Tuesday, July 30, 2013

546 Business Management Books. Leadership EBooks. Sales and Marketing Book. Business Strategy Ebook. Finance Books. Investing Books. And Many More.........

*********** Here are 546 New Business & Management Books added  on July 2013. *************

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No    Book Title    Authors    ISBN No

1    10 Virtues of Outstanding Leaders—Leadership and Character    Al Gini and Ronald M. Green    9780470672303
2    100 Great Personal Impact Ideas    Peter Shaw    9789814398633
3    20% Chance of Rain—Exploring the Concept of Risk    Richard B. Jones    9780470592410
4    42 Rules for Successful Collaboration—A Practical Approach to Working with People, Processes, and Technology, 2nd Edition    David Coleman    9781607731115
5    9 Powerful Practices Of Really Great Bosses    Stephen E. Kohn and Vincent D. O’Connell    9781601632722
6    9 Powerful Practices Of Really Great Teams    Stephen E. Kohn and Vincent D. O’Connell    9781601632647
7    A Blueprint for Better Banking—Svenska Handelsbanken And A Proven Model For More Stable And Profitable Banking    Niels Kroner    9780857190970
8    Accelerating Leadership Development through Executive Coaching—A Guide for HR Professionals and High-Potential Leaders    Robert Barner    9780470593646
9    Accounting Best Practices, Seventh Edition    Steven M. Bragg    9781118404140
10    Accounting for Non-Accountants, Ninth Edition    David Horner    9780749465971
11    Accounting—Tools for Business Decision Making, 5th Edition    Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt and Donald E. Kieso    9781118128169
12    Achieving Lean Changeover—Putting SMED to Work    John R. Henry    9781466501744
13    Adult Learning Principles 1—Understanding the Way Adults Learn    Catherine Mattiske    9781921547003
14    Adult Learning Principles 2: Blending Interaction with Measurement    Catherine Mattiske    9781921547027
15    Adult Learning Principles 3—Advanced Adult Learning Principles    Catherine Mattiske    9781921547034
16    Advanced Charting Techniques for High Probability Trading—The Most Accurate and Predictive Charting Method Ever Created    Joseph Hooper, Aaron Zalewski and Ed Watanabe    9781118435793
17    Africa—The Ultimate Frontier Market—A Guide to the Business and Investment Opportunities in Emerging Africa    David Mataen    9780857191724
18    Amoeba Management—The Dynamic Management System for Rapid Market Response    Kazuo Inamori    9781466509498
19    An Executive Guide to IFRS—Content, Costs and Benefits to Business    Peter Walton    9780470664902
20    Anticipate—Knowing What Customers Need Before They Do    Bill Thomas and Jeff Tobe    9781118356913
21    A-Plus Study Notes—CFA 2013 Level II Certification    Samuel J. Gottlieb    9781590959831
22    Applying Scientific Reasoning to the Field of Marketing—Make Better Decisions    Terry Grapentine    9781606493670
23    Asian Mergers and Acquisitions—Riding the Wave    Vikram Chakravarty and Chua Soon Ghee    9781118247099
24    Assessing and Mitigating—Business Risks in India    Balbir B. Bhasin    9781606493120
25    Audit and Assurance Essentials for Professional Accountancy Exams    Katharine Bagshaw    9781119968795
26    Balanced Scorecards & Operational Dashboards with Microsoft Excel, Second Edition    Ron Person    9781118519653
27    Be The Best At What Matters Most—The Only Strategy You Will Ever Need    Joe Calloway    9781118569870
28    Best-Practice EVA—The Definitive Guide to Measuring and Maximizing Shareholder Value    G. Bennett Stewart III    9781118639382
29    Big Data Analytics—Turning Big Data into Big Money    Frank Ohlhorst    9781118147597
30    Biomedical Consulting Agreements—A Guide For Academics    Edward Klees and H. Robert Horvitz    9780262517935
31    Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains—Distribution, Regulatory, Systems and Structural Changes Ahead    Robert Handfield    9781439899700
32    Bloomberg Visual Guide to ETFs    David J. Abner    9781118204658
33    Book Yourself Solid—The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling, Second Edition Revised & Expanded    Michael Port    9780470643471
34    Brand New—Solving the Innovation Paradox—How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Services, and Business Models    G. Michael Maddock, Luisa C. Uriarte and Paul B. Brown    9780470643594
35    Bricks Matter—The Role of Supply Chains in Building Market-Driven Differentiation    Lora M. Cecere and Charles W. Chase    9781118218310
36    Bring Out the Best in Every Employee—How to Engage Your Whole Team by Making Every Leadership Moment Count    Don Brown and Bill Hawkins    9780071787130
37    Building Better Teams—70 Tools and Techniques for Strengthening Performance Within and Across Teams    Robert W. Barner and Charlotte P. Barner    9781118127261
38    Building High Performance Business Relationships—Rescue, Improve And Transform Your Most Valuable Assets    Tony Lendrum    9780730377740
39    Business at the Speed of Now—Fire up Your People, Thrill Your Customers, and Crush Your Competitors    John M. Bernard    9781118054017
40    Business Auto Policy Coverage Guide, 3rd Edition    David D. Thamann    9781936362110
41    Business Integrity in Practice—Insights from International Case Studies    Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch and Wolfgang Amann    9781606494943
42    Business Management Controls—A Guide    John Kyriazoglou    9781849284295
43    Business Model Design and Learning—A Strategic Guide    Barbara Spencer    9781606494868
44    Business Models and Strategic Management—A New Integration    Francine Newth    9781606494011
45    Business, Technology, and Knowledge Management in Asia—Trends and Innovations    Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos (ed)    9781466626522
46    Candlestick Charting DeMYSTiFieD    Wayne A. Corbitt    9780071799874
47    Candlestick Charting Explained Workbook—Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master Candlestick Charting    Gregory L. Morris    9780071742214
48    Chance Or Choice—Unlocking Innovation Success    Greg McLaughlin and Vinny Caraballo    9781466581869
49    Change or Die—The Business Process Improvement Manual    Maxine Attong and Terrence Metz    9781466512511
50    Change With Confidence—Answers to the 50 Biggest Questions that Keep Change Leaders Up at Night    Phil Buckley    9781118556559
51    China Fast Forward—The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland’s Future    Bill Dodson    9781118176320
52    China's Superbank—Debt, Oil and Influence—How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance    Henry Sanderson and Michael Forsythe    9781118176368
53    Coaching for Improved Work Performance, Revised Edition    Ferdinand F. Fournies    9780071352932
54    Common Sense—Get it, Use it, and Teach it in the Workplace    Ken Tanner    9781430241522
55    Communication in Responsible Business—Strategies, Concepts, and Cases    Roger N. Conaway and Oliver Laasch    9781606493243
56    Compensating Your Employees Fairly—A Guide to Internal Pay Equity    Stephanie R. Thomas    9781430250401
57    Complete B2B Online Marketing    Maura Ginty, Lauren Vaccarello and William Leake    9781118147849
58    Complete Training—From Recruitment to Retirement    Robin Hoyle    9780749468996
59    Conflict Management for Managers—Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes    Susan S. Raines    9780470931110
60    Consumer Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization    Melvin Prince (ed)    9781606493649
61    Contagious Selling—How to Turn a Connection into a Relationship that Lasts a Lifetime    David A. Rich    9780071796958
62    Continuing to Engage the Online Learner—Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction    Rita-Marie Conrad and J. Ana Donaldson    9781118000175
63    Contracts in the Real World—Stories of Popular Contracts and Why They Matter    Lawrence A. Cunningham    9781107607460
64    Converge—Transforming Business At The Intersection Of Marketing And Technology    Bob Lord and Ray Velez    9781118575529
65    Conversations That Sell—Collaborate with Buyers and Make Every Conversation Count    Nancy Bleeke    9780814431801
66    Corporate Bankruptcy—Fundamental Principles and Processes    William J. Donoher    9781606491430
67    Corporate Finance—Theory and Practice, Third Edition    Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Maurizio Dallocchio, Yann Le Fur and Antonio Salvi    9781119975588
68    Corporate Fraud and Internal Control—A Framework for Prevention    Richard E. Cascarino    9781118301562
69    Corporate Fraud Handbook—Prevention and Detection, Third Edition    Joseph T. Wells    9780470638781
70    Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis—International Perspectives    William Sun, Jim Stewart and David Pollard    9781107001879
71    Corporate Governance Regulation—How Poor Management Is Destroying the Global Economy    Nicholas Vakkur and Zulma J. Herrera    9781118496374
72    Corporate Governance, Ethics and CSR    Justine Simpson and John Taylor    9780749463854
73    Corporate Intellectual Property Management in the 21st Century—A Shift in Strategic and Financial Management    Lanning G. Bryer, Scott J. Lebson and Matthew D. Asbell (eds)    9780470601754
74    Corporate Performance Management Best Practices—A Case Study Approach to Accelerating CPM Results    Bob Paladino    9781118478585
75    Corporate Real Estate Asset Management—Strategy and Implementation    Barry P. Haynes and Nick Nunnington    9780728205734
76    Corporate Security in the Asia-Pacific Region—Crisis, Crime, Fraud, and Misconduct    Christopher J. Cubbage and David J. Brooks    9781439892275
77    Corporate Sustainability—Integrating Performance and Reporting    Ann M. Brockett and Zabihollah Rezaee    9781118122365
78    Cost-Based, Charge-Based, and Contractual Payment Systems    Duane C. Abbey    9781439872994
79    Countering Fraud for Competitive Advantage—The Professional Approach to Reducing the Last Great Hidden Cost    Mark Button and Jim Gee    9781119994749
80    Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment—A Continuing Challenge for Global Financial Markets, Second Edition    Jon Gregory    9781118316672
81    Counterparty Credit Risk, Collateral and Funding—With Pricing Cases for All Asset Classes    Damiano Brigo, Massimo Morini and Andrea Pallavicini    9780470748466
82    Creating a Lean and Green Business System—Techniques for Improving Profits and Sustainability    Keivan Zokaei, Hunter Lovins, Andy Wood and Peter Hines    9781466571129
83    Creating a Purposeful Life—How To Reclaim Your Life, Live More Meaningfully And Befriend Time    Richard Fox and Heather Brown    9781906821975
84    Creating Mixed Model Value Streams—Practical Lean Techniques for Building to Demand, Second Edition    Kevin J. Duggan    9781439868430
85    Credit Securitizations and Derivatives—Challenges for the Global Markets    Daniel Rösch and Harald Scheule    9781119963967
86    Cross-Functional Productivity Improvement    Ronald Blank    9781466510739
87    Crowd Storm—The Future Of Innovation, Ideas, And Problem Solving    Shaun Abrahamson, Peter Ryder and Bastian Unterberg    9781118433201
88    Crowdsourcing    Daren C. Brabham    9780262518475
89    Currencies After the Crash—The Uncertain Future of the Global Paper-Based Currency System    Sara Eisen (ed)    9780071784887
90    Customer CEO—How to Profit from the Power of Your Customers    Chuck Wall    9781937134372
91    Customer-Oriented Marketing Strategy—Theory and Practice    Tevfik Dalgic    9781606495209
92    Dealing With Difficult People—Creating Success, Revised Second Edition    Roy Lilley    9780749466947
93    Decide—Better Ways of Making Better Decisions    David Wethey    9780749466299
94    Decision Analysis for Managers—A Guide for Making Better Personal and Business Decisions    David Charlesworth    9781606494882
95    Decision Making and Problem Solving    John Adair    9780749466961
96    Decoded—The Science Behind Why We Buy    Phil Barden    9781118345603
97    Delegation & Supervision    Brian Tracy    9780814433140
98    Delight Your Customers—7 Simple Ways to Raise Your Customer Service from Ordinary to Extraordinary    Steve Curtin    9780814432808
99    Deliver the Unexpected—And 6 Other New Truths for Business Success    Richard Robbins    9781118402313
100    Delivering Business Analytics—Practical Guidelines for Best Practice    Evan Stubbs    9781118370568
101    Demystifying Strategy—How to Become a Strategic Thinker    Tony Grundy    9780749465681
102    Design Thinking—Understand – Improve – Apply    Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer (eds)    9783642137563
103    Designing Brand Identity—An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, Fourth Edition    Alina Wheeler    9781118099209
104    Designing Service Processes to Unlock Value    Joy M. Field    9781606493045
105    Detecting Fraud in Organizations—Techniques, Tools, and Resources    Joseph Petrucelli    9781118103142
106    Develop Your Assertiveness, 3rd Edition    Sue Bishop    9780749466985
107    Develop Your Presentation Skills—Because You Only Have One Chance to Make a First Impression, Second Edition    Theo Theobald    9780749467029
108    Diversity and the Effective Corporate Board    Ram Kumar Mishra and Shital Jhunjhunwala    9780124104976
109    Diversity in Coaching—Working with Gender, Culture, Race and Age, Second Edition    Jonathan Passmore (ed)    9780749466626
110    Doing Business in China—Getting Ready for the Asian Century    Jane Menzies, Mona Chung and Stuart Orr    9781606493441
111    Doing Business With Latin America—An Introduction To Brazil, Mexico, Chile And Other Exciting Markets    Gabriela Castro-Fontoura    9781908003553
112    Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy—Markets, Speculation and the State    William H. Janeway    9781107031258
113    Doing More With Less—The New Way to Wealth    Bruce Piasecki    9781118172155
114    Doing More With Teams—The New Way To Winning    Bruce Piasecki    9781118484951
115    Domain Names Rewired—Strategies for Brand Protection in the Next Generation of the Internet    Jennifer C. Wolfe and Anne H. Chasser    9781118312629
116    Drucker on Marketing—Lessons from the World’s Most Influential Business Thinker    William A. Cohen    9780071778626
117    Effective Management—20 Keys To A Winning Culture    A. Keith Barnes    9781562868581
118    Effective Networking—How To Win In The Business Dating Game    Sharon Connolly    9789814398084
119    Effective NLP Skills—Creating Success, Second Edition    Richard Youell and Christina Youell    9780749467043
120    Effective Physical Security, Fourth Edition    Lawrence J. Fennelly    9780124158924
121    Electronic Health Record—A Systems Analysis of the Medications Domain    Alexander Scarlat    9781439878521
122    Embodied Leadership—The Somatic Approach to Developing Your Leadership    Pete Hamill    9780749465643
123    Emergency Evacuation Planning for Your Workplace—From Chaos to Life-Saving Solutions    Jim Burtles    9781931332569
124    Emerging Markets Rule—Growth Strategies of the New Global Giants    Mauro F. Guillén and Esteban García-Canal    9780071798112
125    Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success—Connect with Customers and Get Results    Colleen Stanley    9780814430293
126    Encyclopedia of Financial Models, 3 Volume Set    Frank J. Fabozzi    9781118006733
127    Energy, Sustainability and the Environment—Technology, Incentives, Behavior    Fereidoon P. Sioshansi    9780123851369
128    Enough is Enough—Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources    Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill    9781609948054
129    Enterprise Performance Management Done Right—An Operating System For Your Organization    Ron Dimon    9781118370759
130    Equipment Management in the Post-Maintenance Era—A New Alternative to Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)    Kern Peng    9781466501942
131    Essential Concepts of Cross-Cultural Management—Building On What We All Share    Lawrence A. Beer    9781606493892
132    Ethics and Technology—Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing, Fourth Edition    Herman T. Tavani    9781118281727
133    Ethics in Health Services and Policy—A Global Approach    Dean M. Harris    9780470531068
134    Executive Advantage—Resilient Leadership for 21st-Century Organizations    Jacqui Grey    9780749468286
135    Expanding Customer Service as a Profit Center—Striving for Excellence and Competitive Advantage    Rob Reider    9781606494608
136    Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition    Amy Porterfield, Phyllis Khare and Andrea Vahl    9781118466780
137    Faces of Fraud—Cases and Lessons from a Life Fighting Fraudsters    Martin T. Biegelman    9781118002742
139    Fair Value Measurement—Practical Guidance and Implementation, Second Edition    Mark L. Zyla    9781118229071
140    Fashion Brands—Branding Style from Armani to Zara, Third Edition    Mark Tungate    9780749464462
141    Fear and Greed—Investment Risks And Opportunities In A Turbulent World    Nicolas Sarkis    9780857192431
142    Fear Your Strengths—What You Are Best at Could Be Your Biggest Problem    Robert E. Kaplan and Robert B. Kaiser    9781609949044
143    Financial Crimes—A Threat to Global Security    Maximillian Edelbacher, Peter Kratcoski and Michael Theil (eds)    9781439869222
144    Financial Engineering—The Evolution of a Profession    Tanya Beder and Cara M. Marshall    9780470455814
145    Financial Innovation—Too Much or Too Little?    Michael Haliassos    9780262018296
146    Financial Reporting Standards—A Decision-Making Perspective for Non-Accountants    David T. Doran    9781606493878
147    Financial Risk Management—A Practitioner's Guide to Managing Market and Credit Risk, Second Edition    Steven Allen    9781118175453
148    Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R    Bernhard Pfaff    9780470978702
149    Financial Statement Fraud Casebook—Baking the Ledgers and Cooking the Books    Joseph T. Wells    9780470934418
150    Financial Statement Fraud—Strategies for Detection and Investigation    Gerard M. Zack    9781118301555
151    Flat Army—Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization    Dan Pontefract    9781118529799
152    Follow the Leader—The One Thing Great Leaders Have that Great Followers Want    Emmanuel Gobillot    9780749469054
153    Food and Beverage Cost Control, Fifth Edition    Lea R. Dopson and David K. Hayes    9780470251393
154    Frequently Asked Questions in IFRS    Steven Collings    9781119998976
155    From Know-How to Do-How—The Short and Simple Guide to Making Change Happen    David Corbet and Ian Roberts    9781857885903
156    From Management to Leadership—Strategies for Transforming Health Care, Third Edition    Jo Manion    9780470886298
157    From Smart To Wise—Acting And Leading With Wisdom    Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou    9781118296202
158    From Techie to Boss—Transitioning to Leadership    Scott Cromar    9781430259329
159    Fundamentals of Financial Instruments—An Introduction to Stocks, Bonds, Foreign Exchange, and Derivatives    Sunil Parameswaran    9780470824900
160    Futures Made Simple—A Beginner's Guide to Futures Trading for Success    Kel Butcher    9780730376835
161    Game Theory—Anticipating Reactions for Winning Actions    Mark L. Burkey    9781606493625
162    Getting Innovation Right—How Leaders Leverage Inflection Points To Drive Success    Seth Kahan    9781118378335
163    Getting the Balance Right—Leading and Managing Well    Peter Shaw    9789814382199
164    Global Brand Power—Leveraging Branding for Long-Term Growth    Barbara E. Kahn    9781613630266
165    Global Logistics—New Directions in Supply Chain Management, 6th Edition    Donald Waters    9780749457037
166    Global Strategies for Emerging Asia    Anil K. Gupta, Toshiro Wakayama and U. Srinivasa Rangan (eds)    9781118217979
167    Going Social—Excite Customers, Generate Buzz, and Energize Your Brand with the Power of Social Media    Jeremy Goldman    9780814432556
168    Grateful Leadership—Using the Power of Acknowledgment to Engage All Your People and Achieve Superior Results    Judith W. Umlas    9780071799522
169    Group Coaching—A Practical Guide to Optimizing Collective Talent in Any Organization    Ro Gorell    9780749467593
170    Grow the Core—How to Focus on Your Core Business for Brand Success    David Taylor    9781118484715
171    Guest Service in the Hospitality Industry    Paul Bagdan    9781118071809
172    Guide to Commodities—Producers, Players and Prices, Markets, Consumers and Trends    Caroline Bain    9781118383711
173    Handbook of Decision Analysis    Gregory S. Parnell, Terry A. Bresnick, Steven N. Tani and Eric R. Johnson    9781118173138
174    Handbook of Key Global Financial Markets, Institutions and Infrastructure    Gerard Caprio Jr. (ed)    9780123978738
175    Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management    Cheng-Few Lee, Alice C. Lee and John Lee (eds)    9780387771168
176    Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability—Political, Social, Cultural, and Economic Theories and Models    Gerard Caprio Jr. (ed)    9780123978752
177    Handbook of the Economics of Finance—Corporate Finance, Volume 2A    G. M. Constantinides, M. Harris and R. M. Stulz (eds)    9780444535948
178    Handbook of the Economics of Finance—Financial Markets and Asset Pricing, Volume 2B    G. M. Constantinides, M. Harris and R. M. Stulz (eds)    9780444594167
179    Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management—Operations, Planning, and Control    John F. Kros and Evelyn C. Brown    9781118109779
180    Healthcare Management and Economics—Perspectives on Public and Private Administration    Mika Markus Merviö (ed)    9781466639829
181    Hedge Fund Analysis—An In-Depth Guide to Evaluating Return Potential and Assessing Risks    Frank J. Travers    9781118175460
182    Hedge Fund Investing—A Practical Approach to Understanding Investor Motivation, Manager Profits, and Fund Performance    Kevin R. Mirabile    9781118281222
183    High Impact Marketing that Gets Results    Ardi Kolah    9780749464523
184    High Performance Learning—Creating Effective High Performance Learners    Catherine Mattiske    9781921547317
185    High-Profit IPO Strategies—Finding Breakout IPOs for Investors and Traders, Third Edition    Tom Taulli    9781118358405
186    How Cool Brands Stay Hot—Branding to Generation Y, Second Edition    Joeri Van den Bergh and Mattias Behrer    9780749468040
187    How to Change Minds—The Art of Influence without Manipulation    Rob Jolles    9781609948290
188    How to Close a Deal Like Warren Buffett—Lessons from the World’s Greatest Dealmaker    Tom Searcy and Henry Devries    9780071801652
189    How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer—The Qualities that Make Salespeople Great Revised and Updated, Second Edition    Herb Greenberg and Patrick Sweeney    9780071791649
190    How To Present—The Ultimate Guide To Presenting Your Ideas And Influencing People Using Techniques That Actually Work    Michelle Bowden    9781118476246
191    How to Read a Client from Across the Room—Win More Business with the Proven Character Code System to Decode Verbal & Nonverbal Communication    Brandy Mychals    9780071803533
192    How To Succeed With People—Remarkably Easy Ways to Engage, Influence and Motivate Almost Anyone    Paul McGee    9780857082893
193    How to Write A Business Plan—Because You Only Have One Chance to Make a Good Impression, Fourth Edition    Brian Finch    9780749467104
194    How to Write a Marketing Plan, Fourth Edition    John Westwood    9780749467128
195    How to Write Reports and Proposals, Third Edition    Patrick Forsyth    9780749467142
196    How Women Lead—8 Essential Strategies Successful Women Know    Sharon Hadary and Laura Henderson    9780071781251
197    HR From the Outside In—The Next Era of Human Resources Transformation    Dave Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank, Jon Younger and Mike Ulrich    9780071802666
198    Human Capital Analytics—How to Harness the Potential of Your Organization’s Greatest Asset    Gene Pease, Boyce Byerly and Jac Fitz-enz    9781118466766
199    Idea Agent—Leadership that Liberates Creativity and Accelerates Innovation    Lina M. Echeverría    9780814432174
200    IFRS and XBRL—How to Improve Business Reporting Through Technology and Object Tracking    Kurt Ramin and Cornelis Reiman    9781118369739
201    IFRS Essentials    Dieter Christian and Norbert Lüdenbach    9781118494714
202    I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company—When Management Consultants are the Problem, Not the Solution    Karen Phelan    9781609947392
203    Implementing Models of Financial Derivatives—Object Oriented Applications with VBA    Nick Webber    9780470712207
204    Improve Your Communication Skills, 3rd Edition    Alan Baker    9780749467166
205    Improving Healthcare Team Performance—The 7 Requirements for Excellence in Patient Care    Leslie Bendaly and Nicole Bendaly    9781118199527
206    Infographics—The Power of Visual Storytelling    Jason Lankow, Josh Ritchie and Ross Crooks    9781118314043
207    Innovation at Work—55 Activities to Spark Your Team’s Creativity    Richard Brynteson    9780814432341
208    Innovation in a Reinvented World—10 Essential Elements to Succeed in the New World of Business    Dee McCrorey    9781118027356
209    Innovation Prowess—Leadership Strategies for Accelerating Growth    George S. Day    9781613630280
210    Innovative Pricing Strategies to Increase Profits    Daniel Marburger    9781606493816
211    Inside The Black Box—A Simple Guide To Quantitative And High-Frequency Trading, Second Edition    Rishi K Narang    9781118362419
212    Instructional Design—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    9781609605032
213    Intellectual Property in the Managerial Portfolio—Its Creation, Development, and Protection    Thomas S. O'Connor    9781606493540
214    Intelligent Leadership—What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Full Potential    John Mattone    9780814432372
215    International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook, Second Edition    Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie and Michael A. Broihahn    9780470916636
216    International Financial Statement Analysis, Second Edition    Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie and Michael A. Broihahn    9780470916629
217    International GAAP 2013—Generally Accepted Accounting Principles under International Financial Reporting Standards    Bruce Mackenzie    9781118484012
218    International Human Resource Development—Learning, Education and Training for Individuals and Organizations, Third Edition    John P. Wilson (ed)    9780749461065
219    International Investments in Private Equity—Asset Allocation, Markets, and Industry Structure    Peter Cornelius    9780123750822
220    International Private Equity    Eli Talmor and Florin Vasvari    9780470971703
221    Intersection—How Enterprise Design Bridges the Gap between Business, Technology and People    Milan Guenther    9780123884350
222    Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, Tenth Edition    Clayton W. Barrows, Tom Powers and Dennis Reynolds    9780470399743
223    Investigative Computer Forensics—The Practical Guide for Lawyers, Accountants, Investigators, and Business Executives    Erik Laykin    9780470932407
224    Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity, Second Edition    David P. Stowell    9780124158207
225    Invisible Influence—The Power to Persuade Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere    Kevin Hogan    9781118602256
226    It’s the Way You Say It—Becoming Articulate, Well-Spoken, and Clear    Carol A. Fleming    9781609947439
227    Joe Girard’s 13 Essential Rules of Selling—How to Be a Top Achiever and Lead a Great Life    Joe Girard and Tony Gibbs    9780071799058
228    Kanban for the Supply Chain—Fundamental Practices for Manufacturing Management, Second Edition    Steve Cimorelli    9781439895498
229    Key Skills for Professionals—How to Succeed in Professional Services    Alan Pannett, Shalini Sequeira, Andrew Dines and Andrew Day    9780749468729
230    Knowing Our Future—The Startling Case For Futurology    Michael Lee    9781906821982
231    Leaders Ought to Know—11 Ground Rules for Common Sense Leadership    Phillip Van Hooser    9781118529263
232    Leaders Without Titles    Stephen J. Sampson    9781599962504
233    Leadership and the Art of Struggle—How Great Leaders Grow through Challenge and Adversity    Steven Snyder    9781609946449
234    Leadership Conversations—Challenging High-Potential Managers To Become Great Leaders    Alan S. Berson and Richard G. Stieglitz    9781118378328
235    Leadership in Chaordic Organizations    Beverly G. McCarter and Brian E. White    9781420074178
236    Leadership Matters—Daily Insights to Inspire Extraordinary Results    Lee J. Colan    9780981924298
237    Leadership Pure and Simple—How Transformative Leaders Create Winning Organizations    David Wilkins and Greg Carolin    9780071791823
238    Leading Apple with Steve Jobs—Management Lessons from a Controversial Genius    Jay Elliot    9781118379523
239    Leading Effective Virtual Teams—Overcoming Time and Distance to Achieve Exceptional Results    Nancy M. Settle-Murphy    9781466557864
240    Leading Out Loud—A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future, Third Edition, newly revised    Terry Pearce    9780470907696
241    Leading Successful Change—8 Keys to Making Change Work    Gregory P. Shea and Cassie A. Solomon    9781613630198
242    Leading the Learning Revolution—The Expert’s Guide to Capitalizing on the Exploding Lifelong Education Market    Jeff Cobb    9780814432259
243    Leading with Conviction—Mastering the Nine Critical Pillars of Integrated Leadership    Shalom Saada Saar and Michael J. Hargrove    9781118444269
244    Lean Innovation—Understanding What's Next in Today's Economy    Barry L. Cross    9781466515253
245    Lean Production for the Small Company    Mike Elbert    9781439877791
246    Lean Sigma Methods and Tools for Service Organizations—The Story of a Cruise Line Transformation    Jaideep Motwani, Rob Ptacek and Richard Fleming    9781606494073
247    Learning Organizations—Turning Knowledge into Actions    Marcus Goncalves (ed)    9781606494585
248    Let’s Close a Deal—Turn Contacts Into Paying Customers for Your Company, Product, Service or Cause    Christine Clifford    9781118521557
249    Leveraged Buyouts—A Practical Introductory Guide to LBOs    David Pilger    9780857190956
250    Likeable Business—Why Today’s Consumers Demand More and How Leaders Can Deliver    Dave Kerpen, Theresa Braun and Valerie Pritchard    9780071800471
251    Link Out—How to Turn Your Network Into a Chain of Lasting Connections    Leslie Grossman    9781118380581
252    Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication—What Your CEO Needs to Know about Reputation Risk and Crisis Management    James E. Lukaszewski    9781931332668
253    Luxury World—The Past, Present and Future of Luxury Brands    Mark Tungate    9780749452636
254    Macroprudential Regulatory Policies—The New Road to Financial Stability?    Stijn Claessens, Douglas D Evanoff, George G Kaufman and Laura E Kodres (eds)    9789814360661
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256    Make Up Your Mind—A Decision-Making Guide to Thinking Clearly and Choosing Wisely    Hal Mooz    9781118172711
257    Make Your Brain Work—How to Maximize Your Efficiency, Productivity and Effectiveness    Amy Brann    9780749467579
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259    Making the Matrix Work—How Matrix Managers Engage People and Cut Through Complexity    Kevan Hall    9781904838425
260    Manager’s Guide to Employee Engagement    Scott Carbonara    9780071799508
261    Manager’s Guide to Online Marketing    Jason D. Weaver    9780071801874
262    Managerial Communication—Evaluating the Right Dose    J. David Johnson    9781606494646
263    Managers as Mentors—Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded    Chip R. Bell and Marshall Goldsmith    9781609947101
264    Managing Customer Trust, Satisfaction, and Loyalty through Information Communication Technologies    Riyad Eid (ed)    9781466636316
265    Managing Employee Turnover—Dispelling Myths and Fostering Evidence-Based Retention Strategies    David G. Allen and Phillip C. Bryant    9781606493403
266    Managing Health Programs and Projects    Beaufort B. Longest    9781118076538
267    Managing Human Resources for Environmental Sustainability    Susan E. Jackson, Deniz S. Ones and Stephan Dilchert (eds)    9780470887202
268    Managing Human Resources in China—The View from Inside Multinationals    Yu Zheng    9781107013551
269    Managing Incompetence—An Innovative Approach for Dealing with People    Gabriel Ginebra    9781562868697
270    Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service, 3rd Edition    Chip R. Bell and Ron Zemke    9780814432044
271    Managing the New Customer Relationship—Strategies to Engage the Social Customer and Build Lasting Value    Ian H. Gordon    9781118092217
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278    Marketing in the Participation Age—A Guide to Motivating People to Join, Share, Take Part, Connect, and Engage    Daina Middleton    9781118402306
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284    Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy for Consolidations—Roll Up, Roll Out, and Innovate for Superior Growth and Returns    Norman W. Hoffmann    9780071793421
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294    Negotiation    Brian Tracy    9780814433188
295    Nine Minutes on Monday—The Quick and Easy Way to Go from Manager to Leader    James Robbins    9780071801980
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299    On Leading in Times of Change    Stephen Rush (ed)    9781604911206
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315    Patents and Strategic Inventing—The Corporate Inventor’s Guide to Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage    Nicholas J. Nissing    9780071783866
316    Payroll Practice Fundamentals, 2013 Edition    American Payroll Association    9781934951606
317    Pay—Why People Earn What They Earn and What You Can Do Now to Make More    Kevin F. Hallock    9781107014985
318    People Love You—The Real Secret to Delivering Legendary Customer Experiences    Jeb Blount    9781118433249
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343    Risk Analysis and the Security Survey, Fourth Edition    James F. Broder and Eugene Tucker    9780123822338
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351    Secrets of Selling Services—Everything You Need to Sell What Your Customer Can’t See—from Pitch to Close    Stephan Schiffman    9780071791625
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480    The Story of Purpose—The Path to Creating a Brighter Brand, a Greater Company, and a Lasting Legacy    Joey Reiman    9781118443699
481    The Technology Change Book    Tricia Emerson and Mary Stewart    9781562868109
482    The Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning, 15th Edition    Stephan R. Leimberg et al.    9781936362257
483    The Trading Book Course—A Practical Guide to Profiting With Technical Analysis    Anne-Marie Baiynd    9780071803366
484    The Truth About Lies in the Workplace—How to Spot Liars and What to do About Them    Carol Kinsey Goman    9781609948375
485    The Warrior’s Character—Leadership Wisdom From West Point’s Cadet Prayer    Don M. Snider    9780071802611
486    The Winning Bid—A Practical Guide to Successful Bid Management    Emma Jaques    9780749468323
487    The Winning Manager’s Playbook—6 Practices Every Manager Needs to Succeed    John Cioffi and Ken Willig    9781601632739
488    The Women of Berkshire Hathaway — Lessons from Warren Buffett's Female CEOs and Directors    Karen Linder    9781118182628
489    The Young Professional’s Guide to Managing—Building, Guiding, and Motivating Your Team to Achieve Awesome Results    Aaron McDaniel    9781601632548
490    Tipping Sacred Cows—Kick the Bad Work Habits That Masquerade as Virtues    Jake Breeden    9781118345917
491    Tomorrow's World—A Look at the Demographic and Socio-Economic Structure of the World in 2032    Clint Laurent    9780470824719
492    Too Big to Ignore—The Business Case for Big Data    Phil Simon    9781118638170
493    Touchpoint Leadership—Creating Collaborative Energy Across Teams and Organizations    Hilary Lines and Jacqui Scholes-Rhodes    9780749465780
494    Toyota by Toyota—Reflections from the Inside Leaders on the Techniques that Revolutionized the Industry    Samuel Obara and Darril Wilburn (eds)    9781439880753
495    Trade Secrets—Powerful Strategies for Volatile Markets    Adrian Manz    9780857192776
496    Trading Basics—Evolution of a Trader    Thomas N. Bulkowski    9781118464212
497    Trading Systems and Methods, Fifth Edition    Perry J. Kaufman    9781118043561
498    Train For Results—Maximize the Impact of Training Through Review    Catherine Mattiske    9781921547300
499    Transfer Pricing in International Business—A Management Tool for Adding Value    Geoff Turner    9781606493489
500    Transforming IT Culture—How to Use Social Intelligence, Human Factors, and Collaboration to Create an IT Department that Outperforms    Frank Wander    9781118436530
501    TRIZ for Engineers—Enabling Inventive Problem Solving    Karen Gadd    9780470741887
502    Ultimate New Job    James Innes    9780749464097
503    Understanding Arabs—A Contemporary Guide to Arab Society, Fifth Edition    Margaret K. Nydell    9780983955801
504    Understanding the Chinese Economies    Rongxing Guo    9780123978264
505    Understanding the Dynamics of the Value Chain    William D. Presutti, Jr and John R. Mawhinney    9781606494509
506    Unleashing The Power Of 3P—The Key To Breakthrough Improvement    Dan McDonnell and Drew A. Locher    9781439886120
507    Usablity in Government Systems—User Experience Design for Citizens and Public Servants    Elizabeth Buie and Dianne Murray (eds)    9780123910639
508    User Acceptance Testing—A Step-by-Step Guide    Brian Hambling and Pauline van Goethem    9781780171678
509    Using Excel for Business Analysis—A Guide to Financial Modelling Fundamentals    Danielle Stein Fairhurst    9781118132845
510    Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development—Shaping the Future of Your Enterprise    Ulf Pillkahn    9783895783043
511    Valuable Content Marketing—Why Quality Content Is Key to Business Success    Sonja Jefferson and Sharon Tanton    9780749465803
512    Valuation Techniques—Discounted Cash Flow, Earnings Quality, Measures of Value Added, and Real Options    David T. Larrabee and Jason A. Voss    9781118397435
513    Valuing People To Create Value—An Innovative Approach to Leveraging Motivation at Work    Hervé Mathe, Xavier Pavie and Marwyn O’Keeffe    9789814365062
514    Visual Leaders—New Tools for Visioning, Management, & Organization Change    David Sibbet    9781118471654
515    Web Copy That Sells—The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy That Grabs Their Attention and Compels Them to Buy, Third Edition    Maria Veloso    9780814432518
516    What Is BPM?    Marvin M. Wurtzel    9780071802253
517    What It Takes—Seven Secrets of Success from the World’s Greatest Professional Firms    Charles D. Ellis    9781118517727
518    What Keeps Leaders up at Night—Recognizing and Resolving Your Most Troubling Management Issues    Nicole Lipkin    9780814432112
519    What Your CEO Needs to Know About Sales Compensation—Connecting the Corner Office to the Front Line    Mark Donnolo    9780814432273
520    What’s Stopping You? Being More Confident—Why Smart People Can Lack Confidence, and What You Can Do About It    Robert Kelsey    9780857083098
521    What's Your Problem?—Identifying and Solving the Five Types of Process Problems    Kicab Castañeda-Méndez    9781466552692
522    When to Hire—or Not Hire—a Consultant—Getting Your Money's Worth from Consulting Relationships    Linda M. Orr and Dave J. Orr    9781430247340
523    Where Winners Live—Sell More, Earn More, Achieve More Through Personal Accountability    Dave Porter, Linda Galindo and Sharon O’Malley    9781118436264
524    Who Killed Creativity? ...and How Can We Get it Back?—Seven Essential Strategies to Make Yourself, Your Team and Your Organisation More Innovative     Andrew Grant, Gaia Grant and Jason Gallate    9781118232521
525    Who Says It’s a Man’s World—The Girls’ Guide to Corporate Domination    Emily Bennington    9780814431870
526    Why Are We Bad at Picking Good Leaders?—A Better Way to Evaluate Leadership Potential    Jeffrey Cohn and Jay Moran    9780470601945
527    Wiley CIA Exam Review 2013 Focus Notes: Part 2, Internal Audit Practice    S. Rao Vallabhaneni    9781118120569
528    Wiley CIA Exam Review 2013 Focus Notes—Part 1, Internal Audit Basics    S. Rao Vallabhaneni    9781118120545
529    Wiley CIA Exam Review 2013—Part 1, Internal Audit Basics    S. Rao Vallabhaneni    9781118120590
530    Wiley CIA Exam Review 2013—Part 2, Internal Audit Practice    S. Rao Vallabhaneni    9781118120620
531    Wiley CMA Learning System Exam Review 2013, Self-Study Guide—Part 1–Financial Planning, Performance and Control    Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)    9781118480588
532    Wiley CMA Learning System Exam Review 2013—Self-Study Guide, Part 2—Financial Decision Making    Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)    9781118480601
533    Wiley GAAP for Governments 2013—Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for State and Local Governments    Warren Ruppel    9781118363232
534    Wiley IFRS 2013—Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards    Bruce Mackenzie et al.    9781118277270
535    Wiley Not-for-Profit GAAP 2013—Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Not-for-Profit Organizations    Richard F. Larkin and Marie DiTommaso    9781118363249
536    Wiley Practitioner's Guide to GAAS 2013—Covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and Interpretations    Joanne M. Flood    9781118277263
537    Winning Body Language for Sales Professionals—Control the Conversation and Connect with Your Customer—Without Saying a Word    Mark Bowden and Andrew Ford    9780071793001
538    World Class Communication—How Great CEOs Win with the Public, Shareholders, Employees, and the Media    Virgil Scudder and Ken Scudder    9781118230053
539    World-Class Leadership—Leading Yourself, Your Team, The World and Society    Tetsuya Abe and Sachin Chowdhery    9789814360715
540    Writing for Science and Engineering—Papers, Presentations and Reports, Second Edition    Heather Silyn-Roberts    9780080982854
541    Writing Skills for Public Relations—Style and Technique for Mainstream and Social Media, 5th Edition    John Foster    9780749465438
542    YES!– 50 Secrets From The Science Of Persuasion    Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin and Robert B. Cialdini    9781846680168
543    You Should Test That!—Conversion Optimization for More Leads, Sales and Revenue or The Art and Science of Optmized Marketing    Chris Goward    9781118301302
544    Your Best Just Got Better—Work Smarter, Think Bigger, Make More    Jason W. Womack    9781118121986
545    Zebras and Cheetahs—Look Different and Stay Agile to Survive the Business Jungle    Micheal J. Burt and Colby B. Jubenville    9781118631805
546    Zig Zag—The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity    Keith Sawyer    9781118297704


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

278 Engineering Books. Electrical Engineering EBooks. Chemical Engineering Book. Civil Engineering Ebook. Material Science Books. And Many More.........

*********** Here are 278 New Science And Engineering Books added  on July 2013. *************

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No    Book Title    Authors    ISBN No

1    3D Visual Communications    Guan-Ming Su, Yu-Chi Lai, Andres Kwasinski and Haohong Wang    9781119960706
2    3G, 4G and Beyond–Bringing Networks, Devices and the Web Together, Second Edition    Martin Sauter    9781118341483
3    50 Years of Polymer Testing    Roger Brown    9781847354495
4    8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Application    M. Mahalakshmi    9789381159248
5    Acoustic Array Systems—Theory, Implementation, and Application    Mingsian R. Bai, Mingsian R. Bai and Jacob Benesty    9780470827239
6    Acoustic Microscopy, Second Edition    G. A. D. Briggs and O. V. Kolosov    9780199232734
7    Acoustics—Sound Fields and Transducers    Leo L. Beranek and Tim J. Mellow    9780123914217
8    Advanced Aircraft Flight Performance    Antonio Filippone    9781107024007
9    Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Materials for Extreme Environments II—Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 33 Issue 3, 2012    Dongming Zhu (ed) et al.    9781118205891
10    Advanced Reservoir Management and Engineering, Second Edition    Tarek Ahmed and D. Nathan Meehan    9780123855480
11    Advanced Thermoforming—Methods, Machines and Materials, Applications and Automation    Sven Engelmann    9780470499207
12    Advanced Water Injection for Low Permeability Reservoirs—Theory and Practice    Ran Xinquan, Xu Fangfu and Gu Daihong    9780123970312
13    Advances in Analog and RF IC Design for Wireless Communication Systems    Gabriele Manganaro and Domine Leenaerts (eds)    9780123983268
14    Advances in Statistical Monitoring of Complex Multivariate Processes—With Applications in Industrial Process Control    Uwe Kruger and Lei Xie    9780470028193
15    Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, Sixth Edition    E.L. Houghton, P.W. Carpenter, Steven H. Collicott and Daniel T. Valentine    9780080966328
16    Aerospace Sensors    Alexander V. Nebylov (ed)    9781606500590
17    Aircraft Design—A Systems Engineering Approach    Mohammad H. Sadraey    9781119953401
18    Aircraft Systems Integration of Air-Launched Weapons    Keith A. Rigby    9780470971185
19    Ammonium Nitrate Explosives for Civil Applications—Slurries, Emulsions and Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oils    Erode G. Mahadevan    9783527330287
20    An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, Third Edition    Dougal Drysdale    9780470319031
21    An Introduction to Nuclear Materials—Fundamentals and Applications    K. Linga Murty and Indrajit Charit    9783527412013
22    Analog Circuit Design—Immersion in the Black Art of Analog Design, Volume 2    Bob Dobkin and Jim Williams (eds)    9780123978882
23    Analytical Chemistry    Séamus Higson    9780198502890
24    Antennas for Global Navigation Satellite Systems    Xiaodong Chen, Clive G. Parini, Masood Ur Rehman, Brian Collins and Yuan Yao    9781119993674
25    Antimicrobial Polymers    José M. Lagarón, María J. Ocio and Amparo López-Rubio (eds)    9780470598221
26    Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists    T. Agami Reddy    9781441996121
27    Atomic Force Microscopy—Understanding Basic Modes and Advanced Applications    Greg Haugstad    9780470638828
28    Battery Systems Engineering    Christopher D. Rahn and Chao-Yang Wang    9781119979500
29    Beryllium Chemistry and Processing    Kenneth A. Walsh    9780871707215
30    BIM for Building Owners and Developers—Making a Business Case for Using BIM on Projects    K. Pramod Reddy    9780470905982
31    Biofabrication—Micro- and Nano-Fabrication, Printing, Patterning, and Assemblies    Gabor Forgacs and Wei Sun    9781455728527
32    Biological Sludge Minimization and Biomaterials/Bioenergy Recovery Technologies    Etienne Paul and Yu Liu (eds)    9780470768822
33    Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Second Edition    Pauline M. Doran    9780122208515
34    Bioremediation of Petroleum and Petroleum Products    James G. Speight and Karuna K. Arjoon    9780470938492
35    Body Area Communications—Channel Modeling, Communication Systems, and EMC    Jianqing Wang and Qiong Wang    9781118188484
36    Boundary Layer Flow over Elastic Surfaces and Combined Method of Drag Reduction    Viktor V. Babenko, Ho Hwan Chun and Inwon Lee    9780123948069
37    Building Code Basics—Energy—Based on the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code    International Code Council    9781133283393
38    Casting Design and Performance    ASM International    9780871707246
39    Catching the Process Fieldbus—An Introduction to PROFIBUS for Process Automation    James Powell and Henry Vandelinde    9781606503966
40    CBRN Protection—Managing the Threat of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Weapons    Andre Richardt, Birgit Hülseweh, Frank Sabath and Bernd Niemeyer    9783527324132
41    Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications II—Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 33, Issue 9, 2012    Kevin Fox (ed) et al.    9781118205990
42    Ceramography—Preparation and Analysis of Ceramic Microstructures    Richard E. Chinn    9780871707703
43    Chemical Engineering Design—Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design, Second Edition    Gavin Towler and Ray Sinnott    9780080966595
44    Chemical Process Equipment—Selection and Design, Third Edition    James R. Couper, W. Roy Penney, James R. Fair and Stanley M. Walas (eds)    9780123969590
45    Chemical Resistance of Specialty Thermoplastics, Volume 3    William Andrew Woishnis and Sina Ebnesajjad    9781455731107
46    Chemical Sensors—Simulation and Modeling Volume 1: Microstructural Characterization and Modeling of Metal Oxides    Ghenadii Korotcenkov (ed)    9781606501030
47    Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives    Titus A. M. Msagati    9781118274149
48    Clean Electricity Through Advanced Coal Technologies    Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff    9781437778151
49    CMOS Sigma-Delta Converters—Practical Design Guide    José M. de la Rosa and Rocío del Río    9781119979258
50    CMOS Voltage References—An Analytical and Practical Perspective    Chi-Wah Kok and Wing-Shan Tam    9781118275689
51    Coal Geology, Second Edition    Larry Thomas    9781119990444
52    Common Well Control Hazards—Identification and Countermeasures    Sun Xiaozhen    9780123970305
53    Compressibility, Turbulence and High Speed Flow, Second Edition    Thomas B. Gatski and Jean-Paul Bonnet    9780123970275
54    Computational Aeroacoustics—A Wave Number Approach    Christopher K. W. Tam    9780521806787
55    Computational Fluid Dynamics—A Practical Approach, Second Edition    Jiyuan Tu, Guan-Heng Yeoh and Chaoqun Liu    9780080982434
56    Computer Modeling for Injection Molding—Simulation, Optimization, and Control    Huamin Zhou    9780470602997
57    Construction Calculations Manual    Sidney M. Levy    9780123822437
58    Construction Delays—Understanding them Clearly, Analyzing them Correctly, Second Edition    Theodore J. Trauner, Jr., William A. Manginelli, J. Scott Lowe, Mark F. Nagata and Brian J. Furniss    9781856176774
59    Degradation and Stabilisation of Aromatic Polyesters    Stuart Fairgrieve    9781847354570
60    Design for Reliability    Dev Raheja and Louis J. Gullo    9780470486757
61    DeWalt Construction Safety and OSHA Handbook    Dan Johnson    9781133132059
62    DeWALT Residential Construction Codes—Complete Handbook    Lynn Underwood    9781133129530
63    Dictionary of Metals    Harold M. Cobb (ed)    9781615039784
64    Digital Filters—Theory, Application and Design of Modern Filters    Rajiv J. Kapadia    9783527411481
65    Direct Eigen Control for Induction Machines and Synchronous Motors    Jean Claude Alacoque    9781119942702
66    Distillation Control—An Engineering Perspective    Cecil L. Smith    9780470381946
67    Distributed Sensor Systems—Practice and Applications    Habib F. Rashvand and Jose M. Alcaraz Calero    9780470661246
68    DSP Architecture Design Essentials    Dejan Markovic and Robert W. Brodersen    9781441996596
69    Dynamics and Nonlinear Control of Integrated Process Systems    Michael Baldea and Prodromos Daoutidis    9780521191708
70    Electric Motors and Drives—Fundamentals, Types, and Applications, Fourth Edition    Austin Hughes and Bill Drury    9780080983325
71    Embedded Systems Architecture—A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers, Second Edition    Tammy Noergaard    9780123821966
72    Energy Efficiency—Towards the End of Demand Growth    Fereidoon P. Sioshansi    9780123978790
73    Engineering Complex Phenotypes in Industrial Strains    Ranjan Patnaik (ed)    9780470610756
74    Engineering Solutions for Sustainability—Materials and Resources    The Minerals    9781118175859
75    Engineering the CMOS Library—Enhancing Digital Design Kits for Competitive Silicon    David Doman    9781118243046
76    EPC and 4G Packet Networks—Driving the Mobile Broadband Revolution, Second Edition    Magnus Olsson and Catherine Mulligan    9780123945952
77    Essentials of LTE and LTE-A    Amitabha Ghosh and Rapeepat Ratasuk    9780521768702
78    Essentials of Mobile Handset Design    Abhi Naha and Peter Whale    9781107010048
79    Essentials of Thermal Processing    Gary Tucker and Susan Featherstone    9781405190589
80    Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Chemical Engineers    Gregory S. Patience    9780444538048
81    Fabrication Engineering at the Micro- and Nanoscale, Third Edition    Stephen A. Campbell    9780195320176
82    Failure Analysis of Paints and Coatings, Revised Edition    Dwight G. Weldon    9780470697535
83    Fatigue and Fracture—Understanding the Basics    F. C. Campbell (ed)    9781615039760
84    Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers, Third Edition    Laurence W. McKeen    9781455725519
85    Finite Element Method in Machining Processes    Angelos P. Markopoulos    9781447143291
86    Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in Hydroelectric Machinery—Engineer's Guidebook for Planning, Design and Troubleshooting    Peter Dörfler, Mirjam Sick and André Coutu    9781447142515
87    Fluid Film Lubrication, Second Edition    Andras Z. Szeri    9780521898232
88    Food Materials Science and Engineering    Bhesh Bhandari (ed)    9781405199223
89    Food Processing Handbook, 2nd edition    James G. Brennan and Alistair S. Grandison (eds)    9783527324682
90    Food Safety Regulatory Compliance—Catalyst for a Lean and Sustainable Food Supply Chain    Preston W. Blevins    9781439849569
91    Foundations of Chemical Biology    C. M. Dobson, J. A. Gerrard and A.J. Pratt    9780199248995
92    Fractal Models in Exploration Geophysics—Applications to Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Volume 41    V.P. Dimri, R.P. Srivastava and Nimisha Vedanti    9780080451589
93    Friction Stir Welding and Processing    Rajiv S. Mishra and Murray W. Mahoney (eds)    9780871708403
94    Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials, Third Edition    Christopher S. Brazel and Stephen L. Rosen    9780470505427
95    Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Seventh Edition    Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt    9780470501979
96    Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, Third Edition    Aldo Vieira da Rosa    9780123972194
97    Fundamentals of the Petrophysics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs    Leonid Buryakovsky, George V. Chilingar, Herman H. Rieke and Sanghee Shin    9781118344477
98    Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering—Modeling and Analysis    Eduardo Calixto    9780123919144
99    Gears and Gear Drives    Damir Jelaska    9781119941309
100    Geological Storage of CO2—Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation    Jan M. Nordbotten and Michael A. Celia    9780470889466
101    Geometry of Surfaces—A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers    Stephen P. Radzevich    9781118520314
102    Getting Started with the MSP430 Launchpad    Adrian Fernandez and Dung Dang    9780124115880
103    Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, Third Edition    Mohinder S. Grewal, Angus P. Andrews and Chris G. Bartone    9781118447000
104    Going the Distance—Solids Level Measurement with Radar    Tim Little and Henry Vandelinde    9781606504000
105    Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings    Piet M. Lugt    9781118353912
106    Green Building—A Professional’s Guide to Concepts, Codes, and Innovation—Includes IgCC Provisions    Anthony C. Floyd and Allan Bilka    9781111035112
107    Handbook of Advanced Ceramics—Materials, Applications, Processing, and Properties, Second Edition    Shigeyuki Somiya (ed)    9780123854698
108    Handbook of Corrosion Engineering, Second Edition    Pierre R. Roberge    9780071750370
109    Handbook of Ferroalloys—Theory and Technology    Michael Gasik (ed)    9780080977539
110    Handbook of Food Process Design, Volume I and II    Jasim Ahmed and Mohammad Shafiur Rahman (eds)    9781444330113
111    Handbook of Hydrothermal Technology, Second Edition    K. Byrappa and Masahiro Yoshimura    9780123750907
112    Handbook of Loss Prevention Engineering    Joel M. Haight    9783527329953
113    Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Volume Nineteen    K.H.J. Buschow (ed)    9780444537805
114    Handbook of Materials for Medical Devices    J.R. Davis (ed)    9780871707901
115    Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering, Volume 1    Myer Kutz (ed)    9780470404775
116    Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering, Volume 2    Myer Kutz (ed)    9781118384640
117    Handbook of Molded Part Shrinkage and Warpage, Second Edition    Jerry M. Fischer    9781455725977
118    Handbook of Paper and Paperboard Packaging Technology, Second Edition    Mark J. Kirwan (ed)    9780470670668
119    Handbook of Polymer Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing    Enrique Saldívar-Guerra and Eduardo Vivaldo-Lima    9780470630327
120    Handbook of RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers    John Walker (ed)    9780521760102
121    Handbook of SCADA/Control Systems Security    Robert Radvanovsky and Jacob Brodsky (eds)    9781466502260
122    Handbook of Sputter Deposition Technology—Fundamentals and Applications for Functional Thin Films, Nanomaterials, and MEMS, Second Edition    Kiyotaka Wasa, Isaku Kanno and Hidetoshi Kotera    9781437734836
123    Handbook of Surveillance Technologies, Third Edition    J.K. Petersen    9781439873151
124    Handbook of Thin Film Deposition—Techniques, Processes, and Technologies, Third Edition    Krishna Seshan (ed)    9781437778731
125    Heavy and Extra-Heavy Oil Upgrading Technologies    James G. Speight    9780124045705
126    Heavy Oil Production Processes    James G. Speight    9780124017207
127    High Performance Control of AC Drives with MATLAB/Simulink Models    Haitham Abu-Rub, Atif Iqbal and Jaroslaw Guzinski (eds)    9780470978290
128    High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites 6    Gustavo J. Parra-Montesinos and Hans W. Reinhardt    9789400724358
129    Hydrogen Storage Technologies—New Materials, Transport, and Infrastructure    Agata Godula-Jopek, Walter Jehle and Jörg Wellnitz    9783527326839
130    Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds, Fourth Edition    Kenneth N. Brooks, Peter F. Ffolliott and Joseph A. Magner    9780470963050
131    Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography—A Guide for Practitioners    Bernard A. Olsen and Brian W. Pack    9781118054178
132    Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics—Fundamentals, Technical Solutions and Applications for Systems Applying Ionizing Radiation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound    Arnulf Oppelt (ed)    9783895782268
133    Improving the Earthquake Resilience of Buildings—The Worst Case Approach    Izuru Takewaki, Abbas Moustafa and Kohei Fujita    9781447141433
134    Inkjet Technology for Digital Fabrication    Ian M. Hutchings and Graham D. Martin (eds)    9780470681985
135    Innovation in Power, Control, and Optimization—Emerging Energy Technologies    Pandian Vasant, Nader Barsoum and Jeffrey Webb (eds)    9781613501382
136    Integrated Circuits for Analog Signal Processing    Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle    9781461413820
137    Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) For Metals—Using Multiscale Modeling to Invigorate Engineering Design with Science    Mark F. Horstemeyer    9781118022528
138    Internal Reflection and ATR Spectroscopy    Milan Milosevic    9780470278321
139    Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Third Edition    John D. Enderle and Joseph D. Bronzino    9780123749796
140    Introduction to Fluoropolymers—Materials, Technology, and Applications    Sina Ebnesajjad    9781455774425
141    Introduction to Humans in Engineered Systems    Roger Remington, Deborah Boehm-Davis and Charles Folk    9780470548752
142    Introduction to Polymer Analysis    T. R. Crompton    9781847353849
143    Introduction to Space Systems    Miguel A. Aguirre    9781461437574
144    Introduction to Surveillance Studies    J. K. Petersen    9781466555099
145    Introduction to the Explicit Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Transient Dynamics    Shen R. Wu and Lei Gu    9780470572375
146    Ionizing Radiation and Polymers—Principles, Technology, and Applications    Jiri George Drobny    9781455778812
147    Kinematic Geometry of Gearing, Second Edition    David B. Dooner    9781119950943
148    Large-Scale Solar Power Systems—Construction and Economics    Peter Gevorkian    9781107027688
149    LCP for Microwave Packages and Modules    Anh-Vu H. Pham, Morgan J. Chen and Kunia Aihara    9781107003781
150    Life Cycle Assessment Handbook—A Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Products    Mary Ann Curran (ed)    9781118099728
151    Lightweight Materials—Understanding the Basics    F. C. Campbell (ed)    9781615038497
152    Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics—A Modern Treatment with Applications, 2nd Enlarged and Improved Edition    Yukio Ishida and Toshio Yamamoto    9783527409426
153    Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy    Sadoon Morad, J. Marcelo Ketzer and Luiz F. De Ros (eds)    9781118485392
154    Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays—Chemistry, Physics, and Applications    Quan Li (ed)    9781118078617
155    Lithium-Ion Batteries Hazard and Use Assessment    Celina Mikolajczak, Michael Kahn, Kevin White and Richard Thomas Long    9781461434856
156    Low Impact Development and Sustainable Stormwater Management    Thomas H. Cahill    9780470096758
157    LTE Security, Second Edition    Dan Forsberg, Günther Horn, Wolf-Dietrich Moeller and Valtteri Niemi    9781118355589
158    LTE Self-Organising Networks (SON)—Network Management Automation for Operational Efficiency    Seppo Hämäläinen, Henning Sanneck and Cinzia Sartori (eds)    9781119970675
159    Machinery Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting—Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants, Volume 2, Fourth Edition    Heinz P. Bloch and Fred K. Geitner    9780123860453
160    Manufacturing Process Selection Handbook    K. G. Swift and J. D. Booker    9780080993607
161    Marine Geochemistry, 3rd Edition    Roy Chester and Tim Jickells    9781118349076
162    Marine Propellers and Propulsion, Third Edition    John Carlton    9780080971230
163    Materials and the Environment—Eco-Informed Material Choice, Second Edition    Michael F. Ashby    9780123859716
164    Measuring Colour, Fourth Edition    R.W.G. Hunt and M.R. Pointer    9781119975373
165    Mechanics of Failure Mechanisms in Structures    R.L. Carlson, G.A. Kardomateas and J.I. Craig    9789400742512
166    Mechanics of Fluid Flow    Kaplan S. Basniev, Nikolay M. Dmitriev and George V. Chilingar    9781118385067
167    Medical Device Design—Innovation from Concept to Market    Peter J. Ogrodnik    9780123919427
168    Micromechanics of Composite Materials—A Generalized Multiscale Analysis Approach    Jacob Aboudi, Steven M. Arnold and Brett A. Bednarcyk    9780123970350
169    Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Systems—Emerging Design, Technologies, and Applications    Apostolos Georgiadis, Hendrik Rogier, Luca Roselli and Paolo Arcioni (eds)    9781119944942
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