Monday, November 22, 2010

Great online flash games

If you like to play free online flash games, try YouSayToo Games. As game lovers, you can create your own gaming collections to get the "Leet Gamer" status which is rewarded by prizes. There are thousands of games to choose from: Action Game, Simulations Game, Driving Game, Adventure Game, Sports Game, RPG Game, Fighting Game, Shooters Game, Puzzles Game, Board&Card Game, Special Game, and Mind games Game. My favourite games include boxhead 2, 3d sudoku, Dragon Fist 2, age of war, and many more. This sites doesn't just benefit the game players, but also game owners. You can upload your favourite flash games and get rewards through revenue sharing mechanism. After uploading your games, you can share them with friends and have easy one-click access to it.

After exploring this sites deeper, I was really excited with its adsense revenue sharing program. Many people are curious on how to make money with blogging. Blogging for money may not sound easy for many beginners. Well, the simplest way to generate revenue from your blog is through joining PayPerClick Program like Adsense. YouSayToo is a great revenue sharing website, as you can maximize revenue by adding your existing blog into their social network. All you have to is sign up for YouSayToo (with fast approval), create your profile, adjust your Adsense Revenue Settings and then create content by importing your blog's RSS feed. It's like blogging in two places at the same time. I recommend you to set your blog's RSS feed to Full Feed so that the entire blog article can be read; and create a separate AdSense URL Channel pointing to YouSayToo so that you can track how much of your AdSense earnings are coming from them. The more content/articles you feed into the system, the more readers, traffic and revenue you will get. Other things you can do on this site are uploading pictures and games and make social friends. If you don't have a blog yet, you can create a new blog with YouSayToo.



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