Hi all,
We just add 358 New Science Engineering Books for January 2013..
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No Book Title Authors ISBN No
1 Advanced Photovoltaic Installations John Balfour, Michael Shaw and Nicole Bremer Nash 9781449624712
2 Building Code Basics—Commercial 2012 Steve Thomas 9781133283355
3 Building Code Basics—Residential—Based on the 2012 International Residential Code Stephen A. Van Note 9781133283362
4 Engineering Design Graphics—Sketching, Modeling, and Visualization, Second Edition James M. Leake 9781118078884
5 Heat Exchanger Equipment Field Manual—Common Operating Problems and Practical Solutions Maurice Stewart and Oran T. Lewis 9780123970169
6 Introduction to Air Pollution Science - A Public Health Perspective Robert F. Phalen and Robert N. Phalen 9780763780449
7 LTE-Advanced Air Interface Technology Xincheng Zhang and Xiaojin Zhou 9781466501522
8 Stallcup's Generator, Transformer, Motor, and Compressor—Based on the NEC and Related Standards, 2011 Edition James G. Stallcup and James W. Stallcup 9781449605735
9 Surveying, Sixth Edition Jack McCormac, Wayne Sarasua and William J. Davis 9780470496619
10 2011 National Electrical Code Chapter-by-Chapter David Herres 9780071774093
11 A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-Hours Don Butler 9780080982625
12 A Guide to the Collision Avoidance Rules—International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, Seventh Edition A. N. Cockcroft and J. N. F. Lameijer 9780080971704
13 Acoustical Imaging—Techniques and Applications for Engineers Woon Siong Gan 9780470661604
14 Adiabatic Shear Localization—Frontiers and Advances, Second Edition Bradley Dodd and Yilong Bai 9780080977812
15 Advanced Circuits for Emerging Technologies Krzysztof Iniewski 9780470900055
16 Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications Sergio Pizzini 9780470661116
17 Advances in CMP/Polishing Technologies for the Manufacture of Electronic Devices Toshiro Doi, Ioan D. Marinescu and Syuhei Kurokawa (eds) 9781437778595
18 Advances in Computational Dynamics of Particles, Materials and Structures Jason Har and Kumar K. Tamma 9780470749807
19 Aircraft Dynamics—From Modeling to Simulation Marcello R. Napolitano 9780470626672
20 Amorphous Chalcogenides—The Past, Present, and Future Victor I. Mikla and Victor V. Mikla 9780123884299
21 An Introduction to LTE—LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE and 4G Mobile Communications Christopher Cox 9781119970385
22 Analog Integrated Circuit Design, 2nd Edition Tony Chan Carusone, David A. Johns and Kenneth W. Martin 9780470770108
23 Analytical Methods for Food and Dairy Powders Pierre Schuck, Anne Dolivet and Romain Jeantet 9780470655986
24 Antenna Theory and Applications Hubregt J. Visser 9781119990253
25 Applications of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion Kenneth K. Kuo and Ragini Acharya 9781118127568
26 Applied Welding Engineering—Processes, Codes and Standards Ramesh Singh 9780123919168
27 Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid—Biological Applications Arturo M. Baró and Ronald G. Reifenberger 9783527327584
28 Audel Water Well Pumps and Systems Mini-Ref R. Dodge Woodson 9781118114803
29 Automotive Buzz, Squeak and Rattle—Mechanisms, Analysis, Evaluation and Prevention Martin Trapp and Fang Chen 9780750684965
30 Automotive Control Systems A. Galip Ulsoy, Huei Peng and Melih Çakmakci 9781107010116
31 Bioremediation and Sustainability—Research and Applications Romeela Mohee and Ackmez Mudhoo 9781118062845
32 Ceramic Thick Films for MEMS and Microdevices Robert Dorey 9781437778175
33 Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysts—From Structure to Surface Reactivity, 2 Volume Set Michel Che and Jacques C. Védrine 9783527326877
34 Characterization Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites Vikas Mittal 9783527331482
35 Chemical Sensors and Biosensors—Fundamentals and Applications Florinel-Gabriel Bãnicã 9780470710678
36 Cleanup of Chemical and Explosive Munitions—Locating, Identifying Contaminants, and Planning for Environmental Remediation of Land and Sea Military Ranges and Ordnance Dumpsites, Second Edition Richard D. Albright 9781437734775
37 Communication and Networking in Smart Grids Yang Xiao (ed) 9781439878736
38 Complete Electronics Earl Boysen and Harry Kybett 9781118217320
39 Computational Colour Science using MATLAB, Second Edition Stephen Westland, Caterina Ripamonti and Vien Cheung 9780470665695
40 Concrete Portable Handbook R. Dodge Woodson 9780123821768
41 Construction Hazardous Materials Compliance Guide—Asbestos Detection, Abatement, and Inspection Procedures R. Dodge Woodson 9780124158412
42 Control System Design Guide—Using Your Computer to Understand and Diagnose Feedback Controllers, Fourth Edition George Ellis 9780123859204
43 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems - SCADA, DCS, PLC, HMI, and SIS Tyson Macaulay and Bryan Singer 9781439801963
44 Damage and Failure of Composite Materials Ramesh Talreja and Chandra Veer Singh 9780521819428
45 Design and Analysis of Experiments—Special Designs and Applications, Volume 3 Klaus Hinkelmann (ed) 9780470530689
46 Design for Thermal Stresses Randall F. Barron and Brian R. Barron 9780470627693
47 Design of Urban Stormwater Controls WEF Press 9780071704441
48 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning—Detection, Characterization, and Analysis of Contaminants, Volume Four Rajiv Kohli and K.L. Mittal 9781437778830
49 DSP for Embedded and Real-Time Systems—Expert Guide Robert Oshana 9780123865359
50 Electric Power Systems, Fifth Edition B.M. Weedy et al. 9780470682685
51 Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Second Edition James Larminie and John Lowry 9781119942733
52 Electrical Energy Efficiency—Technologies and Applications Andreas Sumper and Angelo Baggini 9780470975510
53 Electronic Access Control Thomas Norman 9780123820280
54 Engine Testing—The Design, Building, Modification and Use of Powertrain Test Facilities A. J. Martyr and M. A. Plint 9780080969497
55 Engineering Documentation Control Handbook—Configuration Management and Product Lifecycle Management, Fourth Edition Frank B. Watts 9781455778607
56 Engineering for Sustainability—A Practical Guide for Sustainable Design Gerald Jonker and Jan Harmsen 9780444538468
57 Engineering Your Future—The Professional Practice of Engineering, Third Edition Stuart G. Walesh 9780470900444
58 ESD Basics—From Semiconductor Manufacturing to Product Use Steven H. Voldman 9780470979716
59 Essentials of 80×86 Assembly Language, Second Edition Richard C. Detmer 9781449640927
60 Evaluation of HSDPA and LTE—From Testbed Measurements to System Level Performance Sebastian Caban, Christian Mehlführer, Markus Rupp and Martin Wrulich 9780470711927
61 Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design—Applying the ARM mbed Rob Toulson and Tim Wilmshurst 9780080977683
62 Fiber Lasers Oleg G. Okhotnikov 9783527411146
63 Finite Elements - Computational Engineering Sciences A. J. Baker 9781119940500
64 Flexible Manipulators—Modeling, Analysis, and Optimum Design Yanqing Gao, Fei-Yue Wang and Zhi-Quan Xiao 9780123970367
65 Fluid Catalytic Cracking Handbook—An Expert Guide to the Practical Operation, Design, and Optimization of FCC Units, Third Edition Reza Sadeghbeigi 9780123869654
66 Fluoropolymer Additives Sina Ebnesajjad and Richard A. Morgan 9781437734614
67 Formulas and Calculations for Drilling, Production, and Workover—All the Formulas You Need to Solve Drilling and Production Problems, Third Edition William Lyons, Tom Carter and Norton J. Lapeyrousse 9781856179294
68 Fuel Cell Science and Engineering—Materials, Processes, Systems and Technology, 2 Volume Set Detlef Stolten and Bernd Emonts 9783527330126
69 Fuel Cells—Problems and Solutions, Second Edition Vladimir S. Bagotsky 9781118087565
70 Functional Materials—Preparation, Processing and Applications S. Banerjee and A. K. Tyagi (eds) 9780123851420
71 Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering—An Integrated Approach, 4th Edition William D. Callister, Jr. and David G. Rethwisch 9781118061602
72 Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Sensors Zujie Fang, Ken K. Chin, Ronghui Qu and Haiwen Cai 9780470575406
73 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition Meherwan P. Boyce 9780123838421
74 Geostatistics—Modeling Spatial Uncertainty, Second Edition Jean-Paul Chilès and Pierre Delfiner 9780470183151
75 Geothermal Power Plants—Principles, Applications, Case Studies and Environmental Impact, Third Edition Ronald DiPippo 9780080982069
76 Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry Wei Zhang and Berkeley W. Cue Jr. (eds) 9780470711514
77 Guided Waves in Structures for SHM—The Time-Domain Spectral Element Method Wieslaw Ostachowicz, Pawel Kudela, Marek Krawczuk and Arkadiusz Zak 9780470979839
78 Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry Miguel de la Guardia and Salvador Garrigues (eds) 9780470972014
79 Handbook of Green Building Design, and Construction—LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes Sam Kubba 9780123851284
80 Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements—With Advanced VNA Techniques Joel P. Dunsmore 9781119979555
81 Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing, Second Edition Saeid Mokhatab 9780123869142
82 Hazardous Waste Management—An Introduction Clifton VanGuilder 9781936420261
83 Heat Conduction, Third Edition David W. Hahn and M. Necati Özisik 9780470902936
84 Hermeticity of Electronic Packages, Second Edition Hal Greenhouse, Robert Lowry and Bruce Romenesko 9781437778779
85 Heterogeneous Catalysis Julian Ross 9780444533630
86 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells—Emerging Technologies and Applications, Second Edition Bent Sørensen 9780123877093
87 Hydrostatic, Aerostatic, and Hybrid Bearing Design W. Brian Rowe 9780123969941
88 Inkjet-Based Micromanufacturing, Volume 9 Jan G. Korvink, Patrick J. Smith and Dong-Youn Shin 9783527319046
89 Integrated Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering Murugan Ramalingam, Ziyad Haidar, Seeram Ramakrishna, Hisatoshi Kobayashi and Youssef Haikel (eds) 9781118311981
90 Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition Adrian A. Hopgood 9781439821206
91 Introduction to Adaptive Lenses Hongwen Ren and Shin-Tson Wu 9781118018996
92 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes Mikell P. Groover 9780470632284
93 Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design André G. McDonald and Hugh L. Magande 9781118313633
94 Laser Heating Applications—Analytical Modelling Bekir Sami Yilba 9780124157828
95 LTE-Advanced—3GPP Solution for IMT-Advanced Harri Holma and Antti Toskala (eds) 9781119974055
96 Magnetic Positioning Equations—Theory and Applications Mordechay Esh 9780123985057
97 Managed Pressure Drilling—Modeling, Strategy and Planning Wilson C. Chin 9780123851246
98 Mass Spectrometry Handbook Mike S. Lee 9780470536735
99 Materials for Automobile Bodies, Second Edition Geoffrey Davies 9780080969794
100 Measurement and Instrumentation—Theory and Application Reza Langari and Alan S Morris 9780123819604
101 Media Networks—Architectures, Applications, and Standards Hassnaa Moustafa and Sherali Zeadally 9781439877289
102 Membrane Bioreactors—WEF Manual of Practice No. 36 The Membrane Bioreactors Task Force of the Water Environment Federation 9780071753661
103 Membrane Processes in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutics Catherine Charcosset 978044456334
104 Membrane Technology and Applications, Third Edition Richard W. Baker 9780470743720
105 Metal Fatigue Analysis Handbook—Practical Problem-Solving Techniques for Computer-Aided Engineering Yung-Li Lee, Mark E. Barkey and Hong-Tae Kang 9780123852045
106 Micromixers—Fundamentals, Design and Fabrication, Second Edition Nam-Trung Nguyen 9781437735208
107 Microwave Engineering, Fourth Edition David M. Pozar 9780470631553
108 Molecular Fluorescence—Principles and Applications, Second Edition Bernard Valeur and Mário Nuno Berberan-Santos 9783527328376
109 Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding, Second Edition John W. Woods 9780123814203
110 Multiphysics Modeling Using COMSOL 4—A First Principles Approach Roger W. Pryor 9781936420094
111 MWH's Water Treatment—Principles and Design, Third Edition John C. Crittenden et al. 9780470405390
112 Nano-Optoelectronic Sensors and Devices—Nanophotonics from Design to Manufacturing Ning Xi and King Lai 9781437734713
113 Nanoparticle Technology Handbook, Second Edition Masuo Hosokawa†, Toyokazu Yokoyama, Kiyoshi Nogi and Makio Naito (ed) 9780444563361
114 Nanotechnology Cookbook—Practical, Reliable and Jargon-Free Experimental Procedures Andrew M. Collins 9780080971728
115 Nanotechnology in Medicine—Emerging Applications Gene Koprowski 9781606502488
116 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 2012 Handbook David J. Marne 9780071766852
117 Near Field Communication—From Theory to Practice Vedat Coskun, Kerem Ok and Busra Ozdenizci 9781119971092
118 Near Field Communications Handbook Syed A. Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas (eds) 9781420088144
119 Next-Generation Batteries and Fuel Cells for Commercial, Military, and Space Applications A.R. Jha 9781439850664
120 Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures, Second Edition René de Borst, Mike A. Crisfield, Joris J.C. Remmers and Clemens V. Verhoosel 9780470666449
121 Nonlinear Optical Borate Crystals—Principles and Applications Chuangtian Chen et al. 9783527410095
122 Nuclear and Radiochemistry József Kónya and Noémi M. Nagy 9780123914309
123 Nuclear Safety in Light Water Reactors—Severe Accident Phenomenology Bal Raj Sehgal (ed) 9780123884466
124 Offshore Structures—Design, Construction and Maintenance Mohamed A. El-Reedy 9780123854759
125 Offshore Wind—A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Offshore Wind Farm Installation Kurt E. Thomsen 9780123859365
126 Operational Amplifier Noise—Techniques and Tips for Analyzing and Reducing Noise Art Kay 9780750685252
127 Optical Methods for Solid Mechanics—A Full-Field Approach Pramod Rastogi and Erwin Hack 9783527411115
128 Optimal Control, Third Edition Frank L. Lewis, Draguna L. Vrabie and Vassilis L. Syrmos 9780470633496
129 Organic Chemistry – Breakthroughs and Perspectives Kuiling Ding and Li-Xin Dai 9783527329632
130 Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions—A Practical Guide to 750 Transformations, Third Edition A. Hassner and I. Namboothiri 9780080966304
131 PEEK Biomaterials Handbook Steven M. Kurtz 9781437744637
132 Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids Johannes Karl Fink 9780123838445
133 Petrophysics—Theory and Practice of Measuring Reservoir Rock and Fluid Transport Properties, Third Edition Djebbar Tiab and Erle C. Donaldson 9780123838483
134 Photoinitiators for Polymer Synthesis—Scope, Reactivity and Efficiency Jean Pierre Fouassier and Jacques Lalevée 9783527332106
135 PIC Projects for Non-Programmers John Iovine 9781856176033
136 Pipe Drafting and Design, Third Edition Roy A. Parisher and Robert A. Rhea 9780123847003
137 Plasma Chemistry and Catalysis in Gases and Liquids Vasile I. Parvulescu, Monica Magureanu and Petr Lukes (eds) 9783527330065
138 Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Degradation Matthew M. Mench, Emin Caglan Kumbur and T. Nejat Veziroglu (eds) 9780123869364
139 Polyolefin Reaction Engineering Joao B. P. Soares and Timothy F. L. McKenna 9783527317103
140 Polysaccharide Building Blocks—A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials Youssef Habibi and Lucian A. Lucia 9780470874196
141 Practical Handbook of Photovoltaics—Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition Augustin McEvoy, Tom Markvart and Luis Castañer (eds) 9780123859341
142 Practical Process Research and Development—A Guide for Organic Chemists, Second Edition Neal G. Anderson 9780123865373
143 Practical Reliability Engineering, Fifth Edition Patrick D. T. O'Connor and Andre Kleyner 9780470979822
144 Predictive Control of Power Converters and Electrical Drives Jose Rodriguez and Patricio Cortes 9781119963981
145 Principles and Applications of Lithium Secondary Batteries Jung-Ki Park 9783527331512
146 Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis, Second Edition Robert E. Gawley and Jeffrey Aubé 9780080448602
147 Quality Recognition and Prediction—Smarter Pattern Technology with the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System Shoichi Teshima, Yoshiko Hasegawa and Kazuo Tatebayashi 9781606503423
148 Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Error Correction—An Engineering Approach Ivan Djordjevic 9780123854919
149 Railway Safety, Reliability, and Security - Technologies and Systems Engineering Francesco Flammini (ed) 9781466616431
150 Raw and Finished Materials—A Concise Guide to Properties and Applications Brian Dereu 9781606500736
151 Reactive Power Compensation—A Practical Guide Wolfgang Hofmann, Jürgen Schlabbach and Wolfgang Just 9780470977187
152 Recommended Practice for Corrosion Management of Pipelines in Oil and Gas Production and Transportation (EFC 64) Bijan Kermani and Thierry Chevrot (eds) 9781907975349
153 Regional Geology and Tectonics—Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps, Volume 1C D.G. Roberts and A.W. Bally (eds) 9780444563576
154 Regional Geology and Tectonics—Phanerozoic Rift Systems and Sedimentary Basins, Volume 1B D.G. Roberts and A.W. Bally (eds) 9780444563569
155 Robust Control System Networks—How to Achieve Reliable Control After Stuxnet Ralph Langner 9781606503003
156 Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers, Fifth Edition Stephen Hall 9780123877857
157 Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries—Application of HAZOP, PHA, What-If and SVA Reviews, Third Edition Dennis P. Nolan 9781437735185
158 Security Automation Essentials—Streamlined Enterprise Security Management & Monitoring with SCAP Greg Witte, Melanie Cook, Matt Kerr and Shane Shaffer 9780071772518
159 Sensors for Mechatronics Paul P.L. Regtien 9780123914972
160 Sheet Metal Forming—Fundamentals Taylan Altan and A. Erman Tekkaya 9781615038428
161 Sheet Metal Forming—Processes and Applications Taylan Altan and A. Erman Tekkaya 9781615038442
162 Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulin Modeling, Fifth Edition Steven T. Karris 9781934404232
163 Smart Grid—Integrating Renewable, Distributed & Efficient Energy Fereidoon P. Sioshansi (ed) 9780123864529
164 Smart Grid—Technology and Applications Janaka Ekanayake, Jianzhong Wu, Nick Jenkins, Kithsiri Liyanage and Akihiko Yokoyama 9780470974094
165 Solid Fuel Blending—Principles, Practices, and Problems David A. Tillman, Dao N. B. Duong and N. Stanley Harding 9780123809322
166 Solid-Liquid Filtration—A Users' Guide to Minimizing Costs and Environmental Impact; Maximizing Quality and Productivity Trevor Sparks 9780080971148
167 Solids Level Measurement and Detection Handbook Joe Lewis 9781606502549
168 Solid-State NMR—Basic Principles & Practice David C. Apperley, Robin K. Harris and Paul Hodgkinson 9781606503508
169 Stability and Degradation of Organic and Polymer Solar Cells Frederik C. Krebs 9781119952510
170 Stretch Blow Molding, Second Edition Ottmar Brandau 9781437735277
171 Structural Fire Loads—Theory and Principles Leo Razdolsky 9780071789738
172 Sustainable Design Through Process Integration—Fundamentals and Applications to Industrial Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation, and Profitability Enhancement Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi 9781856177443
173 Sustainable Transportation Planning—Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient Communities Jeffrey Tumlin 9780470540930
174 Switching Power Supplies A-Z, Second Edition Sanjaya Maniktala 9780123865335
175 Switchmode RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers, Second Edition Andrei Grebennikov, Nathan O. Sokal and Marc J. Franco 9780124159075
176 System Dynamics—Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems, Fifth Edition Dean C. Karnopp, Donald L. Margolis and Ronald C. Rosenberg 9780470889084
177 Testing Adhesive Joints—Best Practices Lucas F.M. da Silva, David A. Dillard, Bamber Blackman and Robert D. Adams 9783527329045
178 Testing Tribocorrosion of Passivating Materials Supporting Research and Industrial Innovation—Handbook (EFC 62) J-P Celis and P. Ponthiaux (eds) 9781907975202
179 The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 7th Edition Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa and Gregory J. Toussaint 9781118065587
180 The LTE/SAE Deployment Handbook Jyrki T. J. Penttinen (ed) 9780470977262
181 The Physical Chemist's Toolbox Robert Metzger 9780470889251
182 Tire and Vehicle Dynamics, Third Edition Hans Pacejka 9780080970165
183 Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering, Fourth Edition Colin Bayliss and Brian Hardy 9780080969121
184 Valve Amplifiers, Fourth Edition Morgan Jones 9780080966403
185 Water Quality Indices Tasneem Abbasi and S.A. Abbasi 9780444543042
186 Welding Deformation and Residual Stress Prevention Yukio Ueda, Hidekazu Murakawa and Ninshu Ma 9780123948045
187 XFEM Fracture Analysis of Composites Soheil Mohammadi 9781119974062
188 4G LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband Erik Dahlman, Stefan Parkvall and Johan Sköld 9780123854896
189 60 GHz Technology for GBPS WLAN and WPAN - From Theory to Practice Su-Khiong Yong, Pengfei Xia and Alberto Valdes-Garcia 9780470747704
190 Adhesives Technology for Electronic Applications—Materials, Processing, Reliability, Second Edition James J. Licari and Dale W. Swanson 9781437778892
191 Advanced Control of Aircraft, Spacecraft and Rockets Ashish Tewari 9780470745632
192 Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials V Mrityunjay Singh and Tatsuki Ohji (eds) 9781118059937
193 Advanced Structural Ceramics Bikramjit Basu and Kantesh Balani 9780470497111
194 Advanced Well Completion Engineering, Third Edition Wan Renpu 9780123858689
195 Advances in Nanofibre Research Akbar K. Haghi and Gennady Zaikov 9781847356031
196 Analog Circuit Design—A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions Bob Dobkin and Jim Williams (eds) 9780123851857
197 Analysis of Structures—An Introduction Including Numerical Methods Anthony Waas and Joe G. Eisley 9780470977620
198 Applied Digital Signal Processing—Theory and Practice Dimitris G. Manolakis and Vinay K. Ingle 9780521110020
199 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook—Processing and Materials Myer Kutz (ed) 9781437735147
200 Assessing Nanoparticle Risks to Human Health Gurumurthy Ramachandran 9781437778632
201 Basic Helicopter Aerodynamics, Third Edition John M. Seddon and Simon Newman 9780470665015
202 Beam Structures—Classical and Advanced Theories Erasmo Carrera, Gaetano Giunta and Marco Petrolo 9780470972007
203 Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Related Technologies Ying Wu, John J. Carroll and Zhimin Du (eds) 9780470938768
204 Carbon Dioxide Thermodynamic Properties Handbook—Covering Temperatures from -20° to 250°C and Pressures up to 1000 bar Sara Anwar and John J. Carroll 9781118012987
205 Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites—Manufacture, Properties, and Applications Brian P. Grady 9780470596418
206 Chemical Product Design, Second Edition E. L. Cussler and G. D. Moggridge 9780521168229
207 Complete Casting Handbook—Metal Casting Processes, Metallurgy, Techniques and Design John Campbell 9781856178099
208 Composite Filament Winding S.T. Peters (ed) 9781615037223
209 Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids, Sixth Edition Ryen Caenn, H.C.H. Darley and George R. Gray 9780123838582
210 Computer System Design—System-on-Chip Michael J. Flynn and Wayne Luk 9780470643365
211 Critical Component Wear in Heavy Duty Engines P.A. Lakshminarayanan and Nagaraj S. Nayak 9780470828823
212 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning—Methods for Removal of Particle Contaminants, Volume Three Rajiv Kohli and Kashmiri L. Mittal (eds) 9781437778854
213 Direct Methods for Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems—Theoretical Foundation, BCU Methodologies, and Applications Hsiao-Dong Chiang 9780470484401
214 Engineering a Safer World—Systems Thinking Applied to Safety Nancy G. Leveson 9780262016629
215 Engineering Mega-Systems—The Challenge of Systems Engineering in the Information Age Renee Stevens 9781420076660
216 Engineering Rock Mass Classification—Tunneling, Foundations, and Landslides Bhawani Singh and R. K. Goel 9780123858788
217 Extractive Metallurgy of Copper Mark E. Schlesinger, Matthew J. King, Kathryn C. Sole and William G. Davenport 9780080967899
218 Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum-Group Metals Frank K. Crundwell, Michael S. Moats, Venkoba Ramachandran, Timothy G. Robinson and William G. Davenport 9780080968094
219 Fire Fighting Pumping Systems at Industrial Facilities, Second Edition Dennis P. Nolan 9781437744712
220 Forsthoffer's Best Practice Handbook for Rotating Machinery W.E. Forsthoffer 9780080966762
221 Fuel Cells—Technologies for Fuel Processing Dushyant Shekhawat, James J. Spivey and David A. Berry (eds) 9780444535634
222 Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Fifth Edition Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek 9781118012895
223 Gas Dehydration Field Manual Maurice Stewart and Ken Arnold 9781856179805
224 Gas Sweetening and Processing Field Manual Maurice Stewart and Ken Arnold 9781856179829
225 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Mechanical Design, Second Edition Gene R. Cogorno 9780071772129
226 Green Corrosion Inhibitors—Theory and Practice V.S. Sastri 9780470452103
227 GSM/EDGE Evolution and Performance Mikko Säily, Guillaume Sébire and Eddie Riddington (eds) 9780470746851
228 Handbook of Adhesives and Surface Preparation—Technology, Applications and Manufacturing Sina Ebnesajjad 9781437744613
229 Handbook of Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing—Fundamentals and Applications Karen A. Reinhardt and Richard F. Reidy 9780470625958
230 Hardness Testing—Principles and Applications Konrad Herrmann (ed) 9781615038329
231 Hydrocolloids in Food Processing Thomas R. Laaman (ed) 9780813820767
232 Industrial Biofouling T. Reg. Bott 9780444532244
233 Industrial Network Security—Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid, SCADA, and other Industrial Control Systems Eric Knapp 9781597496452
234 Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy—Principles and Spectral Interpretation Peter Larkin 9780123869845
235 Introduction to Dislocations, Fifth Edition Derek Hull and D. J. Bacon 9780080966724
236 Joining—Understanding the Basics F.C. Campbell (ed) 9781615038251
237 Lead-Acid Batteries—Science and Technology—A Handbook of Lead-Acid Battery Technology and its Influence on the Product D. Pavlov 9780444528827
238 Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist, Second Edition Arthur C. Reardon (ed) 9781615038213
239 Metal-Organic Frameworks—Applications from Catalysis to Gas Storage David Farrusseng (ed) 9783527328703
240 Microfabrication for Industrial Applications Regina Luttge 9780815515821
241 Micro-Manufacturing—Design and Manufacturing of Micro-Products Muammer Koç and Tuðrul Özel (eds) 9780470556443
242 Microstrip and Printed Antennas—New Trends, Techniques and Applications Debatosh Guha and Yahia M.M. Antar (eds) 9780470681923
243 Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications, Second Edition Jia-Sheng Hong 9780470408773
244 Microsystems for Bioelectronics—The Nanomorphic Cell Victor V. Zhirnov and Ralph K. Cavin III 9781437778403
245 Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining Jorge Ancheyta 9780470185308
246 Modern Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry Ruren Xu, Wenqin Pang and Qisheng Huo (eds) 9780444535993
247 Noise and Vibration Analysis—Signal Analysis and Experimental Procedures Anders Brandt 9780470746448
248 Offshore Safety Management—Implementing a SEMS Program Ian Sutton 9781437735246
249 Optimal Design of Experiments—A Case Study Approach Peter Goos and Bradley Jones 9780470744611
250 Overview of Industrial Process Automation KLS Sharma 9780124157798
251 Petroleum Rock Mechanics—Drilling Operations and Well Design Bernt Aadnoy and Reza Looyeh 9780123855466
252 PIC Microcontrollers—An Introduction to Microelectronics, Third Edition Martin Bates 9780080969114
253 Pipeline Planning and Construction Field Manual E. Shashi Menon 9780123838674
254 Practical Synthetic Organic Chemistry—Reactions, Principles, and Techniques Stéphane Caron (ed) 9780470037331
255 Processed Cheese and Analogues A. Y. Tamime 9781405186421
256 Produced Water Treatment Field Manual Maurice Stewart and Ken Arnold 9781856179843
257 Reliability Technology—Principles and Practice of Failure Prevention in Electronic Systems Norman Pascoe 9780470037331
258 Reliability, Maintainability and Risk—Practical Methods for Engineers, Eighth Edition David J. Smith 9780080969022
259 Resonant Power Converters, Second Edition Marian K. Kazimierczuk and Dariusz Czarkowski 9780470905388
260 Risk and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems John C. Lee and Norman J. McCormick 9780470907566
261 Risks of Hazardous Wastes Paul E. Rosenfeld and Lydia G. H. Feng 9781437778427
262 Stability of Structures—Principles and Applications Chai H. Yoo and Sung C. Lee 9780123851222
263 Steel Detailers' Manual, Third Edition Alan Hayward, Frank Weare and A. C. Oakhill 9781405175210
264 Streamline Numerical Well Test Interpretation—Theory and Method Yao Jun and Wu Minglu 9780123860279
265 Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetry Jakob J. van Zyl and Yunjin Kim 9781118115114
266 The Design of Active Crossovers Douglas Self 9780240817385
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