*********** Here are 328 New Science And Engineering Books added on July 2014. *************
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No Book Title Authors ISBN No
1 2012 International Building Code Handbook Douglas W. Thornburg and John R. Henry 9780071801317
2 4G—LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband, Second Edition Erik Dahlman, Stefan Parkvall and Johan Sköld 9780124199859
3 A Guide to Writing as an Engineer, Fourth Edition David Beer and David McMurrey 9781118300275
4 AC Electric Motors Control—Advanced Design Techniques and Applications Fouad Giri (ed) 9781118331521
5 Academic Press Library in Signal Processing—Array and Statistical Signal Processing, Volume 3 Rama Chellappa and Sergios Theodoridis (eds) 9780124115972
6 Academic Press Library in Signal Processing—Communications and Radar Signal Processing, Volume 2 Sergios Theodoridis (ed) 9780123965004
7 Academic Press Library in Signal Processing—Image, Video Processing and Analysis, Hardware, Audio, Acoustic and Speech Processing, Volume 4 Sergios Theodoridis (ed) 9780123965011
8 Acoustics and Audio Technology, Third Edition Mendel Kleiner 9781604270525
9 Adaptive Filters—Theory and Applications, Second Edition Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny 9781119979548
10 Advanced Aircraft Design—Conceptual Design, Analysis and Optimization of Subsonic Civil Airplanes Egbert Torenbeek 9781118568118
11 Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin Film Solar Cells Daniel Abou-Ras, Thomas Kirchartz and Uwe Rau 9783527410033
12 Advanced Engineering and Computational Methodologies for Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics Shahin Sirouspour (ed) 9781466636347
13 Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Second Edition Constantine A. Balanis 9780470589489
14 Advanced Materials Science and Engineering of Carbon Michio Inagaki, Feiyu Kang, Masahiro Toyoda and Masahiro Toyoda 9780124077898
15 Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structural Elements, Third Edition Valery V. Vasiliev and Evgeny V. Morozov 9780080982311
16 Advanced RF MEMS Stepan Lucyszyn (ed) 9780521897716
17 Advanced Structural Damage Detection—From Theory to Engineering Applications Tadeusz Stepinski, Tadeusz Uhl and Wieslaw Staszewski 9781118422984
18 Advanced Theory of Constraint and Motion Analysis for Robot Mechanisms Jingshan Zhao, Zhijing Feng, Fulei Chu and Ning Ma 9780124201620
19 Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume Forty Six Stéphane P.A. Bordas (ed) 9780123965226
20 Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume Forty Five Ephraim M. Sparrow, Young I. Cho, John P. Abraham and John P. Abraham (eds) 9780124078192
21 Aircraft Basic Science, Eighth Edition Michael J. Kroes, James R. Rardon and Michael S. Nolan 9780071799171
22 Aircraft Powerplants, Eighth Edition Thomas W. Wild and Michael J. Kroes 9780071799133
23 Aircraft Propulsion Saeed Farokhi 9780470039069
24 Airport Systems—Planning, Design, and Management, Second Edition Richard de Neufville, Richard de Neufville, Peter Belobaba and Tom Reynolds 9780071770583
25 All-In-One Civil Engineering PE Exam Guide—Breadth and Depth, Second Edition Indranil Goswami 9780071787727
26 Aluminum–Lithium Alloys—Processing, Properties, and Applications N. Eswara Prasad, Amol A. Gokhale and R.J.H. Wanhill 9780124016989
27 An Introduction to Dust Explosions—Understanding the Myths and Realities of Dust Explosions for a Safer Workplace Paul Amyotte 9780123970077
28 An Introduction to Nuclear Waste Immobilisation, Second Edition M.I. Ojovan and W.E. Lee 9780080993928
29 Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations Lymon C. Reese, William M. Isenhower and Shin-Tower Wang 9780471431596
30 Analysis of Turbulent Flows with Computer Programs, Third Edition Tuncer Cebeci 9780080983356
31 Antenna Theory and Design, Third Edition Warren L. Stutzman and Gary A. Thiele 9780470576649
32 Arctic Pipeline Planning—Design, Construction, and Equipment Ramesh Singh 9780124165847
33 ASHRAE GreenGuide—Design, Construction, and Operation of Sustainable Buildings, Fourth Edition ASHRAE 9781936504558
34 Atomic Layer Deposition—Principles, Characteristics, and Nanotechnology Applications, 2nd Edition Tommi Kääriäinen, Tommi Kääriäinen, Marja-Leena Kääriäinen and Arthur Sherman 9781118062777
35 Aviation Maintenance Management, Second Edition Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui 9780071805025
36 BACnet—The Global Standard for Building Automation and Control Networks H. Michael Newman 9781606502884
37 Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria Brian M. Tissue 9780470592083
38 Beta Nucleation of Polypropylene—Properties, Technology, and Applications Philip Jacoby 9781455775453
39 BIM Handbook—A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors, Second Edition Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks and Kathleen Liston 9780470541371
40 Bioenergy Research—Advances and Applications Vijai K. Gupta, Maria G. Tuohy, Christian P. Kubicek, Jack Saddler and Feng Xu (eds) 9780444595614
41 Biofuels from Algae Ashok Pandey, Duu-Jong Lee, Yusuf Chisti and Carlos R. Soccol 9780444595584
42 Biofuels—Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion Processes Ashok Pandey, Christian Larroche, Christian Larroche, Christian Larroche and Christian Larroche (eds) 9780123850997
43 Biogas Production—Pretreatment Methods in Anaerobic Digestion Ackmez Mudhoo 9781118062852
44 Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook—Preprocessing, Mining, and Postprocessing of Biological Data Mourad Elloumi and Albert Y. Zomaya (eds) 9781118132739
45 Biomass Gasification, Pyrolysis, and Torrefaction—Practical Design and Theory, Second Edition Prabir Basu 9780123964885
46 Biomass-based Biocomposites Vijay Kumar Thakur and Amar Singh Singha (eds) 9781847359810
47 Biopolymers—Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal Michael Niaounakis 9781455731459
48 Biorefinery Co-Products—Phytochemicals, Primary Metabolites and Value-Added Biomass Processing Chantal Bergeron, Danielle Julie Carrier and Shri Ramaswamy 9780470973578
49 Blowing Agents & Foaming Processes 2013 Smithers Rapra 9781909030428
50 Body Area Networks—Safety, Security, and Sustainability Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Tridib Mukherjee and Krishna Kumar Venkatasubramanian 9781107021020
51 Building Type Basics for College and University Facilities, Second Edition David J. Neuman 9781118008027
52 Building Valve Amplifiers, Second Edition Morgan Jones 9780080966380
53 Ceramic Integration and Joining Technologies—From Macro to Nanoscale Mrityunjay Singh, Tatsuki Ohji, Rajiv Asthana and Sanjay Mathur (eds) 9780470391228
54 Characteristics and Analysis of Non-Flammable Polymers T.R. Crompton 9781847354679
55 Chemical Process Technology, Second Edition Jacob A. Moulijn, Michiel Makkee and Annelies S. Van Diepen 9781444320251
56 Classical and Modern Engineering Methods in Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer—An Introduction for Engineers and Students Abram Dorfman 9781606502693
57 Cleaning with Solvents—Science and Technology John Durkee 9781455731312
58 CMOS Multichannel Single-Chip Receivers for Multi-Gigabit Optical Data Communications Paul Muller and Yusuf Leblebici 9781402059117
59 Coal-Fired Power Generation Handbook James G. Speight 9781118208465
60 Commercial Airplane Design Principles Pasquale M. Sforza 9780124199538
61 Compact Multifunctional Antennas for Wireless Systems Eng Hock Lim and Kwok Wa Leung 9780470407325
62 Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete—Beams, Slabs, Columns, and Frames for Buildings, Third Edition R.P. Johnson 9781405100359
63 Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering, Second Edition David B. Davidson 9780521518918
64 Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction—Methods and Applications Yuri Bazilevs, Kenji Takizawa and Tayfun E. Tezduyar 9780470978771
65 Computational Materials Science—Surfaces, Interfaces, Crystallization A. M. Ovrutsky, A. S. Prokhoda and M. S. Rasshchupkyna 9780124201439
66 COMSOL for Engineers Mehrzad Tabatabaian 9781938549533
67 Control of Power Inverters in Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Integration Qing-Chang Zhong and Tomas Hornik 9780470667095
68 Control Systems Engineering, Sixth Edition Norman S. Nise 9780470547564
69 Convection Heat Transfer, Fourth Edition Adrian Bejan 9780470900376
70 Corrosing Protection against Carbon Dioxode Michael Schütze, Bernd Isecke and Roman Bender (eds) 9783527331451
71 Corrosion Control in the Oil and Gas Industry Sankara Papavinasam 9780123970220
72 Corrosion of Steel in Concrete—Prevention, Diagnosis, Repair, Second, Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition Luca Bertolini, Bernhard Elsener, Pietro Pedeferri, Elena Redaelli and Rob Polder 9783527331468
73 Coupled-Oscillator Based Active-Array Antennas Ronald J. Pogorzelski and Apostolos Georgiadis 9781118235294
74 Definitions, Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management Joe E. Amadi-Echendu, Kerry Brown, Roger Willet and Joseph Mathew 9781849961776
75 Deploying IPv6 in 3GPP Networks—Evolving Mobile Broadband from 2G to LTE and Beyond Jouni Korhonen, Teemu Savolainen and Jonne Soininen 9781118398296
76 Desalination Engineering—Planning and Design Nikolay Voutchkov 9780071777155
77 Design and Analysis of Composite Structures—With Applications to Aerospace Structures, Second Edition Christos Kassapoglou 9781118401606
78 Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants Rüdiger Meiswinkel, Julian Meyer and Jürgen Schnell 9783433030424
79 Design for Manufacturability—How to Use Concurrent Engineering to Rapidly Develop Low-Cost, High-Quality Products for Lean Production David M. Anderson 9781482204926
80 Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete—the CEN/TS 1992-4 Provisions Rainer Mallée, Werner Fuchs and Rolf Eligehausen (eds) 9783433030448
81 Design of Modern Communication Networks—Methods and Applications Christofer Larsson 9780124072381
82 Design Optimization of Active and Passive Structural Control Systems Nikos D. Lagaros, Vagelis Plevris and Chara Ch. Mitropoulou (eds) 9781466620292
83 Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory, Third Edition George Lunn and Eric B. Sansone 9780470487556
84 Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging—Inside Out, Second Edition Thomas L. Szabo 9780123964878
85 Digital Control Engineering—Analysis and Design, Second Edition M. Sami Fadali and Antonio Visioli 9780123943910
86 Digital Video Processing for Engineers—A Foundation for Embedded Systems Design Michael Parker and Suhel Dhanani 9780124157606
87 Digital Waveform Generation Pete Symons 9781107020979
88 Direct-Chill Casting of Light Alloys—Science and Technology John F. Grandfield, Dmitry G. Eskin and Ian F. Bainbridge 9781118022658
89 District Heating Guide ASHRAE 9781936504435
90 Disturbance Observer-Based Control—Methods and Applications Shihua Li, Jun Yang, Wen-Hua Chen and Xisong Chen 9781466515796
91 Domino Effects in the Process Industries—Modeling, Prevention and Managing Genserik Reniers and Valerio Cozzani 9780444543233
92 Drinking Water Security for Engineers, Planners, and Managers—Integrated Water Security Series Mary Kay Camarillo, William T. Stringfellow and Ravi Jain 9780124114661
93 Earthquake-Resistant Structures—Design, Build, and Retrofit Mohiuddin Ali Khan 9781856175012
94 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles—Technologies, Modeling and Control—A Mechatronic Approach Amir Khajepour, Saber Fallah and Avesta Goodarzi 9781118341513
95 Electrical Design of Overhead Power Transmission Lines Masoud Farzaneh, Shahab Farokhi and William A. Chisholm 9780071771917
96 Electrospinning—Materials, Processing, and Applications Joachim H. Wendorff, Seema Agarwal and Andreas Greiner 9783527320806
97 Elements of Structural Dynamics—A New Perspective Debasish Roy and G. Visweswara Rao 9781118339626
98 Emerging Technologies for 3D Video—Creation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering Frédéric Dufaux, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu and Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu 9781118355114
99 Encapsulation Nanotechnologies Vikas Mittal (ed) 9781118344552
100 Energy—Production, Conversion, Storage, Conservation, and Coupling Yasºar Demirel 9781447123712
101 Engineering Economic Analysis, Tenth Edition Donald G. Newnan, Jerome P. Lavelle and Ted G. Eschenbach 9780195335415
102 Engineering Tribology, Fourth Edition Gwidon W. Stachowiak and Andrew W. Batchelor 9780123970473
103 Enhanced Oil Recovery Field Case Studies James J. Sheng 9780123865458
104 Essentials of Positioning and Location Technology David Bartlett 9781107006218
105 Exterior Analysis—Using Applications of Differential Forms Erdogan Suhubi 9780124159020
106 Extractables & Leachables USA 2013 Smithers Rapra 9781909030664
107 Extrusion—The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook, Second Edition John R. Wagner Jr., Eldridge M. Mount III and Harold F. Giles Jr. 9781437734812
108 Fading and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications Stefan R. Paniæ, Mihajlo Stefanoviæ, Jelena Anastasov and Petar Spaleviæ 9781466508415
109 Failure Analysis–A Practical Guide for Manufacturers of Electronic Components and Systems Marius Bâzu and Titu Bãjenescu 9780470748244
110 Fast Chemical Reactions in Turbulent Flows—Theory and Practice Rustam Ya Deberdeev et al. 9781909030275
111 Fatigue of Materials II—Advances and Emergences in Understanding T.S. Srivatsan, M. Ashraf Imam and R. Srinivasan (eds) 9781118520932
112 Finite Element Analysis and Design of Metal Structures Ehab Ellobody, Ran Feng and Ben Young 9780124165618
113 Finite Element Analysis—A Primer S. M. Musa, A. V. Kulkarni and V. K. Havanur 9781938549342
114 Fischer – Tropsch Refining Arno de Klerk 9783527326051
115 Flow-Induced Vibrations—Classifications and Lessons from Practical Experiences, Second Edition Shigehiko Kaneko (ed) et al. 9780080983479
116 Fluid Dynamics of Oil Production Bakytzhan Zhumagulov and Valentin Monakhov 9780124166356
117 Fluid-Structure Interactions—Slender Structures and Axial Flow, Volume 1, Second Edition Michael P. Païdoussis 9780123973122
118 Foundations and Earth Retaining Structures Muni Budhu 9780471470120
119 Foundations of Organic Chemistry—Unity and Diversity of Structures, Pathways, and Reactions David R. Dalton 9780470479087
120 Fracking—The Operations and Environmental Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing Michael D. Holloway and Oliver Rudd 9781118496329
121 Fundamental Principles of Optical Lithography—The Science of Microfabrication Chris Mack 9780470727300
122 Fundamentals of Electro-Optic Systems Design: Communications, Lidar, and Imaging Sherman Karp and Larry B. Stotts 9781107021396
123 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Second Edition Behzad Razavi 9781118156322
124 Gas Turbine Emissions Timothy C. Lieuwen and Vigor Yang 9780521764056
125 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks James G. Speight 9780127999111
126 General Aviation Aircraft Design—Applied Methods and Procedures Snorri Gudmundsson 9780123973085
127 Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers—Developments in Petroleum Science, Volume 60 Fred Aminzadeh and Shivaji N. Dasgupta 9780444506627
128 Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes—Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics and Optics Ermin Malic and Andreas Knorr 9783527411610
129 Graphene—Carbon in Two Dimensions Mikhail I. Katsnelson 9780521195409
130 Green Power—Perspectives on Sustainable Electricity Generation João Neiva de Figueiredo and Mauro F. Guillén (eds) 9781466590489
131 Grid Integration and Dynamic Impact of Wind Energy Vijay Vittal and Raja Ayyanar 9781441993229
132 Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles in Open Electricity Markets Qiuwei Wu 9781118446072
133 Guide to Mitigating Spacecraft Charging Effects Henry B. Garrett and Albert C. Whittlesey 9781118186459
134 Guidelines for Auditing Process Safety Management Systems, Second Edition Center for Chemical Process Safety 9780470282359
135 Guidelines for Managing Process Safety Risks During Organizational Change Center for Chemical Process Safety 9781118379097
136 Handbook of Biopolymers and Biodegradable Plastics—Properties, Processing, and Applications Sina Ebnesajjad 9781455728343
137 Handbook of Environmental Engineering Assessment—Strategy, Planning, and Management Ravi Jain, Lloyd Urban, Harold Balbach and M. Diana Webb 9780123884442
138 Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas Saeid Mokhatab, John Y. Mak, Jaleel V. Valappil and David A. Wood 9780124045859
139 Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Volume 22 K.H.J. Buschow (ed) 9780444632913
140 Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control—Vademecum de Navium Motu Contra Aquas et de Motu Gubernando Thor I. Fossen 9781119991496
141 Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering, Two Volume Set Myer Kutz 9781118384633
142 Handbook of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo and Angel Concheiro (eds) 9781847359605
143 Handbook of Polymer Applications in Medicine and Medical Devices Kayvon Modjarrad and Sina Ebnesajjad (eds) 9780323228053
144 Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering John H. Klote et al. 9781936504244
145 Handbook of Thermoset Plastics, Third Edition Hanna Dodiuk and Sidney H. Goodman 9781455731077
146 Handbook of Troubleshooting Plastics Processes—A Practical Guide John R. Wagner 9780470639221
147 Heat Pipes—Theory, Design and Applications, Sixth Edition D.A. Reay, P.A. Kew and R.J. McGlen 9780080982663
148 Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and Microchannels, Second Edition Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stéphane Colin and Michael R. King 9780080983462
149 Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Rose Qingyang Hu and Yi Qian 9781119999126
150 Heterogeneous Networks in LTE-Advanced Joydeep Acharya, Long Gao and Sudhanshu Gaur 9781118511862
151 High Frequency Over the Horizon Radar—Fundamental Principles, Signal Processing, and Practical Applications Giuseppe Aureliano Fabrizio 9780071621274
152 HVAC Design Manual for Hospitals and Clinics, Second Edition ASHRAE 9781936504398
153 Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Fluids Technology Johannes Karl Fink 9780124114913
154 Hydrodynamics of Pumps Christopher E. Brennen 9781107002371
155 Hydrogen Generation, Storage, and Utilization Jin Zhong Zhang, Jinghong Li, Yat Li and Yiping Zhao 9781118140635
156 Image Registration—Principles, Tools and Methods A. Ardeshir Goshtasby 9781447124573
157 Impedimetric Biosensors for Medical Applications—Current Progress and Challenges Jo V. Rushworth et al. 9781606506363
158 Incidents That Define Process Safety John Atherton and Frederic Gil 9780470122044
159 Industrial and Process Furnaces—Principles, Design and Operation, Second Edition Peter Mullinger and Barrie Jenkins 9780080993775
160 Industrial Gas Flaring Practices Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff 9781118237878
161 Industrial Organic Chemicals, Third Edition Harold A. Wittcoff, Bryan G. Reuben and Jeffrey S. Plotkin 9780470537435
162 Industrial Problem Solving Simplified—An 8-Step Program Ralph R. Pawlak 9781430265771
163 Informatics for Materials Science and Engineering—Data-Driven Discovery for Accelerated Experimentation and Application Krishna Rajan 9780123943996
164 Innovative Graphene Technologies—Evaluation and Applications, Volume 2 Atul Tiwari and Alexander A. Balandin (eds) 9781909030220
165 In-Situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts José A. Rodriguez, Jonathan C. Hanson and Peter J. Chupas 9781118000168
166 Intelligent Planning for Mobile Robotics—Algorithmic Approaches Ritu Tiwari, Anupam Shukla and Rahul Kala 9781466620742
167 Internal Photoemission Spectroscopy—Fundamentals and Recent Advances, Second Edition Valery V. Afanas'ev 9780080999296
168 Introduction to Audio Analysis—A MATLAB Approach Theodoros Giannakopoulos and Aggelos Pikrakis 9780080993881
169 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing, Second Edition Bruce A. Finlayson 9780470932957
170 Introduction to Geochemistry—Principles and Applications Kula C. Misra 9781444350951
171 Introduction to Hybrid Vehicle System Modeling and Control Wei Liu 9781118308400
172 Introduction to MIMO Communications Jerry R. Hampton 9781107042834
173 Introduction to Naval Architecture, Fifth Edition Eric C. Tupper 9780080982373
174 Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering—With MATLAB Exercises, Fourth Edition Robert Grover Brown and Patrick Y. C. Hwang 9780470609699
175 Intuitive Analog Circuit Design, Second Edition Marc Thompson 9780124058668
176 Landslides in Practice—Investigations, Analysis, and Remedial/Preventative Options in Soils Derek H. Cornforth 9780471678168
177 Laser Welding of Plastics Rolf Klein 9783527409723
178 Lees' Process Safety Essentials—Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control Sam Mannan 9781856177764
179 Linear Feedback Controls—The Essentials Mark A. Haidekker 9780124058750
180 Lithium Batteries—Advanced Technologies and Applications Bruno Scrosati, K. M. Abraham, Walter Van Schalkwijk and Jusef Hassoun (eds) 9781118183656
181 Lithium-Ion Batteries—Advances and Applications Gianfranco Pistoia (ed) 9780444595133
182 LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless—Design and Measurement Challenges, Second Edition Moray Rumney (ed) 9781119962571
183 LTE-Advanced—A Practical Systems Approach to Understanding the 3GPP LTE Releases 10 and 11 Radio Access Technologies Sassan Ahmadi 9780124051621
184 Magnesium Technology 2011 Wim H. Sillekens, Sean R. Agnew, Neale R. Neelameggham and Suveen N. Mathaudhu (eds) 9781118029367
185 Materials Experience—Fundamentals of Materials and Design Elvin Karana, Owain Pedgley and Valentina Rognoli 9780080993591
186 Matrix Methods in the Design Analysis of Mechanisms and Multibody Systems John J. Uicker, Bahram Ravani and Pradip N. Sheth 9780521761093
187 Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook Peter R.N. Childs 9780080977591
188 Medical Imaging Technology Victor I. Mikla and Victor V. Mikla 9780124170216
189 Metal Failures—Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention, Second Edition Arthur J. McEvily 9781118163962
190 Micromechanics of Composites—Multipole Expansion Approach Volodymyr I. Kushch 9780124076839
191 Microstructure-Sensitive Design for Performance Optimization Brent L. Adams, Surya R. Kalidindi and David T. Fullwood 9780123969897
192 Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines Lars Eriksson and Lars Nielsen 9781118479995
193 Modeling the Environment—Techniques and Tools for the 3D Illustration of Dynamic Landscapes Bradley Cantrell and Natalie Yates 9780470902943
194 Modelling Freight Transport Lóránt Tavasszy and Gerard de Jong 9780124104006
195 Modern Physical Metallurgy, Eighth Edition R. E. Smallman and A. H. W. Ngan 9780080982045
196 Modern RF and Microwave Measurement Techniques Valeria Teppati, Andrea Ferrero and Andrea Ferrero (eds) 9781107036413
197 Modern Spectroscopy, Fourth Edition J. Michael Hollas 9780470844168
198 Molecular Sensors and Nanodevices—Principles, Designs and Applications in Biomedical Engineering John X.J. Zhang and Kazunori Hoshino 9781455776313
199 Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Supporting the Selection of Engineering Materials in Product Design Ali Jahan and Kevin L. Edwards 9780080993867
200 Multi-Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering—Developments and Applications Gade Pandu Rangaiah and Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet 9781118341667
201 Multiphase Flow Analysis Using Population Balance Modeling—Bubbles, Drops and Particles Guan Heng Yeoh, Chi Pok Cheung and Jiyuan Tu 9780080982298
202 Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry II Jie Jack Li and E. J. Corey 9780470085080
203 Nanofluidics and Microfluidics—Systems and Applications Shaurya Prakash and Junghoon Yeom 9781437744699
204 Nanostructured Polymer Blends Sabu Thomas, Robert Shanks and Sarathchandran Chandrasekharakurup (eds) 9781455731596
205 Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in the Treatment of Life-Threatening Diseases—Nanomedicine, Diagnostics and Drug Delivery Narendra Kumar and Rajiv Kumar 9780323264334
206 Nanotechnology Safety Ramazan Asmatulu 9780444594389
207 Nanotube Superfiber Materials—Changing Engineering Design Mark J. Schulz, Vesselin N. Shanov and Zhangzhang Yin (eds) 9781455778638
208 New Approaches to Image Processing Based Failure Analysis of Nano-Scale ULSI Devices Zeev Zalevsky, Pavel Livshits and Eran Gur 9780323241434
209 Next Generation Mobile Broadcasting David Gómez-Barquero (ed) 9781439898666
210 Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics—Transport and Rate Processes in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems, Third Edition Yasar Demirel 9780444595577
211 Offshore Pipelines—Design, Installation, and Maintenance, Second Edition Boyun Guo, Shanhong Song, Ali Ghalambor and Tian Ran Lin 9780123979490
212 Oil and Gas Corrosion Prevention—From Surface Facilities to Refineries James G. Speight 9780128003466
213 Oil Spill Remediation—Colloid Chemistry-Based Principles and Solutions Ponisseril Somasundaran, Partha Patra, Raymond S. Farinato and Kyriakos Papadopoulos 9781118206706
214 Optical Antennas Mario Agio and Andrea Alù 9781107014145
215 Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIA—Components and Subsystems, Sixth Edition Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li and Alan E. Willner 9780123969583
216 Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIB—Systems and Networks, Sixth Edition Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li and Alan E. Willner (eds) 9780123969606
217 Organic Mechanisms—Reactions, Methodology, and Biological Applications Xiaoping Sun 9781118065648
218 Organic Nanomaterials—Synthesis, Characterization, and Device Applications Tomás Torres and Giovanni Bottari 9781118016015
219 PEM Fuel Cells—Theory and Practice, Second Edition Frano Barbir 9780123877109
220 PEM Fuel Cells—Thermal and Water Management Fundamentals Yun Wang, Ken S. Chen and Sung Chan Cho 9781606502457
221 Performance Measurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings—Best Practices Guide ASHRAE 9781936504343
222 Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazards—Design, Evaluation, and Selection Eva F. Gudgin Dickson 9780470165584
223 Photonic Signals and Systems Nabeel A. Riza 9780071700795
224 Physics of Gas–Liquid Flows Thomas J. Hanratty 9781107041202
225 Pipeline Integrity Handbook—Risk Management and Evaluation Ramesh Singh 9780123878250
226 Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook—A Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipeline Engineering Problems, Eighth Edition E.W. McAllister 9780123876935
227 Piping and Pipeline Calculations Manual—Construction, Design Fabrication and Examination, Second Edition J. Phillip Ellenberger 9780124167476
228 Plastics Additives and Testing Muralisrinivasan Natamai Subramanian 9781118118900
229 Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics—Sustainable Design Methods for Architecture Norbert Lechner 9781118014752
230 Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Information Retrieval Ya-Qiu Jin and Feng Xu 9781118188132
231 Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion Vikas Mittal (ed) 9781118344545
232 Polyvinyl Fluoride—Technology and Applications of PVF Sina Ebnesajjad 9781455778850
233 Positioning in Wireless Communications Systems Stephan Sand, Armin Dammann and Christian Mensing 9780470770641
234 Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Systems, Volume 1—Fundamentals and Hard-Switching Converters Adrian Ioinovici 9780470710999
235 Power System Relaying, Fourth Edition Stanley H. Horowitz, Arun G. Phadke and James K. Niemira 9781118662007
236 Practical Guide to Diagnosing Structural Movement in Buildings Malcolm Holland 9780470659106
237 Practical Guide to Flexible Polyurethane Foams Chris Defonseka 9781847359742
238 Practical Guide to Latex Technology Rani Joseph 9781847355669
239 Practical Guide to Rotational Moulding, Second Edition Roy J. Crawford and Mark P. Kearns 9781847355119
240 Practical Signals Theory with MATLAB Applications Richard J. Tervo 9781118115398
241 Primer on Flat Rolling, Second Edition John G. Lenard 9780080994185
242 Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, Second Edition Paresh C. Sen 9780471022954
243 Principles of Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning, 7th Edition Ronald H. Howell and William J. Coad and Harry J. Sauer 9781936504572
244 Principles of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning in Buildings John W. Mitchell and James E. Braun 9780470624579
245 Process Intensification—Engineering for Efficiency, Sustainability and Flexibility, Second Edition David Reay, Colin Ramshaw and Adam Harvey 9780080983042
246 Process Plant Equipment—Operation, Control, and Reliability Michael D. Holloway, Chikezie Nwaoha and Oliver A. Onyewuenyi (eds) 9781118022641
247 Product Manufacturing and Cost Estimating using CAD/CAE—The Computer Aided Engineering Design Series Kuang-Hua Chang 9780124017450
248 Programmable Microcontrollers with Applications—MSP430 LaunchPad with CCS and Grace Cem Ünsalan and H. Deniz Gürhan 9780071830034
249 Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement—A Hybrid Approach to Optical Quantum Information Processing Akira Furusawa and Peter van Loock 9783527409303
250 Radar and ARPA Manual—Radar, AIS and Target Tracking for Marine Radar Users, Third Edition Alan Bole, Alan Wall and Andy Norris 9780080977522
251 Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Networks—Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Ionospheric, Second Edition Nathan Blaunstein and Christos G. Christodoulou 9781118659540
252 Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, Fourth Edition Gregory Choppin, Jan-Olov Liljenzin, Jan Rydberg and Christian Ekberg 9780124058972
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