Information Technology Industry Patrick H. Bowman
Microsoft Solutions Framework Essentials—Building Successful Technology Solutions Michael S. V. Turner
Doing Deals in the Software Industry—Top Executives on Partnerships, Financings, M&A and More Aspatore Books Staff
Managing Infrastructure using ITIL SkillSoft Press
ROI of Software Process Improvement—Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers David F. Rico
Customer-Driven IT—How Users are Shaping Technology Industry Growth David Moschella
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator's Companion Steven D. Kaczmarek
Microsoft Windows PowerShell Step by Step Ed Wilson
High-Performance Computing—Paradigm and Infrastructure Laurence T. Yang and Minyi Guo
Intelligent Distributed Video Surveillance Systems Sergio A. Velastin and Paolo Remagnino
Microsoft Windows Administrator's Automation Toolkit Don Jones
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration Guide Novell, Inc
Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Administration Guide Novell, Inc
Professional MOM 2005, SMS 2003, and WSUS Randy Holloway
Managing Microsoft's Remote Installation Services—A Practical Guide Søren Rasmussen and Michael Iversen
Essentials of Capacity Management Reginald Tomas Yu-Lee
ISO 9001—2000 Audit Procedures, Second Edition Ray Tricker
Practical Support for ISO 9001 Software Project Documentation—Using IEEE Software Engineering Standards Susan K. Land and John W. Walz
IT Governance—Managing Information Technology for Business David Norfolk
Mainframe Basics for Security Professionals—Getting Started with RACF Ori Pomerantz, Barbara Vander Weele, Mark Nelson and Tim Hahn
How to Cheat at Administering Office Communications Server 2007 Anthony Piltzecker
Pro InfoPath 2007 Philo Janus
RibbonX—Customizing the Office 2007 Ribbon Robert Martin, Ken Puls and Teresa Hennig
6 Microsoft Office Business Applications for Office SharePoint Server 2007 Rob Barker
Excel 2007 for Scientists and Engineers Gerard Verschuuren
Excel 2007 Advanced Report Development Timothy Zapawa
Excel 2007 Data Analysis For Dummies Stephen L. Nelson
Excel for Accountants Conrad Carlberg
John Walkenbach’s Favorite Excel 2007 Tips & Tricks John Walkenbach
Microsoft Office Excel 2007—Data Analysis and Business Modeling Wayne L. Winston
Asterisk Hacking Ben Chapman and Champ Clark
DNS in Action—A Detailed and Practical Guide to DNS Implementation, Configuration, and Administration Libor Dostalek and Alena Kabelova
Juniper Networks Secure Access SSL VPN Configuration Guide Neil Wyler (ed)
Packet Forwarding Technologies Weidong Wu
Voice Over IPv6—Architectures for Next Generation VoIP Networks Daniel Minoli
Voice Over WLANs—The Complete Guide Michael F. Finneran
Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks—Principles, Protocols, and Applications Subir Kumar Sarkar, T. G. Basavaraju and C. Puttamadappa
Emerging Technologies in Wireless LANs—Theory, Design, and Deployment Benny Bing (ed)
Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN Shao-Qiu Xiao, Ming-Tuo Zhou and Yan Zhang (eds)
Optimizing and Testing WLANs—Proven Techniques for Maximum Performance Tom Alexander
The Book of Wireless—A Painless Guide to Wi - Fi and Broadband Wireless, 2nd Edition John Ross
Configuring IPCop Firewalls—Closing Borders with Open Source—How to Set up, Configure, and Manage Your Linux Firewall, Web Proxy, DHCP, DNS, Time Server, and VPN with This Powerful Open Source Solution Barrie Dempster and James Eaton-Lee
Mastering OpenLDAP—Configuring, Securing, and Integrating Directory Services Matt Butcher
Open Source Fuzzing Tools Gadi Evron et al
Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using Open Source Tools, Second Edition Christian B. Lahti and Roderick Peterson
Snort IDS and IPS Toolkit — Featuring Jay Beale and Members of the Snort Team Andrew R. Baker and Joel Esler
The Book of PF—A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall Peter N.M. Hansteen
The Open Source Alternative—Understanding Risks and Leveraging Opportunities Heather J. Meeker
Zimbra—Implement, Administer and Manage—Get Your Organization up and Running with Zimbra, Fast Marty Resnick and David Touitou
Absolute FreeBSD—The Complete Guide to FreeBSD, 2nd Edition Michael W. Lucas
Open Source—Technology and Policy Fadi P. Deek and James A. M. McHugh
Ubuntu Linux Toolbox—1000+ Commands for Ubuntu and Debian Power Users Christopher Negus and François Caen
Linux Bible—Boot Up Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, and 11 Other Distributions, 2007 Edition Christopher Negus
RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302), Fifth Edition Michael Jang
SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Start-Up Guide Novell, Inc
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Deployment Guide Novell, Inc
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10—Installation and Administration Novell, Inc
Fedora 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible Christopher Negus
Linux Bible—Boot Up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and 11 Other Distributions, 2008 Edition Christopher Negus
Linux Thin Client Networks Design and Deployment—A Quick Guide for System Administrators David Richards
Linux+ Certification Study Guide Robb H. Tracy
MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-643)—Configuring Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure J.C. Mackin and Anil Desai
Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals Anthony Piltzecker (ed)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Administration Steve Seguis
Pro Windows PowerShell Hristo Deshev
Windows Administration Resource Kit—Productivity Solutions for IT Professionals Dan Holme
Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant, Second Edition William Stanek
Windows Group Policy Resource Kit—Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista Derek Melber
Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide Ed Wilson
Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Resource Kit Stan Reimer, Conan Kezema, Mike Mulcare, Byron Wright and The Microsoft Active Directory Team
Windows Server 2008 Administrator's Pocket Consultant William R. Stanek
Windows Server 2008 Inside Out William R. Stanek
Windows Server 2008 Networking and Network Access Protection (NAP) Joseph Davies and Tony Northrup
Windows Server 2008 PKI and Certificate Security Brian Komar
Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit Jesper M. Johansson and The Microsoft Security Team
Windows Server 2008—Implementation and Administration Barrie Sosinsky
Mac OS X Leopard—All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Mark L. Chambers
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-622)—Supporting and Troubleshooting Applications on a Windows Vista Client for Enterprise Support Technicians Tony Northrup and J.C. Mackin
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70–623)—Supporting and Troubleshooting Applications on a Windows Vista Client for Consumer Support Technicians Anil Desai
Alan Simpson’s Windows Vista Bible Alan Simpson and Todd Meister
Mac OS X Leopard Just the Steps for Dummies Keith Underdahl
Microsoft Windows Vista Administration Anthony T. Velte, Dennis R. Glendenning and Toby J. Velte
UNIX—The Complete Reference, Second Edition Kenneth H. Rosen
Windows Vista Plain & Simple Jerry Joyce and Marianne Moon
Windows Vista Resource Kit Mitch Tulloch, Tony Northrup and Jerry Honeycutt
Windows Vista Secrets Brian Livingston and Paul Thurrott
Windows Vista—The L Line, The Express Line to Learning Michael Meskers
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, Second Edition William R. Stanek
Adobe Acrobat 8 PDF Bible Ted Padova
Visio 2007 Bible Bonnie Biafore
Intelligent Virtual World—Technologies and Applications in Distributed Virtual Environment Timothy K. Shih and Paul P. Wang
Outsourcing—The Definitive View, Applications, and Implications Nicholas C. Burkholder
Fix Your Own PC, Eighth Edition Corey Sandler
CompTIA A+ Certification Workbook For Dummies Faithe Wempen
Upgrading & Fixing PCs for Dummies, 7th Edition Andy Rathbone
Corporate Portals Empowered with XML and Web Services Anura Guruge
Enterprise Knowledge Portals—Next-Generation Portal Solutions for Dynamic Information Access, Better Decision Making, and Maximum Results Heidi Collins
Implementing E-Procurement Maureen Reason and Eric Evans
Determining Project Requirements Hans Jonasson
Managing Politics and Conflict in Projects Brian Irwin
PMP—Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide Deluxe Edition, Second Edition Kim Heldman, Claudia Baca and Patti Jensen
Project Decisions—The Art And Science Lev Virine and Michael Trumper
Project Management in New Product Development Bruce T. Barkley
The Principles of Project Management Meri Williams
Cyber Forensics—A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes, Second Edition Albert J. Marcella, Jr. and Doug Menendez
Digital Privacy—Theory, Technologies, and Practices Alessandro Acquisti, Stefanos Gritzalis, Costas Lambrinoudakis and Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (eds)
Foundations of Mac OS X Leopard Security Charles S. Edge, Jr., William Barker and Zack Smith
Foundations of Security—What Every Programmer Needs to Know Neil Daswani, Christoph Kern and Anita Kesavan
Hacking Web Services Shreeraj Shah
Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 2 Harold F. Tipton and Micki Krause
Mechanics of User Identification and Authentication—Fundamentals of Identity Management Dobromir Todorov
Metasploit Toolkit—For Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability Research David Maynor et al
Modern Cryptanalysis—Techniques for Advanced Code Breaking Christopher Swenson
Perl Scripting for Windows Security—Live Response, Forensic Analysis, and Monitoring Harlan Carvey
Pluggable Authentication Modules—The Definitive Guide to PAM for Linux SysAdmins and C Developers—A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to PAM for Linux How Modules Work and How to Implement Them Kenneth Geisshirt
Techno Security’s Guide to Managing Risks for IT Managers, Auditors, and Investigators Jack Wiles
Testing Code Security Maura A. van der Linden
The Best Damn IT Security Management Book Period Susan Snedaker et al
Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit Harlan Carvey and Dave Kleiman
CISSP—All-in-One Exam Guide, Fourth Edition Shon Harris
No Book Title Authors Link
Administering Windows Server 2008 Server Core John P. Mueller
Ajax - The Complete Reference Thomas A. Powell
AJAX, Rich Internet Applications, and Web Development for Programmers Paul J. Deitel
Beginning C# 2008 Databases - From Novice to Professional Vidya Vrat Agarwal
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX Laurence Moroney
CISSP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Fourth Edition Shon Harris
CompTIA A+ Exam Prep (Exams A+ Essentials, 220-602, 220-603, 220-604) Charles J. Brooks
Excel 2007 for Scientists and Engineers Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren
Handbook of Research on Public Information Technology G. David Garson
Implementing SAP ERP Sales & Distribution Glynn C. Williams
Introducing AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 George Omura
Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Evangelos Petroutsos
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - The Complete Reference Dave Gochberg
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 - The Complete Reference David Matthew Sterling
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 - The Complete Reference Danielle Ruest
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Administration STEVE SEGUIS
Pro ASP.NET 3.5 Server Controls and AJAX Components Rob Cameron
Rightshore - Successfully Industrialize SAP Projects Offshore Anja Hendel
SAP Business Information Warehouse Reporting Peter Jones
Web Sites Do-It-Yourself For Dummies Janine Warner
Windows Server 2008 - UNLEASHED Rand Morimoto
Windows Server 2008 Networking and Network Access Protection (NAP) Joseph Davies
Actionable Web Analytics - Using Data To Make Smart Business Decisions Jason Burby
ASP.NET AJAX Programmer’s Reference with ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET 3.5 Dr. Shahram Khosravi
CompTIA RFID Study Guide and Practice Exam (RF0-001) Dr. Paul Sanghera
Design Accessible Web Sites - Thirty-Six Keys to Creating Content for All Audiences and Platforms Jeremy J. Sydik
Drupal 5 Themes Ric Shreves
Emerging Spatial Information Systems And Applications Brian N. Hilton
Enterprise Management with SAP SEM Business Analytics Marco Meier
Fedora 7 & Red Hat Enterprise Linux - The Complete Reference Richard Petersen
Maya 8 - The Complete Reference Tom Meade
Mike Meyers Certification Passport - Comptia Rfid+ Mark Brown
Pgmp - Program Management Professional Exam Study Guide Dr. Paul Sanghera
Pro ASP.NET for SQL Server - High Performance Data Access for Web Developers Brennan Stehling
Professional Community Server Wyatt Preul
Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP - A Developer’s Guide to SEO Jaimie Sirovich
Programming ASP.NET AJAX Christian Wenz
Spatial Database Systems - Design, Implementation and Project Management ALBERT K.W. YEUNG
Testing SAP R3 - A Manager's Step by Step Guide JOSE FAJARDO
The Handbook of Mobile Middleware Paolo Bellavista
Web Development Solutions - Ajax, APIs, Libraries, and Hosted Services Made Easy Christian Heilmann
Frontiers of Geographic Information Technology Sanjay Rana
Implementation Strategies for SAP R3 in a Multinational Organization Chetan S. Sankar
Making IT Governance Work in a Sarbanes-Oxley JAAP BLOEM
Search Engine Optimization - An Hour a Day Jennifer Grappone
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, 2nd Edition Peter Kent
Security Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 IT Compliance - Authorization, Authentication,and Access Dennis C. Brewer
The Joy of SOX - Why Sarbanes-Oxley and Service-Oriented Architecture May Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You Hugh Taylor
Absolute BSD—The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD Michael Lucas
Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of SOFTWARE ENGINEERING DAVID A. GUSTAFSON
Effective Web Design, 2nd Edition Ann Navarro
Hack Proofing Your E-commerce Site Ryan Russell
Professional ASP.NET Web Services Russ Basiura
The SAP R3 Guide to EDI and Interfaces, 2nd Edition Axel Angeli
Accelerated VB 2008 Guy Fouché and Trey Nash
APIs at Work, Second Edition Bruce Vining, Doug Pence and Ron Hawkins
AppleScript—The Comprehensive Guide to Scripting and Automation on Mac OS X, Second Edition Hanaan Rosenthal
Bluetooth Essentials for Programmers Albert S. Huang and Larry Rudolph
Building Software—A Practitioner's Guide Nikhilesh Krishnamurthy and Amitabh Saran
C++ Standard Library Practical Tips Greg Reese
Computer Algorithms C++, Second Edition Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Sanguthevar Rajasekeran
Effective Software Maintenance and Evolution—A Reuse-Based Approach Stanislaw Jarzabek
Estimating Software Costs—Bringing Realism to Estimating, Second Edition Capers Jones
Expert C++ CLI—.NET for Visual C++ Programmers Marcus Heege
Facebook API Developers Guide Wayne Graham
Facebook Application Development Nick Gerakines
Foundation Flex for Designers Greg Goralski and LordAlex Leon
Foundations of F# Robert Pickering
Getting Results from Software Development Teams Lawrence J. Peters
Handbook of Constraint Programming—Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Francesca Rossi, Peter van Beek and Toby Walsh (eds)
Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2008 Ivor Horton
Learn to Tango with D Kris Macleod Bell, Lars Ivar Igesund, Seán Kelly and Michael Parker
LINQ Quickly—A Practical Guide to Programming Language Integrated Query with C# N. Satheesh Kumar
Microprocessors—From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC18Fxx2 Bryan A. Jones
Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 Step by Step George Shepherd
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step Michael Halvorson
OSWorkflow—A Guide for Java Developers and Architects to Integrating Open-Source Business Process Management Diego Adrian Naya Lazo
Path-Oriented Program Analysis J. C. Huang
Persistence in the Enterprise—A Guide to Persistence Technologies Roland Barcia et al
Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Third Edition Andrew Troelsen
Pro WPF in C# 2008—Windows Presentation Foundation with .NET 3.5, Second Edition Matthew MacDonald
Professional ASP.NET 3.5—In C# and VB Bill Evjen, Scott Hanselman and Devin Rader
Professional C# 2008 Christian Nagel et al
Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming—Building Applications for Mobile Safari Richard Wagner
Professional Wikis Mark S. Choate
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming—Snap-ins, Cmdlets, Hosts, and Providers Arul Kumaravel et al
Professional XNA Programming—Building Games for Xbox 360 and Windows with XNA Game Studio 2.0, Second Edition Benjamin Nitschke
Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C—Learning to Fly the PIC 24 Lucio Di Jasio
Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 Dino Esposito
Programming Microsoft LINQ Paolo Pialorsi and Marco Russo
Programming Microsoft Office Business Applications Steve Fox et al
Programming Microsoft Robotics Studio Sara Morgan
Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2008—The Language Donis Marshall
Programming Windows Services with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Michael Gernaey
Real-Time Systems Development Rob Williams
Software Design Methodology Hong Zhu
Software Development Rhythms—Harmonizing Agile Practices for Synergy Kim Man Lui and Keith C. C. Chan
Software Studies—A Lexicon Matthew Fuller (ed)
Taking Your iPod touch to the Max Erica Sadun
The Enterprise and Scrum Ken Schwaber
Using Aspect-Oriented Programming for Trustworthy Software Development Vladimir O. Safonov
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer’s Reference Rod Stephens
Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning—Concepts, Models, Software and Case Studies, Third Edition Hartmut Stadtler and Christoph Kilger (eds)
Supply Chain Management on Demand—Strategies, Technologies, Applications Chae An and Hansjörg Fromm (eds)
How to Cheat at Configuring VmWare ESX Server David Rule Jr
Professional XEN Virtualization William von Hagen
The Best Damn Server Virtualization Book Period—Including Vmware, Xen, and Microsoft Virtual Server Kris Buytaert et al
Professional VMware Server Eric Hammersley
Scripting VMware Power Tools—Automating Virtual Infrastructure Administration Al Muller
Virtualization with Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Rogier Dittner
Beginning EJB 3 Application Development—From Novice to Professional Raghu R. Kodali, Jonathan Wetherbee and Peter Zadrozny
Beginning PHP and MySQL—From Novice to Professional, Third Edition W. Jason Gilmore
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX—From Novice to Professional Laurence Moroney
Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Using HTML & CSS Ian Lloyd
Building a Web Site for Dummies, 3rd Edition David A. Crowder
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6—Design, Build, Test, and Debug Service-Oriented Applications with Ease Using XML, BPEL, and Java Web Services Frank Jennings and David Salter
Dreamweaver CS3 Bible Joseph Lowery
Foundation ActionScript 3.0 with Flash CS3 and Flex Steve Webster, Todd Yard and Sean McSharry
Go Google—20 Ways to Reach More Customers and Build Revenue with Google Business Tools Greg Holden
Guide to the Unified Process Featuring UML, Java and Design Patterns John Hunt
HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible, Fourth Edition Steven M. Schafer
Introducing Microsoft Expression Studio—Using Design, Web, Blend, and Media to Create Professional Digital Content Greg Holden
Java EE 5 Development using GlassFish Application Server David R. Heffelfinger
Landing Page Optimization—The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions Tim Ash
Learning PHP Data Objects—A Beginner's Guide to PHP Data Objects, Database Connection Abstraction Library for PHP 5 Dennis Popel
Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications—Patterns & Practices J.D. Meier et al
PHP Oracle Web Development—Data Processing, Security, Caching, XML, Web Services, and AJAX Yuli Vasiliev
PHP Security & Cracking Puzzles Alex Michael and Ben Salter
Practical JavaScript, DOM Scripting, and Ajax Projects Frank W. Zammetti
Practical Reporting with Ruby and Rails David Berube
Pro ASP.NET 3.5 Server Controls and AJAX Components Rob Cameron and Dale Michalk
Pro Netbeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition Adam Myatt, Brian Leonard and Geertjan Wielenga
Pro PHP—Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More Kevin McArthur
Pro Web 2.0 Mashups—Remixing Data and Web Services Raymond Yee
Professional IIS 7.0 Ken Schaefer et al
Rails Solutions—Ruby on Rails Made Easy Justin Williams
Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects—A Step-By-Step Tutorial to Building Web Mashups Chang Sau Sheong
SOA and WS-BPEL—Composing Service-Oriented Solutions with PHP and ActiveBPEL Yuli Vasiliev
Struts 2 Design and Programming—A Tutorial Budi Kurniawan
The Art & Science Of JavaScript Cameron Adams et al
The CSS Anthology—101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks, Second Edition Rachel Andrew
The Definitive Guide to Django—Web Development Done Right Adrian Holovaty and Jacob Kaplan-Moss
The Ultimate CSS Reference Tommy Olsson and Paul O'Brien
The Ultimate HTML Reference Ian Lloyd
Web Development Solutions—Ajax, APIs, Libraries, and Hosted Services Made Easy Christian Heilmann and Mark Norman Francis
WebSphere Business Integration Primer—Process Server, BPEL, SCA and SOA Ashok Iyengar, Vinod Jessani and Michele Chilanti
XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition Michael Kay
Professional Apache Tomcat 6 Vivek Chopra, Sing Li and Jeff Genender
Google Power Tools Bible Ted Coombs and Roderico DeLeon
Google Powered—Productivity with Online Tools Jerri L. Ledford
Killer Web Content—Make the Sale, Deliver the Service, Build the Brand Gerry McGovern
IBM WebSphere–Deployment and Advanced Configuration Roland Barcia, Bill Hines, Tom Alcott and Keys Botzum
Automated Web Testing Toolkit—Expert Methods for Testing and Managing Web Applications Diane Stottlemyer

For more Information:
* Software Engineering Books, Computer Programming Books, Computer Security Books, Computer Forensics, Supply Chain Management Books, Database Management Books, Computer Networking Books, Project Management Books, Customer Relationship Management Books,*


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Digital Engineering Library. Science, Engineering and Technology Books. Engineering Management Books. Electrical Engineering Books.Quality Engineering

Found >50 New Science, Engineering and Technology Books Arrivals - 19 September 2008.

Category Book_Title Authors
======== ========== ==========

BioEngineering Science Business—The Promise, The Reality, and The Future of Biotech Gary P. Pisano
Chemical Engineering Additive Migration from Plastics into Foods—A Guide for Analytical Chemists T. R. Crompton
Chemical Engineering Green Chemistry and Engineering Mukesh Doble and Anil Kumar
Chemical Engineering Low Environmental Impact Polymers Nick Tucker and Mark Johnson (eds)
Chemical Engineering The Science of Ice Cream Chris Clarke
Civil Engineering, Architecture, Building, Construction Contractor’s Guide to Green Building Construction—Management, Project Delivery, Documentation, and Risk Reduction Thomas E. Glavinich
Engineering Communications - Electromagnetics, Radar, Microwave, Wireless, Satellite Applied Electromagnetics Using Quickfield and MATLAB J. R. Claycomb
Engineering Communications - Electromagnetics, Radar, Microwave, Wireless, Satellite Digital Communication Systems Using SystemVue Dennis Silage
Engineering Communications - Electromagnetics, Radar, Microwave, Wireless, Satellite Infrared System Engineering Richard D. Hudson, Jr
Engineering Communications - Electromagnetics, Radar, Microwave, Wireless, Satellite Introduction to Electronic Defense Systems, Second Edition Filippo Neri
Engineering Communications - Electromagnetics, Radar, Microwave, Wireless, Satellite Introduction to RF Stealth David Lynch, Jr
Engineering Communications - Electromagnetics, Radar, Microwave, Wireless, Satellite The Advanced Communications Technology Satellite—An Insider’s Account of the Emergence of Interactive Broadband Services in Space Richard T. Gedney, Ronald Schertler and Frank Gargione
Controls, Sensors, Measurement, Instrumentation Practical Process Control for Engineers and Technicians Wolfgang Altmann
Controls, Sensors, Measurement, Instrumentation Sensor Technology Handbook Jon S. Wilson
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Benoit Boulet
Electrical Engineering Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems Sam Siewert
Electronic Engineering Advanced Electronic Packaging, Second Edition Richard K. Ulrich and William D. Brown (eds)
Electronic Engineering Advanced Semiconductor Devices—Proceedings of The 2006 Lester Eastman Conference Michael S. Shur, Paul Maki and James Kolodzey (eds)
Electronic Engineering Electron-Gated Ion Channels—With Amplification by NH3 Inversion Resonance. NeuroScience Wilson P. Ralston
Electronic Engineering HDL Programming Fundamentals—VHDL and Verilog Nazeih M. Botros
Electronic Engineering Resistor Theory and Technology Felix Zandman, Paul-Rene Simon and Joseph Szwarc
Electronic Engineering Verilog for Digital Design Frank Vahid and Roman Lysecky
Environmental Engineering Environmental Compliance Manual—A Guide to Pollution Control Regulations J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc
Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering, Fifth Edition Joseph A. Salvato, Nelson L. Nemerow and Franklin J. Agardy
Engineering Management & General Engineering Exposure and Lighting For Digital Photographers Only Michael Meadhra and Charlotte K. Lowrie
Engineering Management & General Engineering System Verification—Proving the Design Solution Satisfies the Requirements Jeffrey Grady
Marine Engineering Introduction to Nearshore Hydrodynamics Ib A. Svendsen
Materials Science Ageing of Rubber—Accelerated Weathering and Ozone Test Results R. P. Brown, T. Butler and S. W. Hawley
Materials Science Alumina as a Ceramic Material Walter H. Gitzen
Materials Science An Introduction to Ceramic Engineering Design David E. Clark and Diane C. Folz (eds)
Materials Science Chemistry of Glass W. Vogel
Materials Science Glass Ceramic Technology Wolfram Höland and George Beall
Materials Science Handbook of Polymer Foams David Eaves
Materials Science Photonic Glasses Fuxi Gan and Lei Xu (eds)
Materials Science SiC Materials and Devices, Volume 1 Michael Shur, Sergey Rumyantsev and Michael Levinshtein (eds)
Materials Science SiC Materials and Devices, Volume 2 Michael Shur, Sergey Rumyantsev and Michael Levinshtein (eds)
Mathematics A First Course in Fourier Analysis, 2nd Edition David W. Kammler
Mathematics Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, Seventh Edition I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik
Mechanical Engineering & Machinery Dynamic Fracture Mechanics Arun Shukla (ed)
Mechanical Engineering & Machinery Gear Geometry and Applied Theory, Second Edition Faydor L. Litvin and Alfonso Fuentes
Mechanical Engineering & Machinery Practical Machinery Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance Cornelius Scheffer and Paresh Girdhar
Mechanical Engineering & Machinery Smithells Metals Reference Book, Eighth Edition W. F Gale and T. C. Totemeier (eds)
Nanotechnology Processing and Properties of Nanocomposites Suresh G. Advani
Nanotechnology Progress in Nanotechnology The American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
Petroleum Engineering, Geological Advanced Reservoir Engineering Tarek Ahmed and Paul D. McKinney
Petroleum Engineering, Geological Elements of Petroleum Geology, Second Edition Richard C. Selley
Petroleum Engineering, Geological Piping Materials—Selection and Applications Peter Smith
Petroleum Engineering, Geological Synthetic Fuels Handbook—Properties, Process, and Performance James G. Speight
Power & Energy Power Sources and Supplies—World Class Designs Marty Brown
Power & Energy Practical Power System Protection Les Hewitson, Mark Brown and Ben Ramesh
Power & Energy Troubleshooting Switching Power Converters—A Hands-on Guide Sanjaya Maniktala
Engineering Safety, Quality, Reliability, Maintenanability 100 Years in Maintenance and Reliability—Practical Lessons from Three Lifetimes at Process Plants V. Narayan, Jim Wardhaugh and Mahen Das
Transportation Engineering, Urban Design Transport Communications—Understanding Global Networks Enabling Transport Services John Tiffin and Chris Kissling
Water Systems & Technology Basic Water Treatment, Third Edition Chris Binnie, Martin Kimber and George Smethurst
Water Systems & Technology Hybrid Membrane Systems for Water Purification—Technology, Systems Design and Operation Rajindar Singh
Water Systems & Technology Understanding Water Quality Management—Technology & Applications W. Wesley Eckenfelder and William Ney Hansard

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