Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, May 14, 2016

866 New Business Management Books – New Updates for May 2016


Here are 866 (213 + 291 + 362) New Business Books & Management EBooks added on May 2016


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213 Books on May 2016

291 Books on February 2016

362 Books on November 2015

No    Book Title    Authors        Publication Year    ISBN No
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1    BABOK—A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, v3    International Institute of Business Analysis    2015    9781927584026
2    Big Data-Using Smart Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance    Bernard Marr    2015    9781118965832
3    Breakthrough Business Analysis—Implementing and Sustaining a Value-Based Practice    Kathleen B. Hass    2015    9781567264647
4    Data Driven-How Performance Analytics Delivers Extraordinary Sales Results    Jenny Dearborn    2015    9781119043126
5    The Analytics Revolution—How to Improve Your Business by Making Analytics Operational in the Big Data Era    Bill Franks    2014    9781118873670
6    Creating Good Work-The World’s Leading Social Entrepreneurs Show How to Build a Healthy Economy    Ron Schultz (ed)    2013    9780230372030
7    Entrepreneurship for the Rest of Us—How to Create Innovation and Opportunity Everywhere    Paul B. Brown    2015    9781629560557
8    Think like An Entrepreneur, Act like A CEO-50 Indispensable Tips to Help You Stay Afloat, Bounce Back, and Get Ahead at Work    Beverly E. Jones    2016    9781632650177
9    Überpreneurs—How to Create Innovative Global Businesses and Transform Human Societies    Peter Andrews and Fiona Wood    2014    9781137376145
10    A Primer on Corporate Governance-China    Jean Jinghan Chen    2015    9781631572289
11    All Above Board-Creating the Ideal Corporate Board    Ulf Lindgren    2013    9781137264251
12    The Compliance Revolution—How Compliance Needs to Change to Survive    David Jackman    2015    9781119020592
13    The International Corporate Governance System—Audit Roles and Board Oversight    Felix I. Lessambo    2014    9781137360007
14    Developing a Turnaround Business Plan-Leadership Techniques to Activate Change Strategies, Secure Competitive Advantage, and Preserve Success    Norton Paley    2016    9781498705905
15    How to Write a Business Plan—A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Plan That Gets Results, Fifth Edition    Michael P. Griffin    2015    9780761215509
16    Making the Compelling Business Case—Decision-Making Techniques for Successful Business Growth    Wolfgang Messner    2013    9781137340566
17    The Complete Business Process Handbook—Body of Knowledge from Process Modeling to BPM, Volume I    Mark von Rosing, August-Wilhelm Scheer and Henrik von Scheel    2015    9780127999593
18    The Power of Business Process Improvement, Second Edition—10 Simple Steps to Increase Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Adaptability    Susan Page    2016    9780814436615
19    All Services, All the Time-How Business Services Serve Your Business    Doug McDavid    2016    9781631572760
20    Modeling Service Systems    Ralph D. Badinelli    2016    9781631570230
21    100 Ways to Overcome Shyness-Go from Self-Conscious to Self-Confident    Barton Goldsmith and Marlena Hunter    2015    9781601633699
22    Brave—50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love and Life    Margie Warrell    2015    9780730319184
23    Mastering Fear-Harness Emotion to Achieve Excellence in Health, Work, and Relationships    Robert Maurer and Michelle Gifford    2016    9781632650115
24    The Emotional Intelligence Activity Kit—50 Easy and Effective Exercises for Building EQ    Adele B. Lynn and Janele R. Lynn    2016    9780814449233
25    Body Language for Dummies, 3rd Edition    Elizabeth Kuhnke    2015    9781119067399
26    Circle of the 9 Muses—A Storytelling Field Guide for Innovators & Meaning Makers    David Hutchens    2015    9781118973967
27    Get Along, Get It Done, Get Ahead—Interpersonal Communication in the Diverse Workplace    Geraldine E. Hynes    2015    9781631571305
28    Investigative Interviewing-Psychology, Method, and Practice    Eugene F. Ferraro    2015    9781466590861
29    Media Interview Techniques—A Complete Guide to Media Training    Robert Taylor    2016    9780749474720
30    Message Not Received—Why Business Communication is Broken and How to Fix It    Phil Simon    2015    9781119017035
31    Play the Part—Master Body Signals to Connect and Communicate for Business Success    Gina Barnett    2015    9780071835480
32    Ted Rubin on How to Look People in the Eye Digitally—Bringing In-Person Social Skills to the Digital World    Ted Rubin    2015    9781616991555
33    The Content Revolution—Communicate What You Stand for by Telling a Better Story    Mark Masters    2015    9781907794872
34    The Language of Success—The Confidence and Ability to Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say in Business and Life    Kim Wilkerson and Alan Weiss    2016    9781631573002
35    Up, Down, And Sideways-High-Impact Verbal Communication for HR Professionals    Patricia M. Buhler and Joel D. Worden    2013    9781586443375
36    You Can't Lie to Me    Janine Driver    2012    9780062112538
37    You Said What?! The Biggest Communication Mistakes Professionals Make    Kim Zoller and Kerry Preston    2015    9781632650108
38    Beating the Workplace Bully—A Tactical Guide to Taking Charge    Lynne Curry    2016    9780814436882
39    The Elephant in the Boardroom-How Leaders Use and Manage Conflict to Achieve Greater Levels of Success    Edgar Papke    2016    9781632650153
40    The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook—A Quick And Handy Resource For Any Manager, Team Leader, HR Professional, Or Anyone Who Wants To Resolve Disputes and Increase Productivity    Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem    2015    9781632650085
41    The Handbook of Dealing with Workplace Bullying    Anne-Marie Quigg (ed)    2015    9781472455178
42    The Psychology of Information Security—Resolving Conflicts Between Security Compliance and Human Behaviour    Leron Zinatullin    2016    9781849287890
43    Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials For Dummies    Vivian Scott    2015    9780730319450
44    A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking-Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition    David A. Hunter    2014    9781118583081
45    Brain Changer—How Harnessing Your Brain’s Power to Adapt Can Change Your Life    David DiSalvo    2013    9781939529008
46    Critical Thinking Skills for Dummies    Martin Cohen    2015    9781118924723
47    Everyday Bias—Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives    Howard J. Ross    2014    9781442258655
48    How Great Leaders Think—The Art of Reframing    Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal    2014    9781118140987
49    Making It Happen—Turning Good Ideas into Great Results    Peter Sheahan    2011    9781935618454
50    Mind Gym—Achieve More By Thinking Differently    Sebastian Bailey and Octavius Black    2014    9780062331458
51    Rookie Smarts—Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work    Liz Wiseman    2014    9780062322630
52    Service Design and Delivery-How Design Thinking Can Innovate Business and Add Value to Society    Toshiaki Kurokawa    2015    9781606497845
53    The Comfort Zone Illusion    Susan Neustrom    2015    9781600052583
54    The Fear-Free Organization—Vital Insights from Neuroscience to Transform Your Business Culture    Paul Brown, Joan Kingsley and Sue Paterson    2015    9780749472955
55    The Four Lenses of Innovation—A Power Tool for Creative Thinking    Rowan Gibson    2015    9781118740248
56    The Little Book of Clarity—A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind    Jamie Smart    2015    9780857086068
57    The Little Book of Thinking Big—Aim Higher and Go Further than You Ever Thought Possible    Richard Newton    2015    9780857085856
58    The Whole Brain Business Book—Unlocking the Power of Whole Brain Thinking in Organizations, Teams, and Individuals, Second Edition    Ned Herrmann and Ann Herrmann-Nehdi    2015    9780071843829
59    Think to Win—Unleashing the Power of Strategic Thinking    Paul Butler, John Manfredi and Peter Klein    2015    9780071840958
60    All Hands On Deck-Navigating Your Team through Crises, Getting Your Organization Unstuck, and Emerging Victorious    Peter J. Boni    2015    9781601633729
61    Boards Under Crisis—Board Action Under Pressure    Alberto Lavín Fernández and Carmelo Mazza    2014    9781137379214
62    On the Brink—How a Crisis Transformed Lloyd's of London    Andrew Duguid    2014    9781137299291
63    4D Leadership—Competitive Advantage Through Vertical Leadership Development    Alan Watkins    2016    9780749474645
64    Breakthroughs in Decision Science and Risk Analysis    Louis Anthony Cox    2015    9781118217160
65    Business Decision-Making-Streamlining the Process for More Effective Results    Milan Frankl    2015    9781631572449
66    Confronting Mistakes-Lessons from the Aviation Industry when Dealing with Error    Jan U. Hagen    2013    9781137276179
67    Intelligent Disobedience—Doing Right When What You're Told to Do is Wrong    Ira Chaleff    2015    9781626564275
68    Mental Illness at Work—A Manager's Guide to Identifying, Managing and Preventing Psychological Problems in the Workplace    Mary-Clare Race and Adrian Furnham    2014    9781137272041
69    Profit from Science—Solving Business Problems Using Data, Math, and the Scientific Process    George Danner    2015    9781137474841
70    Your Trajectory Code—How to Change Your Decisions, Actions, and Directions, to Become Part of the Top 1% High Achievers    Jeffrey Magee    2015    9781119043232
71    Ethical IT Innovation—A Value-Based System Design Approach    Sarah Spiekermann    2016    9781482226355
72    Ethics in Accounting—A Decision-Making Approach    Gordon Klein    2016    9781118928332
73    Global Business Ethics—Responsible Decision Making in an International Context    Ronald D. Francis and Guy Murfey    2016    9780749473952
74    Professional Ethics and Human Values    M. Jayakumaran, Rahman R. Kalil and A. Alavudeen    2008    9789380386003
75    Public Relations Ethics-How to Practice PR without Losing Your Soul    Dick Martin and Donald K. Wright    2016    9781631571466
76    The Business Ethics Twin-Track-Combining Controls and Culture to Minimise Reputational Risk    Steve Giles    2015    9781118785379
77    Working Ethically in Finance—Clarifying Our Vocation    Anthony Asher    2015    9781606498743
78    Experience Explorer—From Yesterday's Lessons to Tomorrow's Success: Facilitator's Guide    Meena S. Wilson and N. Anand Chandrasekar    2014    9781604915358
79    Facilitation Basics, 2nd Edition    Donald V. McCain    2015    9781562869267
80    Meetings That Get Results    Brian Tracy    2016    9780814437056
81    Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings-24 Steps to Generate Meaningful Results    Barbara J. Streibel    2007    9780071498319
82    How to Stay Motivated—Developing the Qualities of Success, Volume I    Zig Ziglar    2015   
83    The Science of Why—Decoding Human Motivation and Transforming Marketing Strategy    David Forbes    2015    9781137502032
84    Getting (More of) What You Want—How the Secrets of Economics and Psychology Can Help You Negotiate Anything, in Business and in Life    Margaret A. Neale and Thomas Z. Lys    2015    9780465050727
85    Getting to We—Negotiating Agreements for Highly Collaborative Relationships    Jeanette Nyden, Kate Vitasek and David Frydlinger    2013    9781137297181
86    Inventive Negotiation-Getting beyond Yes    John L. Graham, Lynda Lawrence and William Hernandez Requejo    2014    9781137370150
87    Negotiating for Success—The Process and Tools for Win/Win    Catherine Mattiske    2011    9781921547225
88    The Power of Nice—How to Negotiate so Everyone Wins—Especially You!, Third Edition    Ronald M. Shapiro and James Dale    2015    9781118969625
89    Your Own Terms—A Woman’s Guide to Taking Charge of Any Negotiation    Yasmin Davidds and Ann Bidou    2015    9780814436028
90    Networking for Nerds-Find, Access and Land Hidden Game-Changing Career Opportunities Everywhere    Alaina G. Levine    2015    9781118663585
91    Networking Is a Contact Sport—How Staying Connected and Serving Others Will Help You Grow Your Business, Expand Your Influence—or Even Land Your Next Job    Joe Sweeney and Mike Yorkey    2010    9781936661176
92    Talking to Crazy—How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life    Mark Goulston    2016    9780814436363
93    Revealed—Using Remote Personality Profiling to Influence, Negotiate and Motivate    John Taylor, Adrian Furnham and Janet Breeze    2014    9781137291981
94    Persuasion Equation—The Subtle Science of Getting Your Way    Mark Rodgers    2015    9780814434178
95    The Influence Agenda—A Systematic Approach to Aligning Stakeholders in Times of Change    Mike Clayton    2014    9781137355843
96    The New Influencing Toolkit—Capabilities for Communicating with Influence    Tim Baker    2015    9781137470140
97    Top Dog—Impress and Influence Everyone You Meet    Andy Bounds and Richard Ruttle    2015    9780857086099
98    The Last Word on Power    Tracy Goss    2009    9780795308376
99    101 Ways to Captivate a Business Audience    Sue Gaulke    1997    9780814400968
100    Presentation Skills-Educate, Inspire, and Engage Your Audience    Michael Weiss    2015    9781606498767
101    Scared Speechless-9 Ways to Overcome Your Fears and Captivate Your Audience    Steve Rohr and Shirley Impellizzeri    2016    9781632650429
102    The Big Fish Experience—Create Memorable Presentations That Reel In Your Audience    Kenny Nguyen, Gus Murillo, Robert Killeen and Luke Jones    2016    9780071834926
103    Mindfulness at Work Essentials For Dummies    Shamash Alidina and Juliet Adams    2015    9780730319498
104    Stress in the Spotlight—Managing and Coping with Stress in the Workplace    Brian Claridge and Cary L. Cooper    2014    9781137292346
105    Stressaholic—5 Steps To Transform Your Relationship With Stress    Heidi Hanna    2014    9781118766026
106    Unwind!-7 Principles for a Stress-Free Life    Michael Olpin and Sam Bracken    2014    9781477819593
107    100 Great Team Effectiveness Ideas    Peter Shaw    2015    9789814561372
108    Building the Team Organization—How to Open Minds, Resolve Conflict, and Ensure Cooperation    Dean Tjosvold and Mary Tjosvold    2015    9780230247123
109    Collaboration Begins with You—Be a Silo Buster    Ken Blanchard, Jane Ripley and Eunice Parisi-Carew    2015    9781626566170
110    The Power of Global Teams—Driving Growth and Innovation in a Fast Changing World    Elisabeth Marx    2013    9781137008114
111    Doing the Right Things Right—How the Effective Executive Spends Time    Laura Stack    2016    9781626565661
112    Extreme Productivity—Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours    Robert C. Pozen    2012    9780062188533
113    Manage Your Day-to-Day—Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind    Jocelyn K. Glei (ed)    2013    9781477800676
114    Power House—Turbo Boost Your Effectiveness and Start Making a Serious Impact    Mike Clayton    2015    9780857085566
115    The Daily Edge—Simple Strategies to Increase Efficiency and Make an Impact Every Day    David Horsager    2015    9781626565951
116    The Gift of Time—How Delegation Can Give You Space to Succeed    Gail Thomas    2015    9780857085955
118    The 10 Laws of Trust—Building the Bonds that Make a Business Great    Joel Peterson and David A. Kaplan    2016    9780814437452
119    The Leap-The Science of Trust and Why It Matters    Ulrich Boser    2014    9780544262010
120    The Trust Factor—Negotiating in SMARTnership    Keld Jensen    2013    9781137332257
121    Trust In Transition-Navigating Organizational Change    Bob Whipple    2014    9781562869243
122    Beyond Happy—Women, Work, and Well-Being    Beth Cabrera    2015    9781562869793
123    Find Your Balance Point—Clarify Your Priorities, Simplify Your Life, and Achieve More    Brian Tracy and Christina Stein    2015    9781626565722
124    The Power of Purpose—Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better, 3rd edition (Revised & Expanded)    Richard J. Leider    2015    9781626566361
125    Your Life—Your Key Business    Salvador Alva    2015    9786079380236
126    Everybody Writes—Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content    Ann Handley    2014    9781118905555
127    How to Write Effective Business English—Excel at E-Mail, Social Media and All Your Professional Communications    Fiona Talbot    2016    9780749475550
128    The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need—A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment    Susan Thurman    2003    9781580628556
129    Writing for Public Relations—A Practical Guide for Professionals    Janet Mizrahi    2016    9781631573057
130    Writing for the Workplace—Business Communication for Professionals    Janet Mizrahi    2015    9781631572326
131    Corporate Value Creation—An Operations Framework for Nonfinancial Managers    Lawrence C. Karlson    2015    9781118997529
132    Value Analysis and Engineering Reengineered—The Blueprint for Achieving Operational Excellence and Developing Problem Solvers and Innovators    Abate O. Kassa    2016    9781498737258
133    Value Proposition Design—How to Create Products and Services Customers Want    Alex Osterwalder et al.    2014    9781118968055
134    Economics for Business—A Guide to Decision Making in a Complex Global Macroeconomy    Ivan K. Cohen    2016    9780749470197
135    Experimental Capitalism—The Nanoeconomics of American High-Tech Industries    Steven Klepper    2016    9780691169620
136    GDP—A Brief But Affectionate History, Revised and Expanded Edition    Diane Coyle    2014    9780691169859
137    Managerial Economics, Eighth Edition    William F. Samuelson and Stephen G. Marks    2015    9781118808948
138    The Escape from Balance Sheet Recession and the QE Trap—A Hazardous Road for the World Economy    Richard C. Koo    2015    9781119028123
139    The Global Economy in Turbulent Times    Lin See Yan    2015    9781119059967
140    Trillion Dollar Economists-How Economists and Their Ideas Have Transformed Business    Robert E. Litan    2014    9781118781807
141    Accounting for Derivatives—Advanced Hedging under IFRS 9, Second Edition    Juan Ramirez    2015    9781118817971
142    Benchmarking—The Accounting and Finance Function 2015    Paul McDonald and Thomas Thompson    2015    9781615091850
143    Green Accounting Initiatives and Strategies for Sustainable Development    Chirata Caraiani, Camelia I. Lungu, Cornelia Dascãlu and Florian Colceag (eds)    2015    9781466687202
144    Internal Control Audit and Compliance—Documentation and Testing under the New COSO Framework    Lynford Graham    2015    9781118996218
145    Interpretation and Application of UK GAAP for Accounting Periods Commencing on or after 1 January 2015    Steven Collings    2015    9781118819272
146    New UK GAAP 2015—Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under UK and Irish GAAP    Ernst & Young    2015    9781119038177
147    Principles of Group Accounting under IFRS    Andreas Krimpmann    2014    9781118751411
148    Revenue Management-A Path to Increased Profits, Second Edition    Ronald J. Huefner    2015    9781631570933
149    Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes—Auditing and Attestation    O. Ray Whittington    2015    9781118917756
150    Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes—Business Environment and Concepts    O. Ray Whittington and Kurt Pany    2015    9781118917749
151    Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes—Financial Accounting and Reporting    O. Ray Whittington    2015    9781118917732
152    Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes—Regulation    O. Ray Whittington    2015    9781118917725
153    Wiley GAAP 2015—Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles    Joanne M. Flood    2015    9781118945193
154    Wiley Practitioner's Guide to GAAS 2015—Covering All SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, PCAOB Auditing Standards, and Interpretations    Joanne M. Flood    2015    9781118978979
155    Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings, Sixth Edition    Patrick A. Gaughan    2015    9781118997543
156    Global Asset Management—Strategies, Risks, Processes, and Technologies    Michael Pinedo and Ingo Walter (eds)    2013    9781137329479
157    Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance, Second Edition    Annie Mills and Peter Haines    2015    9781118906132
158    Frequently Asked Questions in International Standards on Auditing    Steven Collings    2014    9781118765418
159    Leading the Internal Audit Function    Lynn Fountain    2016    9781498730426
160    Lean Auditing—Driving Added Value and Efficiency in Internal Audit    James C. Paterson    2015    9781118896884
161    Bank Liquidity Creation and Financial Crises    Allen N. Berger and Christa H.S. Bouwman    2016    9780128002339
162    Performance, Risk and Competition in the Chinese Banking Industry    Yong Tan    2014    9781843347651
163    Risk Management in Banking, Fourth Edition    Joël Bessis    2015    9781118660218
164    A Manager’s Guide to Financial Analysis, Sixth Edition—Powerful Tools for Analyzing the Numbers and Making the Best Decisions for Your Business    Eliot H. Sherman    2015    9780761215615
165    Financial Ratios    Sandeep Goel    2016    9781631573590
166    How to Read and Interpret Financial Statements, Second Edition—A Guide to Understanding What the Numbers Really Mean    Michael P. Griffin    2015    9780761215592
167    International Financial Statement Analysis, Third Edition    Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie and Michael A. Broihahn    2015    9781118999479
168    Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and other Restructurings—A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity    Paul Pignataro    2015    9781118908716
169    Mergers—Leadership, Performance and Corporate Health    David Fubini, Colin Price and Maurizio Zollo    2007    9780230019720
170    A Practical Guide to Corporate Finance—Breaking the Financial Ice    Christophe Thibierge and Andrew Beresford    2015    9781137492517
171    Handbook of Research on Strategic Developments and Regulatory Practice in Global Finance    Özlem Olgu, Hasan Dinçer and Ümit Hacýoglu (eds)    2015    9781466672888
172    Credit Portfolio Management—A Practitioner's Guide to the Active Management of Credit Risks    Michael Hünseler    2013    9780230391499
173    IPO Banks—Pitch, Selection and Mandate    Philippe Espinasse    2014    9781137412935
174    Equity Derivatives Explained    Mohamed Bouzoubaa    2014    9781137335531
175    Interest Rate Derivatives Explained: Products and Markets, Volume 1    Jörg Kienitz    2014    9781137360069
176    OTC Derivatives—Bilateral Trading Central Clearing—An Introduction to Regulatory Policy, Market Impact and Systemic Risk    David Murphy    2013    9781137293855
177    Understanding Credit Derivatives and Related Instruments, Second Edition    Antulio N. Bomfim    2016    9780128001165
178    Analyzing the Economics of Financial Market Infrastructures    Martin Diehl, Biliana Alexandrova-Kabadjova, Richard Heuver and Serafín Martínez-Jaramillo (eds)    2016    9781466687455
179    Central Banking—Theory and Practice in Sustaining Monetary and Financial Stability    Thammarak Moenjak    2014    9781118832462
180    Inside the FDIC—Thirty Years of Bank Failures, Bailouts, and Regulatory Battles    John F. Bovenzi    2015    9781118994085
181    Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics—Theories, Applications, and Policies    Cristina Terra    2015    9780128022979
182    Smart Money-How High-Stakes Financial Innovation Is Reshaping Our World—for the Better    Andrew Palmer    2015    9780465064724
183    Elliott Wave Techniques Simplified—How to Use the Probability Matrix to Profit on More Trades    Bennett A. McDowell    2016    9780071819305
184    Technical Analysis of Stock Trends,Tenth Edition    Robert D. Edwards, John Magee and W.H.C. Bassetti    2012    9781439898185
185    The Handbook of Technical Analysis—The Practitioner's Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis    Mark Andrew Lim    2016    9781118498910
186    An Introduction to Anti-Bribery Management Systems (BS 10500)-Doing right things    Alan Field    2015    9781849287241
187    Anti–Money Laundering in a Nutshell—Awareness and Compliance for Financial Personnel And Business    Kevin Sullivan    2015    9781430261605
188    Criminal Capital—How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime    Stephen Platt    2015    9781137337290
189    Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques—A Guide to Data Science for Fraud Detection    Bart Baesens, Véronique Van Vlasselaer and Wouter Verbeke    2015    9781119133124
190    Fraud Prevention and Detection—Warning Signs and the Red Flag System    Rodney T. Stamler, Hans J. Marschdorf and Mario Possamai    2014    9781466554542
191    Introduction to the Theories and Varieties of Modern Crime in Financial Markets    Marius-Christian Frunza    2016    9780128012215
192    Solving Modern Crime in Financial Markets—Analytics and Case Studies    Marius-Christian Frunza    2016    9780128044940
193    CFP Board Financial Planning Competency Handbook, Second Edition    Charles R. Chaffin    2015    9781119094968
194    Financial Markets Operations Management    Keith Dickinson    2015    9781118843918
195    Corporate and Project Finance Modeling—Theory and Practice    Edward Bodmer    2015    9781118854365
196    Financial Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling—A Framework for Long-Term Forecasting    Samonas Michael    2015    9781118921081
197    Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data    Stavros Degiannakis and Christos Floros    2015    9781137396488
198    SABR and SABR LIBOR Market Models in Practice—With Examples Implemented in Python    Christian Crispoldi, Gérald Wigger and Peter Larkin    2015    9781137378637
199    Seeing the Future—How to Build Basic Forecasting Models    Tam Bang Vu    2015    9781606497906
200    FX Barrier Options—A Comprehensive Guide for Industry Quants    Zareer Dadachanji    2015    9781137462749
201    Heroes & Villains of Finance—The 50 Most Colourful Characters in the History of Finance    A. Baldwin    2015    9781119038993
202    Quantitative Finance—Back to Basic Principles    Adil Reghai    2015    9781137414496
203    Regression Analysis—Understanding and Building Business and Economic Models Using Excel, Second Edition    J. Holton Wilson, Barry P. Keating and Mary Beal    2016    9781631573859
204    Regulation A+—How the JOBS Act Creates Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Investors    Paul M. Getty and Dinesh Gupta and Robert R. Kaplan    2015    9781430257318
205    The Complete Guide to Hedge Funds and Hedge Fund Strategies    Daniel Capocci    2013    9781137264435
206    The Greeks and Hedging Explained    Peter Leoni    2014    9781137350732
207    A Concise Dictionary of Markets and Investing    Jim Cramer    2012   
208    Applied Financial Macroeconomics and Investment Strategy—A Practitioner's Guide to Tactical Asset Allocation    Robert T. McGee    2015    9781137428394
209    Intelligent Investing—A Guide to the Practical and Behavioural Aspects of Investment Strategy    Guy Fraser-Sampson    2013    9781137264084
210    Interest Rate Modelling in the Multi-Curve Framework—Foundations, Evolution and Implementation    Marc Henrard    2014    9781137374653
211    Investor Relations for the Emerging Company, Second Edition    Ralph A. Rieves and John Lefebvre    2012    9780230341968
212    Investor Relations—Principles and International Best Practices in Financial Communications, 2nd Edition    Anne Guimard    2013    9781137337399
213    Private Equity Unchained—Strategy Insights for the Institutional Investor    Thomas Meyer    2014    9781137286819
214    Sustainable Financial Investments—Maximizing Corporate Profits and Long-Term Economic Value Creation    Brian Bolton    2015    9781137411983
215    The Front Office Manual—The Definitive Guide to Trading, Structuring and Sales    Andrew Sutherland and Jason Court    2013    9781137030689
216    The Investment Advisor Body of Knowledge—Readings for the CIMA Certification    IMCA Investment Management Consultants Association    2015    9781118912324
217    Sacred Success—A Course in Financial Miracles    Barbara Stanny    2015    9781940363233
218    The Executive's Guide to Financial Management—Improving Risk, Strategy, and Financial Performance    Dewey Norton    2012    9780230341951
219    Enterprise Risk Management in Finance    Desheng Dash Wu and David L. Olson    2015    9781137466280
220    Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics—A Handbook of Operational Risk    Marcelo G. Cruz, Gareth W. Peters and Pavel V. Shevchenko    2015    9781118118399
221    Handbook of Research on Financial and Banking Crisis Prediction through Early Warning Systems    Qaiser Munir (ed)    2016    9781466694842
222    Liquidity Risk—Managing Funding and Asset Risk, Second Edition    Erik Banks    2014    9781137374394
223    Quantitative Financial Risk Management—Theory and Practice    Constantin Zopounidis and Emilios Galariotis    2015    9781118738184
224    Regulating Securitized Products—A Post Crisis Guide    Rasheed Saleuddin    2015    9781137497949
225    Reinventing Financial Regulation—A Blueprint for Overcoming Systemic Risk    Avinash D. Persaud    2015    9781430245575
226    Risk-Based Investment Management in Practice, 2nd Edition    Frances Cowell    2013    9781137346391
227    Simulation Techniques in Financial Risk Management, Second Edition    Ngai Hang Chan and Hoi Ying Wong    2015    9781118735817
228    Strategy, Value and Risk—A Guide to Advanced Financial Management, Third Edition    Jamie Rogers    2013    9780230392670
229    American Payroll Association's Guide to Global Payroll Management, 11th Edition    Michael O'Toole et al.    2015    9781934951682
230    Payroll Practice Fundamentals—American Payroll Association, 2016 Edition    American Payroll Association    2016    9781934951903
231    The Guide to Successful Electronic Payments, 2016 Edition    American Payroll Association    2016    9781934951989
232    Understanding Your Pay—Payroll Taxes and Employment Law Can Cost You Money. Learn What You Need to Know!, 2015 Edition    American Payroll Association    2015   
233    Financial Engineering with Copulas Explained    Jan-Frederik Mai and Matthias Scherer    2014    9781137346308
234    Integrated Bank Analysis and Valuation—A Practical Guide to the ROIC Methodology    Sandy Chen    2014    9781137307453
235    Redefining Shareholder Value—Demystifying the Valuation Myth    Mariana Schmid and Milan Frankl    2015    9781631571664
236    The Art of M&A Valuation and Modeling—A Guide to Corporate Valuation    H. Peter Nesvold, Elizabeth Bloomer Nesvold and Alexandra Reed Lajoux    2016    9780071805377
237    An Epidemic of Empathy in Healthcare-How to Deliver Compassionate, Connected Patient Care That Creates a Competitive Advantage    Thomas H. Lee    2015    9781259583018
238    BYOD for Healthcare    Jessica Keyes    2014    9781482219814
239    Clinical Co-Management—A Bridge to Clinical Integration and Pathway to Bundled Payments    Cherilyn G. Murer    2016    9781498704625
240    Data-Driven Healthcare—How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry    Laura Madsen    2014    9781118772218
241    Emerging Technologies in Healthcare    Suzanne Moss Richins    2015    9781482262629
242    Evaluating the Healthcare System-Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity, Fourth Edition    Charles E. Begley, David R. Lairson, Robert O. Morgan, Paul J. Rowan and Rajesh Balkrishnan    2013    9781567935233
243    Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement    Michael K. Harrington    2016    9781284026122
244    Hospital and Healthcare Security, Sixth Edition    Tony W. York and Don MacAlister    2015    9780124200487
245    Improving Health Care Management at the Top—How Balanced Boardrooms Can Lead to Organizational Success    Sharon Roberts and Milan Frankl    2016    9781631572609
246    Innovations in Healthcare Management—Cost Effective and Sustainable Solutions    VK Singh and Paul Lillrank (eds)    2015    9781482252095
247    Mapping the Path to 21st Century Healthcare-The Ten Transitions Workbook    Scott Goodwin    2016    9781498726863
248    Mistake Proofing for Lean Healthcare    Samuel Carlson and Maura May (eds)    2016    9781439837436
249    Organizational and Process Reengineering—Approaches for Health Care Transformation    Jean Ann Larson    2016    9781482225143
250    Organizational Behavior in Health Care, Third Edition    Nancy Borkowski    2016    9781284051049
251    Pervasive Health—State-of-the-art and Beyond    Andreas Holzinger, Martina Ziefle and Carsten Röcker (eds)    2014    9781447164128
252    Population Health—Creating a Culture of Wellness    David B. Nash et al.    2011    9780763780432
253    Quality Management in a Lean Health Care Environment    Daniel Collins and Melissa Mannon    2015    9781606499788
254    Telehealth in Rural Hospitals—Lessons Learned from Pennsylvania    CJ Rhoads    2016    9781498724357
255    The Grassroots Health Care Revolution—How Companies Across America Are Dramatically Cutting Their Health Care Costs While Improving Care    John Torinus Jr.    2014    9781939529725
256    The Power of Ideas to Transform Healthcare—Engaging Staff by Building Daily Lean Management Systems    Steve Hoeft and Robert W. Pryor    2016    9781498707404
257    The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, Eighth Edition    Kenneth R. White and John R. Griffith    2016    9781567937213
258    Using Data Management Techniques to Modernize Healthcare    Anthony Matthew Hopper    2016    9781482223972
259    Educational Strategies for the Next Generation Leaders in Hotel Management    Jiuguang Feng, Sacha Stocklin and Wei Wang (eds)    2015    9781466685659
260    Food Safety = Behavior-30 Proven Techniques to Enhance Employee Compliance    Frank Yiannas    2015    9781493924882
261    Food Safety Culture-Creating a Behavior-Based Food Safety Management System    Frank Yiannas    2009    9780387728667
262    Handbook of Research on Global Hospitality and Tourism Management    Angelo A. Camillo    2015    9781466686069
263    The Good Company-Sustainability in Hospitality, Tourism, and Wine    Robert H. Girling, Pamela Lanier and Heather Dawn Gordy    2016    9781631571701
264    5 Gears—How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time    Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram    2015    9781119111153
265    Beyond the Job Description—How Managers and Employees Can Navigate the True Demands of the Job    Jesse Sostrin    2013    9781137337405
266    Career Crossroads-A Headhunter’s Guide to Career Strategy    Adrian Choo    2015    9789814561631
267    Champagne And Wax Crayons—Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries    Ben Tallon    2015    9781907794933
268    Change Your Questions, Change Your Life—12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life, Third Edition    Marilee Adams    2015    9781626566330
269    Find Your Thing—How to Discover What You Do Best, Own it and Get Known for it    Lucy Whittington    2015    9780857085924
270    Grow Your Value-Living and Working To Your Full Potential    Mika Brzezinski    2015    9781602862685
271    How the World Sees You—Discover Your Highest Value through the Science of Fascination    Sally Hogshead    2014    9780062230690
272    How to Stand Out—Proven Tactics for Getting Noticed    Rob Yeung    2015    9780857084255
273    How Will You Measure Your Life?    Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon    2012    9780062102416
274    Jolt—Shake Up Your Thinking and Upgrade Your Impact for Extraordinary Success    Richard Tyler    2015    9780857085986
275    Love Your Job-The New Rules of Career Happiness    Kerry Hannon    2015    9781118898062
276    Manage Your Career—10 Keys to Survival and Success When Interviewing and on the Job, Second Edition    Vijay Sathe    2015    9781631570612
277    Maximize Your Potential—Grow Your Expertise, Take Bold Risks, and Build an Incredible Career    Jocelyn K. Glei (ed)    2013    9781477800898
278    Me, Inc.—Build an Army of One, Unleash Your Inner Rock God, Win in Life and Business    Gene Simmons    2014    9780062322616
279    Millennials @ Work—The 7 Skills Every Twenty-Something (and Their Manager) Needs to Overcome Roadblocks and Achieve Greatness    Chip Espinoza, Peter Miller, Curtis Bateman and Curtis Garbett    2014    9781936111596
280    Simple Is the New Smart-26 Success Strategies to Build Confidence, Inspire Yourself, and Reach your Ultimate Potential    Rob Fazio    2016    9781632650290
281    Stuff I Wish I’d Known When I Started Working    Fergus O’Connell    2015    9780857085702
282    The 3 Gaps—Are You Making a Difference?    Hyrum W. Smith    2015    9781626566620
283    The Definitive Personal Assistant & Secretarial Handbook, 3rd Edition    Sue France    2015    9780749474768
284    The Leadership Campaign-10 Political Strategies to Win at Your Career and Propel Your Business to Victory    Scott Miller and David Morey    2016    9781632650436
285    The Path Redefined—Getting to the Top on Your Own Terms    Lauren Maillian Bias    2014    9781939529763
286    The Power of Being Yourself-A Game Plan for Success—By Putting Passion into Your Life and Work    Joe Plumeri    2015    9780738218298
287    The Purpose Effect—Building Meaning In Yourself, Your Role, And Your Organization    Dan Pontefract    2016    9781937498894
288    What Do You Want to Create Today? Build the Life You Want at Work    Bob Tobin    2014    9781940363158
289    What to Do When You’re New—How to Be Comfortable, Confident, and Successful in New Situations    Keith Rollag    2016    9780814434895
290    Winning    Jack Welch and Suzy Welch    2005    9780060753948
291    Winning from Within—A Breakthrough Method for Leading, Living, and Lasting Change    Erica Ariel Fox    2013    9780062213020
292    Work Reimagined-Uncover Your Calling    Richard J. Leider and David A. Shapiro    2015    9781626565586
293    You Did What?! The Biggest Blunders Professionals Make    Kim Zoller and Kerry Preston    2015    9781632650092
294    Armstrong's Handbook of Reward Management Practice—Improving Performance Through Reward, 5th Edition    Michael Armstrong    2015    9780749473891
295    Strategic Reward and Recognition-Improving Employee Performance through Non-Monetary Incentives    John G. Fisher    2015    9780749472528
296    The Compensation Handbook—A State-Of-The Art Guide To Compensation Strategy And Design, Sixth Edition    Lance A. Berger and Dorothy R. Berger (eds)    2015    9780071836999
297    ABLE!-How One Company’s Extraordinary Workforce Changed the Way We Look at Disability Today    Nancy Henderson    2005    9781932100440
298    Analyzing the Cultural Diversity of Consumers in the Global Marketplace    Juan Miguel Alcántara-Pilar, Salvador del Barrio-García, Esmeralda Crespo-Almendros and Lucia Porcu (eds)    2015    9781466682627
299    Flex—The New Playbook for Managing Across Differences    Jane Hyun and Audrey S. Lee    2014    9780062248527
300    Leveraging Cultural Diversity in Emerging Markets    Marcus Goncalves and Finn Majlergaard    2016    9781631573132
301    Set For Inclusion—An Underlying Methodology for Achieving Your Inclusion Dividend    Mason Donovan and Mark Kaplan    2015    9781629560823
302    The Multicultural Mind—Unleashing the Hidden Force for Innovation in Your Organization    David C. Thomas    2016    9781626561014
303    A Necessary Evil—Managing Employee Activity on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…and the Hundreds of Other Social Media Sites    Aliah D. Wright    2013    9781586443412
304    Cutting Through the Noise—The Right Employee Engagement Strategies for YOU    Norma Dávila and Wanda Piña-Ramírez    2013    9781562868635
305    Employee Relations Essentials (2015 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781610992114
306    Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss—A Manager's Playbook    Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans    2015    9781626563476
307    It’s My Pleasure-The Impact of Extraordinary Talent and a Compelling Culture    Dee Ann Turner    2015    9781937498887
308    New Employee Orientation Training    Karen Lawson    2016    9781562869700
309    The Manager's Employee Engagement Toolbox    Peter R. Garber    2013    9781562868604
310    The Power of Stay Interviews for Engagement and Retention    Richard P. Finnegan    2012    9781586442347
311    The Workplace Community—A Guide to Releasing Human Potential and Engaging Employees    Ian Gee and Matthew Hanwell    2014    9781137441676
312    What Millennials Want from Work-How to Maximize Engagement in Today’s Workforce    Jennifer J. Deal and Alec Levenson    2016    9780071842679
313    Widgets—The 12 New Rules for Managing Your Employees as if They’re Real People    Rodd Wagner    2015    9780071847780
314    PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Deluxe Study Guide    Sandra M. Reed and Anne M. Bogardus    2015    9781119068136
315    Global Perspectives in Workplace Health Promotion    Wolf Kirsten and Robert C. Karch (eds    2012    9780763793579
316    Effective HR Communication—A Framework for Communicating HR Programmes with IMPACT    Debra Corey    2016    9780749476168
317    FMLA Essentials (2015 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781610994200
318    People Data—How to Use and Apply Human Capital Metrics in Your Company    Tine Huus    2015    9781137466945
319    Predictive Analytics for Human Resources    Jac Fitz-enz and John R. Mattox    2014    9781118893678
320    #Successful Corporate Learning tweet Book07—Everything You Need to Know about Communities of Practice    Mike Hower, Michael Prevou and Mitchell Levy    2014    9781616991029
321    E-Learning Fundamentals—A Practical Guide    Diane Elkins and Desirée Pinder    2015    9781562869472
322    Informal Learning in Organizations—How to Create a Continuous Learning Culture    Robin Hoyle    2015    9780749474591
323    Innovative Management Education Pedagogies for Preparing Next-Generation Leaders    Shalini Rahul Tiwari and Lubna Nafees (eds)    2016    9781466696914
324    Learning Environments by Design    Catherine Lombardozzi    2015    9781562869977
325    Learning For Life—How Continuous Education Will Keep Us Competitive in the Global Knowledge Economy    Jason Wingard and Michelle LaPointe    2016    9780814433638
326    Learning to Succeed—Rethinking Corporate Education in a World of Unrelenting Change    Jason Wingard    2015    9780814434130
327    Leaving Addie for Sam Field Guide—Guidelines and Templates for Developing the Best Learning Experiences    Richard Sites and Angel Green    2014    9781562869151
328    Mastering Mobile Learning-Tips and Techniques For Success    Chad Udell and Gary Woodill    2015    9781118884911
329    More Lies about Learning—Leading Executives Separate Truth from Fiction    Larry Israelite (ed)    2015    9781562869496
330    Neuroscience for Learning and Development—How to Apply Neuroscience and Psychology for Improved Learning and Training    Stella Collins    2016    9780749474614
331    Professional Development and Workplace Learning—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume I    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466686328
332    Professional Development and Workplace Learning—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume II    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466686328
333    Professional Development and Workplace Learning—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume III    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466686328
334    Professional Development and Workplace Learning—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume IV    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466686328
335    The New Social Learning—Connect, Collaborate, Work, 2nd Edition    Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner    2015    9781562869960
336    The End of the Performance Review—A New Approach to Appraising Employee Performance    Tim Baker    2013    9781137347497
337    Predicting Success—Evidence-Based Strategies to Hire the Right People and Build the Best Team    David Lahey    2015    9781118985977
338    Social Media Recruitment—How to Successfully Integrate Social Media into Recruitment Strategy    Andy Headworth    2015    9780749473709
339    Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management, Sixth Edition    Michael Armstrong    2016    9780749476823
340    Fundamentals of Human Resources Management—A Practical Guide for Today’s HR Professional, Fifth Edition    Diane Arthur    2015    9780761215738
341    High-Impact Human Capital Strategy    Jack J. Phillips and Patricia Pulliam Phillips    2015    9780814436066
342    HR in the Boardroom—The HR Professional's Guide to Earning a Place in the C-Suite    Lance Wright    2015    9781137450890
343    Predictive HR Analytics—Mastering the HR Metric    Martin R. Edwards and Kirsten Edwards    2016    9780749473914
344    The Good Jobs Strategy—How the Smartest Companies Invest in Employees to Lower Costs and Boost Profits    Zeynep Ton    2014    9780544114449
345    The New Workforce Challenge—How Today's Leading Companies are Adapting to the Future    Andrés Hatum    2013    9781137302984
346    The Optimistic Workplace—Creating an Environment That Energizes Everyone    Shawn Murphy    2016    9780814436196
347    AHA Moments in Talent Management—A Business Fable With Practical Exercises    Mark Allen    2014    9781562869168
348    ATD Talent Management Handbook    Terry Bickham (ed)    2016    9781562869847
349    Attracting and Retaining Talent—Becoming an Employer of Choice    Tim Baker    2014    9781137411730
350    Competencies at Work-Providing a Common Language for Talent Management    Bruce Griffiths    2015    9781606499689
351    Effective Succession Planning, Fifth Edition    William J. Rothwell    2016    9780814449158
352    Grow-Identifying and Fostering Talent    Daniel Goleman    2015    9781934441794
353    Passing the Torch - A Guide to the Succession Planning Process    Wanda Piña-Ramírez and Norma Dávila    2015    9781562869410
354    The Worldwide Workplace—Solving the Global Talent Equation    Mike Johnson    2014    9781137361264
355    Untapped Talent—Unleashing the Power of the Hidden Workforce    Dani Monroe    2013    9781137282224
356    101 More Ways to Make Training Active    Elaine Biech    2015    9781118971956
357    ASTD Competency Study—The Training & Development Profession Redefined    Justin Arneson, William J. Rothwell and Jennifer A. Naughton    2013    9781562868666
358    Interact and Engage!—50+ Activities for Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars    Kassy Laborie and Tom Stone    2015    9781562869366
359    Measuring ROI in Employee Relations and Compliance—Case Studies in Diversity and Inclusion, Engagement, Compliance, and Flexible Working Arrangements    Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Jack J. Phillips    2014    9781586443597
360    Measuring the Success of Learning Through Technology—A Step-by-Step Guide for Measuring Impact and ROI on E-Learning, Blended Learning, and Mobile Learning    Tamar Elkeles, Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Jack J. Phillips    2014    9781562869502
361    Measuring the Success of Sales Training—A Step-by-Step Guide for Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI    Patricia Pulliam Phillips, Jack J. Phillips and Rachel Robinson    2013    9781562868598
362    New Supervisor Training    Elaine Biech    2015    9781562869694
363    Real World Training Evaluation—Navigating Common Constraints for Exceptional Results    Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Jack J. Phillips    2016    9781562869076
364    Technology for Trainers, 2nd Edition    Thomas A. Toth    2015    9781562869397
365    Templates for Managing Training Projects    Willis H. Thomas    2015    9781562869175
366    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning—How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results, 3rd Edition    Roy V. H. Pollock, Andrew McK. Jefferson and Calhoun W. Wick    2015    9781118647998
367    Training Design and Delivery—A Guide for Every Trainer, Training Manager, and Occasional Trainer, 3rd Edition    Geri McArdle    2015    9781562869717
368    Training Design Basics, 2nd Edition    Saul Carliner    2015    9781562869250
369    What Great Trainers Do—The Ultimate Guide to Delivering Engaging and Effective Learning    Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton    2016    9780814420065
370    Access to Asia—Your Multicultural Guide to Building Trust, Inspiring Respect, and Creating Long-Lasting Business Relationships    Sharon Schweitzer and Liz Alexander    2015    9781118919019
371    China and the EU in Context—Insights for Business and Investors    Kerry Brown    2014    9781137352385
372    China’s Impossible Trinity—The Structural Challenges to the “Chinese Dream”    Chi Lo    2015    9781137538789
373    China’s Super Consumers—What 1 Billion Customers Want and How to Sell It to Them    Savio Chan and Michael Zakkour    2014    9781118834749
374    China's Path to Innovation    Xiaolan Fu    2015    9781107046993
375    Dancing With the Dragon-Doing Business with China    Mona Chung and Bruno Mascitelli    2015    9781606499702
376    India Reloaded—Inside India's Resurgent Consumer Market    Dheeraj Sinha    2015    9781137367099
377    Innovation in China—The Tail of the Dragon    William H.A. Johnson    2015    9781606494400
378    Myth-Busting China's Numbers—Understanding and using China's Statistics    Matthew Crabbe    2014    9781137353191
379    Public Relations in China—Building and Defending Your Brand in the PRC    David Wolf    2015    9781137483799
380    Risky Business in China—A Guide to Due Diligence    Jeremy Gordon    2014    9781137433213
381    The End of Copycat China-The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia    Shaun Rein    2014    9781118926765
382    Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance—A User's Guide to Cash Flows, Balance Sheets, and Capital Structures    Hussain Kureshi and Mohsin Hayat    2015    9781119020561
383    Cultural DNA-The Psychology of Globalization    Gurnek Bains    2015    9781118928912
384    Intercultural Readiness—Four Competences for Working across Cultures    Ursula Brinkmann and Oscar van Weerdenburg    2014    9781137346971
385    Islamic Finance and the New Financial System—An Ethical Approach to Preventing Future Financial Crises    Tariq Alrifai    2015    9781118990636
386    Making Sense of Iranian Society, Culture, and Business    Hamid Yeganeh    2015    9781606495988
387    Australia 2034—Luckier By Design    Nigel Andrade and Peter Munro    2015    9781907794971
388    Business Development Opportunities and Market Entry Challenges in Latin America    Mauricio Garita and Jose Godinez (eds)    2016    9781466688209
389    Conquering Global Markets—Secrets from the World's Most Successful Multinationals    Nancy A. Hubbard    2013    9780230293557
390    Emerging Markets—Strategies for Competing in the Global Value Chain    Robert Grosse    2016    9780749474492
391    Flat World Navigation—Collaboration and Networking in the Global Digital Economy    Kim Chandler McDonald    2015    9780749473938
392    Global Production—Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure    Pol Antràs    2016    9780691168272
393    The International Manager-A Guide for Communicating, Cooperating, and Negotiating with Worldwide Colleagues    Frank Garten    2015    9781498704588
394    The Road to Cuba—The Opportunities and Risks for US Business    Knowledge@Wharton    2015   
395    Tracing the Roots of Globalization and Business Principles, Second Edition    Lawrence A. Beer    2015    9781631572302
396    A Better World, Inc.—How Companies Profit by Solving Global Problems... Where Governments Cannot    Alice Korngold    2014    9781137327659
397    Fusion Economics—How Pragmatism Is Changing the World    Laurence J. Brahm    2014    9781137444172
398    Myth and Measurement—The New Economics of the Minimum Wage, Twentieth-Anniversary Edition    David Card and Alan B. Krueger    1995    9780691169125
399    No Ordinary Disruption-The Four Global Forces Breaking All the Trends    Richard Dobbs, James Manyika and Jonathan Woetzel    2015    9781610395793
400    Advances in Authentic and Ethical Leadership    Linda L. Neider and Chester A. Schriesheim (eds)    2014    9781623967208
401    All The Leader You Can Be—The Science Of Achieving Extraordinary Executive Presence    Suzanne Bates    2016    9781259585777
402    Becoming the Boss—New Rules for the Next Generation of Leaders    Lindsey Pollak    2014    9780062323316
403    Boundaries for Leaders—Results, Relationships, and Being Ridiculously in Charge    Henry Cloud    2013    9780062206336
404    Co-Active Leadership—Five Ways to Lead    Karen Kimsey-House and Henry Kimsey-House    2015    9781626564565
405    Direction, Alignment, Commitment-Achieving Better Results through Leadership    Cynthia McCauley and Lynn Fick-Cooper    2015    9781604915532
406    Extraordinary Leadership in Australia and New Zealand—The Five Practices that Create Great Workplaces    James Kouzes, Barry Posner and Michael Bunting    2015    9780730316695
407    First, Fast, Fearless—How to Lead Like a Navy SEAL    Ed Hiner    2016    9780071844888
408    Flawed but Willing—Leading Large Organizations in the Age of Connection    Khurshed Dehnugara    2014    9781907794773
409    Flying Your Business-Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit    Fred Caldwell    2015    9781937498597
410    Lead Inside the Box—How SMART LEADERS Guide Their Teams to EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS    Victor Prince and Mike Figliuolo    2015    9781632650047
411    Lead More, Control Less—8 Advanced Leadership Skills That Overturn Convention    Marvin Weisbord and Sandra Janoff    2015    9781626564121
412    Leaders Open Doors—A Radically Simple Leadership Approach to Lift People, Profits, and Performance, 2nd Edition    Bill Treasurer    2014    9781562869649
413    Leadership Conversations-16 leading professionals share the secrets of their success    Ronald Tay    2015    9789814561501
414    Leadership Transformed    Peter Fuda    2013    9780544026933
415    Leading Across New Borders-How to Succeed as the Center Shifts    Ernest Gundling, Christie Caldwell and Karen Cvitkovich    2015    9781119064022
416    Leading When You're Not the Boss—How to Get Things Done in Complex Corporate Cultures    Roger Strathausen    2015    9781484217474
417    Leading With GRIT—Inspiring Action and Accountablilty with Generosity, Respect, Integrity, and Truth    Laurie Sudbrink    2015    9781118975220
418    Leading with Strategic Thinking—Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results    Aaron K. Olson and B. Keith Simerson    2015    9781118968154
419    Learning to Lead—A Workbook on Becoming a Leader, Fourth Edition    Warren Bennis and Joan Goldsmith    2010    9780465018864
420    Lift—The Fundamental State of Leadership, Second Edition    Ryan Quinn and Robert E. Quinn    2015    9781626564015
421    Making a Difference—12 Qualities that Make You a Leader    Sheila Murray Bethel    2012   
422    Neuroscience for Leadership—Harnessing the Brain Gain Advantage    Tara Swart, Kitty Chisholm and Paul Brown    2015    9781137466853
423    No-Drama Leadership—How Enlightened Leaders Transform Culture in the Workplace    Marlene Chism    2015    9781629560618
424    Real Leadership-Simple Practices for Leading and Living With Purpose    John Addison and John David Mann    2016    9781259584442
425    Rumsfeld's Rules—Leadership Lessons in Business, Politics, War, and Life    Donald Rumsfeld    2013    9780062272850
426    Seven Disciplines of a Leader—How to Help Your People, Team, and Organization Achieve Maximum Effectiveness    Jeff Wolf and Ken Shelton    2015    9781119003953
427    Talk Is (Not!) Cheap-The Art of Conversation Leadership    Jim McCann    2014    9780544114326
428    The Art and Adventure of Leadership—Understanding Failure, Resilience, and Success    Warren Bennis, Steven B. Sample and Rob Asghar    2015    9781119090311
429    The Disciplined Leader—Keeping the Focus on What Really Matters—52 Concise, Powerful Lessons    John Manning    2015    9781626563254
430    The End of Leadership    Barbara Kellerman    2012    9780062069160
431    The Engaged Leader-A Strategy for Your Digital Transformation    Charlene Li    2015    9781613630549
432    The Leadership Capital Index—Realizing the Market Value of Leadership    Dave Ulrich    2015    9781626565999
433    The Proactive Leader—How to Overcome Procrastination and Be a Bold Decision-Maker    David De Cremer    2013    9781137290267
434    The Self-Made Program Leader-Taking Charge in Matrix Organizations    Steve Tkalcevich    2016    9781482233131
435    The Serving Leader—Five Powerful Actions to Transform Your Team, Business, and Community    Kennetg R. Jennings and John Stahl-Wert    2016    9781626566149
436    Tough Things First-Leadership Lessons from Silicon Valley’s Longest-Serving CEO    Ray Zinn    2016    9781259584176
437    Unleashing Your Inner Leader—An Executive Coach Tells All    Vickie Condolff Bevenour    2015    9781118855041
438    What You Aren't Seeing—How Using Your Hidden Potential Can Help You Discover the Leader Within    Patrick Sweeney    2015    9780071849753
439    Winning Minds—Secrets from the Language of Leadership    Simon Lancaster    2015    9781137465924
440    Your First Leadership Job—How Catalyst Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others    Tacy M. Byham and Richard S. Wellins    2015    9781118911952
441    You're a Genius—Using Reflective Practice to Master the Craft of Leadership    Steven S. Taylor    2015    9781631572944
442    A Year with Peter Drucker—52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness    Joseph A. Maciariello    2014    9780062315670
443    Leadership Coaching—Working with Leaders to Develop Elite Performance, 2nd Edition    Jonathan Passmore (ed)    2015    9780749473297
444    Leadership Training    Lou Russell    2015    9781562869663
445    Measuring the Success of Leadership Development—A Step-by-Step Guide for Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI    Jack J. Phillips, Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Rebecca Ray    2015    9781562869427
446    Strength-Based Leadership Coaching in Organizations—An Evidence-based Guide to Positive Leadership Development    Doug MacKie    2016    9780749474430
447    Preventing Litigation—An Early Warning System to Get Big Value out of Big Data    Nelson E. Brestoff and William H. Inmon    2015    9781631573156
448    Business Liability and Economic Damages    Scott D. Gilbert    2016    9781606497029
449    Employment Law Essentials—Your A to Z Guide to HR Compliance, 2015 Edition    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781602879041
450    FLSA Essentials—Your Guide to Wage & Hour Compliance    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781610994477
451    HIPAA Essentials—A Guide for Employers, 2015 Edition    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781602878198
452    I-9 and E-Verify—Essentials    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781610994071
453    Legal and Regulatory Issues in Human Resources Management    Ronald R. Sims and William I. Sauser    2015    9781623968410
454    Intellectual Property and Assessing its Financial Value—With a Focus on Life Sciences    Benedikt Sas, Philippe Jacobs and Stanislas De Vocht    2014    9781843347927
455    The Handbook of European Intellectual Property Management—Developing, Managing and Protecting your Company's Intellectual Property, 4th Edition    Adam Jolly (ed)    2015    9780749470456
456    Leading Business Change-A Practical Guide to Transforming Your Organization    Karin Stumpf    2015    9781498726573
457    Leading Change—How Successful Leaders Approach Change Management    Paul Lawrence    2015    9780749471682
458    Leading Continuous Change—Navigating Churn in the Real World    Bill Pasmore    2015    9781626564411
459    Leading Cultural Change—The Theory and Practice of Successful Organizational Transformation    James McCalman and David Potter    2015    9780749473037
460    Managing and Leading People through Organizational Change—The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change through People    Julie Hodges    2016    9780749474195
461    Managing Organizational Change—Tools to Help Your Team Through Change    Catherine Mattiske    2015   
462    Neuroscience for Organizational Change—An Evidence-Based Practical Guide to Managing Change    Hilary Scarlett    2016    9780749474881
463    Organizational Change Management Strategies in Modern Business    Aslý Goksoy (ed)    2016    9781466695337
464    The Executive Checklist—A Guide For Setting Direction And Managing Change    James M. Kerr    2014    9781137337436
465    50 Top Tools for Coaching—A Complete Toolkit for Developing and Empowering People, Third Edition    Gillian Jones and Ro Gorell    2015    9780749473440
466    Anytime Coaching-Unleashing Employee Performance, Second Edition    Teresa Wedding Kloster and Wendy Sherwin Swire    2015    9781567264807
467    Coaching for Innovation—Tools and Techniques for Encouraging New Ideas in the Workplace    Cristina Bianchi and Maureen Steele    2014    9781137353252
468    Coaching for The Zone—A Practitioner’s Guide to Coaching for Business and Sport    Ted Garratt    2014    9781909125407
469    Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation-How to Help Individuals and Organizations Flourish    Liz Hall (ed)    2015    9780749468309
470    Coaching with Colleagues—An Action Guide for One-to-One Learning, Second revised edition    Erik de Haan and Yvonne Burger    2014    9781137359193
471    Developing Mental Toughness—Coaching Strategies to Improve Performance, Resilience and Wellbeing, 2nd Edition    Doug Strycharczyk and Peter Clough    2015    9780749473808
472    Effective Modern Coaching—The Principles and Art of Successful Business Coaching    Myles Downey    2014    9781907794766
473    Excellence in Coaching—The Industry Guide, Third Edition    Jonathan Passmore (ed)    2016    9780749474454
474    Mindful Leadership Coaching—Journeys into the Interior    Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries    2014    9781137382320
475    On Becoming a Leadership Coach—A Holistic Approach to Coaching Excellence, Second Edition    Christine Wahl, Clarice Scriber and Beth Bloomfield    2013    9781137322883
476    The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring-A Multiple Perspectives Approach    Tammy D. Allen and Lillian T. Eby (eds)    2010    9781405133739
477    Unlocking Potential-7 Coaching Skills That Transform Individuals, Teams, and Organizations    Michael K. Simpson    2014    9781477824009
478    Policies, Programs and People that Shape Innovation in Housing    Andrew Sanderford, Andrew McCoy, C. Theodore Koebel and Carlos Martin    2015    9781606505601
479    Total Facility Management, Fourth Edition    Brian Atkin and Adrian Brooks    2014    9781118655382
480    Quantitative Techniques in Management, Third Edition    J. K. Sharma    2014    9789351380689
481    Why Can’t We Get Anything Done Around Here? The Smart Manager’s Guide to Executing the Work that Delivers Results    Robert E. Lefton and Jerome T. Loeb    2004    9780071430067
482    Becoming a Master Manager—A Competing Values Approach, 6th Edition    Robert E. Quinn et al.    2014    9781118582589
483    How Management Programs Can Improve Performance—Selecting and Implementing the Best Program for Your Organization    Richard E. Crandall and William Crandall    2015    9781623969790
484    Lead the Work—Navigating a World beyond Employment    John Boudreau, Ravin Jesuthasan and David Creelman    2015    9781119040040
485    Management Design—Managing People and Organizations in Turbulent Times    Lukas Michel    2015    9781907794667
486    Management Lessons from Taiichi Ohno—What Every Leader Can Learn from the Man Who Invented the Toyota Production System    Takehiko Harada    2015    9780071849739
487    Problem Management—An Implementation Guide for the Real World    Michael G. Hall    2014    9781780172415
488    Techniques and Sample Outputs that Drive Business Excellence    H. James Harrington and Chuck Mignosa    2015    9781466577268
489    The Art of IT Management—Practical Tools, Techniques and People Skills    Robina Chatham    2015    9781780172903
490    The Lean CEO—Leading the Way to World-Class Excellence    Jacob Stoller    2015    9780071833066
491    The Manager’s Dilemma-Balancing the Inverse Equation of Increasing Demands and Shrinking Resources    Jesse Sostrin    2015    9781137485793
492    The Reconnected Leader—An Executive's Guide to Creating Responsible, Purposeful and Valuable Organizations    Norman Pickavance    2014    9780749472320
493    The Trend Management Toolkit—A Practical Guide to the Future    Anne Lise Kjaer    2014    9781137370082
494    Transitions at the Top-What Organizations Must Do to Make Sure New Leaders Succeed    Dan Ciampa and David L. Dotlich    2015    9781118975084
495    101 Design Methods—A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization    Vijay Kumar    2013    9781118083468
496    Building a Culture of Innovation—A Practical Framework for Placing Innovation at the Core of Your Business    Cris Beswick, Derek Bishop and Jo Geraghty    2015    9780749474478
497    Commercializing Innovation—Turning Technology Breakthroughs into Products    Jerry Schaufeld    2015    9781430263524
498    Digital Disruption—Unleashing the Next Wave of Innovation    James McQuivey    2013    9781477800133
499    Disrupt Yourself—Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work    Whitney Johnson    2015    9781629560526
500    Driven by Difference—How Great Companies Fuel Innovation Through Diversity    David Livermore    2016    9780814436530
501    Innovation and Product Management-A Holistic and Practical Approach to Uncertainty Reduction    Kurt Gaubinger, Michael Rabl, K. Scott Swan and Thomas Werani    2015    9783642543753
502    Innovation for Media Content Creation-Tools and Strategies for Delivering Successful Content    Marlon Quintero    2015    9781604271041
503    Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way-Powering Transformation by Putting Ideas to Work    Thomas J. Graham    2016    9781259582950
504    Leading and Managing Innovation—What Every Executive Team Must Know about Project, Program, and Portfolio Management, Second Edition    Russell D. Archibald and Shane C. Archibald    2016    9781498751209
505    Make It New—The History of Silicon Valley Design    Barry M. Katz    2015    9780262029636
506    Masters of Innovation—Building the Perpetually Innovative Company    Kai Engel, Violetka Dirlea, Stephen Dyer and Jochen Graff    2015    9781907794964
507    Need, Speed, and Greed—How the New Rules of Innovation Can Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to Greatness, and Tame the World's Most Wicked Problems    Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran    2012    9780062075994
508    People, Processes, Services, and Things-Using Services Innovation to Enable the Internet of Everything    Hazim Dahir, Bil Dry and Carlos Pignataro    2015    9781631571008
509    Smartcuts—How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success    Shane Snow    2014    9780062302458
510    The Creative Society—How the Future Can Be Won    Lars Tvede    2015    9781907794889
511    The Dream Café-Lessons in the Art of Radical Innovation    Duncan D. Bruce and Geoff Crook    2015    9781118977842
512    The Frugal Innovator—Creating Change on a Shoestring Budget    Charles Leadbeater    2014    9781137335364
513    The Psychology of Innovation in Organizations    David H. Cropley and Arthur J. Cropley    2015    9781107088399
514    The Seven Sins of Innovation—A Strategic Model for Entrepreneurship    Dave Richards    2014    9781137432513
515    The Storm Of Creativity    Kyna Leski    2015    9780262029940
516    Turning Good Ideas Into Great Businesses    Francis Tay    2015    9789814677059
517    Inventory Management—Advanced Methods for Managing Inventory within Business Systems    Geoff Relph and Catherine Milner    2015    9780749473686
518    Inventory Strategy—Maximizing Financial, Service and Operations Performance with Inventory Strategy    Edward H. Frazelle    2015    9780071847179
519    Atlas of Knowledge—Anyone Can Map    Katy Börner    2015    9780262028813
520    Knowledge Discovery Process and Methods to Enhance Organizational Performance    Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson and Corlane Barclay (eds)    2015    9781482212365
521    Supernumerary Intelligence—A New Approach to Analytics for Management    John W. Dickey, Ian A. Birdsall, G. Richard Larkin and Kwang Sik Kim    2015    9781623968298
522    They Know Everything about You-How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy    Robert Scheer and Sara Beladi    2015    9781568584522
523    Benchmarking Best Practices in Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management—Updated for ISO 55000, Third Edition    Terry Wireman    2015    9780831135034
524    Uptime—Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management, Third Edition    John D. Campbell and James V. Reyes-Picknell    2016    9781482252378
525    Management as Consultancy—Neo-bureaucracy and the Consultant Manager    Andrew Sturdy, Christopher Wright and Nick Wylie    2015    9781107020962
526    Maximizing the Value of Consulting-A Guide for Internal and External Consultants    Jack J. Philips, William D. Trotter and Patricia Pulliam Phillips    2015    9781118923405
527    Performance Consulting—A Strategic Process To Improve, Measure, And Sustain Organizational Results    Dana Gaines Robinson, James C. Robinson, Jack J. Phillips, Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Dick Handshaw    2015    9781626562295
528    The McKinsey Edge—Success Principles from the World’s Most Powerful Consulting Firm    Shu Hattori    2016    9781259588686
529    The Oracle Way to Consulting—What It Takes to Become a World-Class Advisor    Kim Miller    2015    9780071847803
530    The Business of Sharing—Making it in the New Sharing Economy    Alex Stephany    2015    9781137376176
531    Unconventional Leadership—What Henry Ford and Detroit Taught Me About Reinvention and Diversity    Nancy M. Schlichting    2016    9781629561547
532    We Are Market Basket—The Story of the Unlikely Grassroots Movement that Saved a Beloved Business    Daniel Korschun and Grant Welker    2015    9780814436653
533    Well Built-Inspiring Stories from Boardroom to the Frontline    Bob Buck    2015    9781937498764
534    Operational Excellence—Journey to Creating Sustainable Value    John S. Mitchell    2015    9781118618011
535    Operations Methods—Managing Waiting Line Applications, Second Edition    Kenneth A. Shaw    2016    9781631570858
536    Contagious Culture-Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization That Thrives    Anese Cavanaugh    2016    9781259584572
537    Dialogic Organization Development—The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change    Gervase R. Bushe and Robert J. Marshak (eds)    2015    9781626564046
538    Engaged—The Neuroscience behind Creating Productive People in Successful Organizations    Amy Brann    2015    9781137500403
539    Future Work—Changing Organizational Culture for the New World of Work, 2nd Edition    Alison Maitland and Peter Thomson    2014    9781137367150
540    Introduction to Theory of Control in Organizations    Vladimir N. Burkov, Mikhail Goubko, Nikolay Korgin and Dmitry Novikov    2015    9781498714235
541    Is Your Organization a Great Workplace?    Daniel Wentland    2015    9781681231280
542    Leadership and Personnel Management—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume I    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466696242
543    Leadership and Personnel Management—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume II    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466696242
544    Leadership and Personnel Management—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume III    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466696242
545    Leadership and Personnel Management—Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Volume IV    Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)    2016    9781466696242
546    Millennial Spring-Designing the Future of Organizations    Miriam Grace and George B. Graen (eds)    2014    9781623967444
547    Needs Assessment for Organizational Success    Roger Kaufman and Ingrid Guerra-López    2013    9781562868147
548    Organization Development Fundamentals—Managing Strategic Change    William J. Rothwell (ed) et al.    2015    9781562869113
549    Organization Development—A Practitioner's Guide for OD and HR, Second Edition    Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge and Linda Holbeche    2015    9780749470173
550    Organizational Innovation and IT Governance in Emerging Economies    Jingyuan Zhao, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos and Robert D. Tennyson    2015    9781466673328
551    Organizational Management—Approaches and Solutions    Peter Stokes, Neil Moore, Simon M. Smith, Caroline Rowland and Peter Scott    2016    9780749468361
552    Organization—Contemporary Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition    John Child    2015    9781119951834
553    The Ambidextrous Organization—Exploring the New While Exploiting the Now    Jens Maier    2015    9781137488121
554    The Culture Engine—A Framework for Driving Results, Inspiring Your Employees, and Transforming Your Workplace    S. Chris Edmonds    2014    9781118947326
555    The Positive Organization—Breaking Free From Conventional Cultures, Constraints, And Beliefs    Robert E. Quinn    2015    9781626565623
556    Understanding Nonprofit Organizations—Governance, Leadership, and Management, Third Edition    J. Steven Ott, Lisa A. Dicke and C. Kenneth Meyer    2016    9780813349619
557    The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring—The Definitive Guide to Strategy and Operations, 3rd Edition    Ilan Oshri, Julia Kotlarsky and Leslie P. Willcocks    2015    9781137437426
558    The Outsourcer—The Story of India’s IT Revolution    Dinesh C. Sharma    2015    9780262028752
559    Corporate Security Intelligence and Strategic Decision Making    Justin Crump    2015    9781466592704
560    Online Security for the Business Traveler    Deborah Gonzalez    2014    9780128000694
561    Principles and Practice of Business Continuity—Tools and Techniques, Second Edition    Jim Burtles    2016    9781931332941
562    A Higher Standard-Leadership Strategies From America’s First Female Four-Star General    Ann Dunwoody    2015    9780738217796
563    Breaking Through “Bitch”—How Women Can Shatter Stereotypes And Lead Fearlessly    Carol Vallone Mitchell    2015    9781632650078
564    How Asian Women Lead-Lessons for Global Corporations    Jane Horan    2014    9781137378712
565    Melissa Lamson on #WomenAdvance—How Female Leaders Can Take Charge of Their Own Careers    Melissa Lamson    2015    9781600052620
566    Real Women, Real Leaders—Surviving and Succeeding in the Business World    Kathleen Hurley and Priscilla Shumway (eds)    2015    9781119061380
567    Road to Power—How GM’s Mary Barra Shattered the Glass Ceiling    Laura Colby    2015    9781118972632
568    Spiraling Upward—The 5 Co-Creative Powers for Women on the Rise    Wendy Wallbridge    2015    9781629560670
569    Taming Your Alpha Bitch—How to be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want)    Rebecca Grado and Christy Whitman    2012    9781936661152
570    The 10 Habits Of Highly Successful Women    Glynnis MacNicol and Rachel Sklar (eds)    2014    9781477819692
571    The Confidence Code—The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know    Katty Kay and Claire Shipman    2014    9780062230621
572    The Confidence Effect—Every Woman's Guide to the Attitude That Attracts Success    Grace Killelea    2016    9780814436417
573    The Politics of Promotion-How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead    Bonnie Marcus    2015    9781118997420
574    Women as Global Leaders    Faith Wambura Ngunjiri and Susan R. Madsen (eds)    2015    9781623969646
575    Women Change the World    Michelle Patterson (ed)    2014    9781939529176
576    Women Who Brand    Catherine Kaputa    2014    9781857886245
577    Women Who Don’t Wait in Line-Break the Mold, Lead the Way    Reshma Saujani    2013    9780544027787
578    Lean TPM—A Blueprint for Change, Second Edition    Dennis McCarthy and Nick Rich    2015    9780081000908
579    Lowe's Transport Manager's and Operator's Handbook 2016, 46th Edition    David Lowe and Clive Pidgeon    2016    9780749474744
580    Manufacturing Excellence—Renewal and Rebirth    Kenneth N. McKay and Vincent C.S. Wiers    2015    9781606508510
581    Reflections on Hoshin Planning—Guidance for Leaders and Practitioners    Lisa Boisvert    2016    9781482299786
582    The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence-A Lean Leader's Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence, Second Edition    Larry E. Fast    2016    9781498730914
583    Environmental Compliance Manual—A Safety Manager's Guide: Includes OSHA & DOT (2015 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781602870482
584    J. J. Keller’s 5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks (2015 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781602876811
585    Occupational Health and Safety for the 21st Century    Robert H. Friis    2016    9781284034868
586    OSHA Compliance Manual—Application of Key OSHA Topics (2014 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2014    9781602875746
587    Workplace Inspections & Audits Manual (2015 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781602878723
588    Workplace Safety Pro—Your A to Z Guide to a Complete Safety Program (2015 Edition)    J.J. Keller & Associates    2015    9781602878181
589    Strategic Sourcing and Category Management—Lessons Learned at IKEA    Magnus Carlsson    2015    9780749473976
590    A Roadmap to Green Supply Chains—Using Supply Chain Archaeology and Big Data Analytics    Kevin L. Lyons    2015    9780831135140
591    Business Operations Models—Becoming a Disruptive Competitor    Alan Braithwaite and Martin Christopher    2015    9780749473310
592    E-Logistics—Managing Your Digital Supply Chains for Competitive Advantage    Yingli Wang and Stephen Pettit (eds)    2016    9780749472665
593    Fashion Logistics—Insights into the Fashion Retail Supply Chain    John Fernie and David B. Grant    2015    9780749472986
594    Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics—From Farm to Fork    Samir Dani    2015    9780749473648
595    Global Supply Chain Ecosystems—Strategies for Competitive Advantage in a Complex World    Mark Millar    2015    9780749471583
596    Global Supply Chain Quality Management—Product Recalls and Their Impact    Barbara B. Flynn and Xiande Zhao (eds)    2015    9781439815540
597    Handbook of Research on Global Supply Chain Management    Bryan Christiansen (ed)    2016    9781466696396
598    Logistics and Transportation Security—A Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Guide to Resilience    Maria G. Burns    2016    9781482253078
599    Managing Supply Chain Risk—Integrating with Risk Management    Sime Curkovic, Thomas Scannell and Bret Wagner    2016    9781498707107
600    Optimization of Supply Chain Management in Contemporary Organizations    Ehap Sabri (ed)    2015    9781466682283
601    Pharmaceutical Supply Chain—Drug Quality and Security Act    Fred A. Kuglin    2016    9781482258936
602    Supply Chain Construction—The Basics for Networking the Flow of Material, Information, and Cash    William T. Walker    2016    9781482240467
603    Supply Chain Financial Management—Best Practices, Tools, and Applications for Improved Performance    Robert J. Trent    2016    9781604271164
604    Supply Chain Metrics That Matter    Lora M. Cecere    2015    9781118858110
605    Supply Chain Optimization through Segmentation and Analytics    Gerhard J. Plenert    2014    9781466584761
606    Supply Chain Performance and Evaluation Models    Dominique Estampe    2014    9781848216679
607    The Lean Supply Chain—Managing the Challenge at Tesco    Barry Evans and Robert Mason    2015    9780749472078
608    Turbo Flow—Using Plan for Every Part (PFEP) to Turbo Charge Your Supply Chain    Tim Conrad and Robyn Rooks    2011    9781439820674
609    World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling, Second Edition    Edward H. Frazelle    2016    9780071842822
610    Balanced Scorecard Evolution—A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution    Paul R. Niven    2014    9781118726310
611    Changing Employee Behavior—A Practical Guide for Managers    Nik Kinley and Shlomo Ben-Hur    2015    9781137449542
612    How Performance Management is Killing Performance—and What to Do About It–Rethink, Redesign, Reboot    M. Tamra Chandler    2016    9781626566774
613    How to Manage Performance-24 Lessons for Improving Performance    Robert Bacal    2007    9780071484398
614    Key Performance Indicators for Dummies    Bernard Marr    2015    9781118913239
615    Key Performance Indicators—Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, Third Edition    David Parmenter    2015    9781118925102
616    The Rise of Superman-Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance    Steven Kotler    2014    9781477800836
617    What Business Can Learn from Sport Psychology—Ten Lessons for Peak Professional Performance    Martin Turner and Jamie Barker    2014    9781909125346
618    Open Innovation—New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA    Charles H. Noble, Serdar S. Durmusoglu and Abbie Griffin    2014    9781118770771
619    Product Lifecycle Management—21st Century Paradigm for Product Realisation, Second Edition    John Stark    2011    9780857295453
620    The Lean Product Playbook-How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback    Dan Olsen    2015    9781118960875
621    Implementing ISO 9001-2015—Thrill Your Customers and Transform Your Cost Base with the New Gold Standard for Business Management    Jan Gillett, Paul Simpson and Susannah Clarke    2015    9781908984500
622    ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems—What Managers Need to Know About Energy and Business Administration    Johannes Kals    2015    9781631570094
623    Kanban Change Leadership—Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement    Klaus Leopold and Siegfried Kaltenecker    2015    9781119019701
624    Managing and Improving Quality—Integrating Quality, Statistical Methods and Process Control    Anna Simpson    2016    9781631573415
625    Agile Innovation-The Revolutionary Approach to Accelerate Success, Inspire Engagement, and Ignite Creativity    Langdon Morris, Moses Ma and Po Chi Wu    2014    9781118954201
626    Agile Performance Improvement—The New Synergy of Agile and Human Performance Technology    Bob Winter    2015    9781484208939
627    An Introduction to Lean Work Design—Fundamentals of Lean Operations, Volume I    Lawrence D. Fredendall and Matthias Thürer    2016    9781606493229
628    An Introduction to Lean Work Design—Standard Practices and Tools of Lean, Volume II    Lawrence D. Fredendall and Matthias Thürer    2016    9781631574917
629    Becoming Agile—How the SEAM Approach to Management Builds Adaptability    Christopher G. Worley, Véronique Zardet, Marc Bonnet and Amandine Savall    2015    9781119011668
630    Beyond the Lean Office—A Novel on Progressing from Lean Tools to Operational Excellence    Kevin J. Duggan    2015    9781498712484
631    Creating a Lean Culture—Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions, Third Edition    David Mann    2015    9781482243239
632    Global Kata—Success Through The Lean Business System Reference Model    Terence T. Burton    2016    9780071843157
633    Improving Business Performance with Lean, Second Edition    James R. Bradley    2015    9781631570513
634    Leading and Managing Lean    Gene Fliedner    2016    9781631570537
635    Lean Communication-Applications for Continuous Process Improvement    Sam Yankelevitch and Claire F. Kuhl    2015    9781631572388
636    Lean for the Long Term—Sustainment is a Myth, Transformation is Reality    William H. Baker, Jr. and Kenneth D. Rolfes    2015    9781482257168
637    Lean Production Simplified—A Plain-Language Guide to the World's Most Powerful Production System, Third Edition    Pascal Dennis    2016    9781498708876
638    Lean-Driven Innovation—Powering Product Development at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company    Norbert Majerus    2016    9781482259681
639    The Agile Edge—Managing Projects Effectively Using Agile Scrum    Brian Vanderjack    2015    9781631571862
640    The Agile Organization—How to Build an Innovative, Sustainable and Resilient Business    Linda Holbeche    2015    9780749471316
641    The Agility Shift—Creating AGILE and Effective Leaders, Teams, and Organizations    Pamela Meyer    2015    9781629560700
642    The Complete Lean Enterprise—Value Stream Mapping for Office and Services, Second Edition    Beau Keyte and Drew A. Locher    2016    9781482206135
643    The Success or Die Ultimatum    Steven Borris and Daniel Borris    2015    9781482299038
644    Value Stream Mapping for the Process Industries—Creating a Roadmap for Lean Transformation    Peter L. King and Jennifer S. King    2015    9781482247688
645    Epiphanized--Theory of Constraints, Lean, and Six Sigma, Second Edition    Bob Sproull and Bruce Nelson    2015    9781498714198
646    Innovating Lean Six Sigma—A Strategic Guide to Deploying the World’s Most Effective Business Improvement Process    Kimberly Watson-Hemphill and Kristine Nissen Bradley    2016    9781259584404
647    Lean Six Sigma and Statistical Tools for Engineers and Engineering Managers    Wei Zhan and Xuru Ding    2016    9781606504925
648    Six Sigma for Managers—A Briefcase Book, Second Edition    Greg Brue    2015    9780071838634
649    A Risk Professional's Survival Guide—Applied Best Practices in Risk Management    Clifford Rossi    2015    9781118045954
650    Business Risk and Simulation Modelling in Practice—Using Excel, VBA and @RISK    Michael Rees    2015    9781118904053
651    Enterprise Compliance Risk Management—An Essential Toolkit for Banks and Financial Services    Saloni P. Ramakrishna    2015    9781118550281
652    Implementing Enterprise Risk Management—Case Studies and Best Practices    John R.S. Fraser, Betty J. Simkins and Kristina Narvaez    2015    9781118691960
653    Models at Work—A Practitioner's Guide to Risk Management    Jawwad Ahmed Farid    2014    9781137371638
654    Operational Risk Management    C. Ariel Pinto, Luna Mylene Magpili and Raed M. Jaradat    2015    9781606505304
655    People Risk Management—A Practical Approach to Managing the Human Factors that Could Harm Your Business    Keith Blacker and Patrick McConnell    2015    9780749471354
656    Risk Analysis, Second Edition    Terje Aven    2015    9781119057796
657    Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fourth Edition    John C. Hull    2015    9781118955949
658    Risk-Based Performance Management—Integrating Strategy and Risk Management    Andrew Smart and James Creelman    2013    9780230301320
659    The Executive Guide to Enterprise Risk Management    Christopher Chappell    2014    9781137374530
660    The Risk Doctor's Cures for Common Risk Ailments    David Hillson    2014    9781567264593
661    Transaction Banking and the Impact of Regulatory Change—Basel III and Other Challenges for the Global Economy    Ruth Wandhöfer    2014    9781137351760
662    Why Risk Management? Systems for Making Informed Financial Decisions    Gary W. Patterson    2012   
663    XVA Desks – A New Era for Risk Management—Understanding, Building and Managing Counterparty, Funding and Capital Risk    Ignacio Ruiz    2015    9781137448194
664    The Membership Economy—Find Your Superusers, Master the Forever Transaction, and Build Recurring Revenue    Robbie Kellman Baxter    2015    9780071839327
665    Asian Brand Strategy—Building and Sustaining Strong Global Brands in Asia (Revised and Updated)    Martin Roll    2015    9781137359162
666    Brand Breakout—How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global    Nirmalya Kumar and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp    2013    9781137276612
667    Brand Media Strategy-Integrated Communications Planning In the Digital Era, Second Edition    Antony Young    2014    9781137279569
668    Brand Premium-How Smart Brands Make More Money    Nigel Hollis    2013    9781137279910
669    Brand Romance—Using the Power of High Design to Build a Lifelong Relationship with Your Audience    Yasushi Kusume and Neil Gridley    2013    9781137369000
670    Brandjack—How Your Reputation is at Risk from Brand Pirates and What to Do about it    Quentin Langley    2014    9781137375353
671    Brands with a Conscience—How to Build a Successful and Responsible Brand    Sandra Horlings and Nicholas Ind (eds)    2016    9780749475444
672    Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow-The Art and Science of Building Brands    Libby Gill    2013    9781137278517
673    Corporate Brand Personality—Re-Focus Your Organization's Culture to Build Trust, Respect and Authenticity    Lesley Everett    2016    9780749471378
674    Corporate Branding in Facebook Fan Pages—Ideas for Improving Your Brand Value    Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito et al.    2015    9781606499429
675    Employer Brand Management—Practical Lessons from the World's Leading Employers    Richard Mosley    2014    9781118898529
676    Hit Brands—How Music Builds Value for the World’s Smartest Brands    Daniel M Jackson, Richard Jankovich, Eric Sheinkop and David Marcus    2013    9781137271471
677    On Purpose—Delivering a Branded Customer Experience People Love    Shaun Smith and Andy Milligan    2015    9780749471910
678    Real Luxury—How Luxury Brands Can Create Value for the Long Term    Misha Pinkhasov and Rachna Joshi Nair    2014    9781137395566
679    Rethinking Luxury—How to Market Exclusive Products and Services in an Ever-Changing Environment    Martin C. Wittig, Fabian Sommerrock, Philip Beil and Markus Albers    2014    9781907794568
680    Rethinking Prestige Branding—Secrets of the Ueber-Brands    Wolfgang Schaefer and JP Kuehlwein    2015    9780749470036
681    The Brand Strategist's Guide to Desire—How to Give Consumers What They Actually Want        2014    9781137351814
682    The Hook-How to Share Your Brand's Unique Story to Engage Customers, Boost Sales, and Achieve Heartfelt Success    Richard Krevolin    2016    9781632650122
683    The Making of Dirt is Good—A Personal Journey of Brand Transformation    David Arkwright    2013    9781907794469
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685    Tribal Marketing, Tribal Branding—An Expert Guide to the Brand Co-creation Process    Brendan Richardson    2013    9780230368828
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695    Strategic Customer Relationship Management in the Age of Social Media    Amir Khanlari (ed)    2015    9781466685864
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699    Breaking Through-Implementing Disruptive Customer Centricity, 2nd Edition    Sandra Vandermerwe    2014    9781137395498
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706    Win the Customer—70 Simple Rules for Sensational Service    Flavio Martins    2015    9780814436240
707    Absolute Value—What Really Influences Customers in the Age of (Nearly) Perfect Information    Itamar Simonson and Emanuel Rosen    2014    9780062215673
708    Adaptive Marketing-Leveraging Real-Time Data to Become a More Competitive and Successful Company    Norm Johnston    2015    9781137462923
709    All Thumbs-Mobile Marketing That Works    Michael Dru Kelley    2014    9781137279279
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712    Conscious Marketing-How to create an awesome business with a new approach to marketing    Carolyn Tate    2015    9780730309642
713    Consumer Experiences and Emotion Management    Avinash Kapoor    2015    9781606496466
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717    Customer Sense—How the 5 Senses Influence Buying Behavior    Aradhna Krishna    2013    9780230341739
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719    Driving Demand—Transforming B2B Marketing to Meet the Needs of the Modern Buyer    Carlos Hidalgo    2015    9781137526786
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722    How to Measure Digital Marketing—Metrics for Assessing Impact and Designing Success    Laurent Florès    2014    9781137340689
723    Innovative Pricing Strategies to Increase Profits, Second Edition    Daniel Marburger    2015    9781631573699
724    Launching New Products—Best Marketing and Sales Practices    John Westman and Paul Sowyrda    2016    9781606499221
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727    Marketing Above the Noise—Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters    Linda J. Popky    2015    9781629560373
728    Marketing Analytics Roadmap—Methods, Metrics, and Tools    Jerry Rackley    2015    9781484202609
729    Marketing Analytics—A Practical Guide to Real Marketing Science    Mike Grigsby    2015    9780749474171
730    Marketing Communications—Offline and Online Integration, Engagement and Analytics, Sixth Edition    PR Smith and Ze Zook    2016    9780749473402
731    Marketing in Context—Setting the Scene    Chris Hackley    2013    9781137297105
732    Marketing Plan Templates for Enhancing Profits    Elizabeth Rush Kruger    2016    9781631572746
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751    Digital Relevance—Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results    Ardath Albee    2015    9781137452801
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753    Email Marketing in a Digital World—The Basics and Beyond    Richard C. Hanna, Scott D. Swain and Jason Smith    2016    9781606499924
754    Facebook Marketing for Dummies, 5th Edition    John Haydon    2015    9781118951323
755    Get Scrappy—Smarter Digital Marketing for Businesses Big and Small    Nick Westergaard    2016    9780814437315
756    Inbound Marketing—Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online, Revised and Updated, Second Edition    Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah    2014    9781118896655
757    Location is (Still) Everything—The Surprising Influence of the Real World on How We Search, Shop, and Sell in the Virtual One    David R. Bell    2014    9780544262270
758    Paid Attention—Innovative Advertising for a Digital World    Faris Yakob    2015    9780749473600
759    Taking Down Goliath—Digital Marketing Strategies For Beating Competitors With 100 Times Your Spending Power    Kevin M. Ryan and Rob “Spider” Graham    2014    9781137444202
760    The Connected Consumer    Dinesh Kumar    2016    9781631571107
761    Win the Game of Googleopoly—Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines    Sean V. Bradley    2015    9781119002581
762    Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns—A Strategic Approach, Fourth Edition    Anne Gregory    2015    9780749468736
763    A Guide to Sales Management—A Practitioner's View of Trade Sales Organizations    Massimo Parravicini    2016    9781631572586
764    Ace the Sale! A Practical Methodology for Selling B2B Enterprise Software, Hardware or Services—Don’t Hack Your Way Around the Sales Cycle!    Nick Gomersall    2011    9780955911439
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768    Sales Ethics-How to Sell Effectively While Doing the Right Thing    Alice Alessandri and Alberto Aleo    2015    9781606499269
769    Sales Management (The Brian Tracy Success Library)    Brian Tracy    2015    9780814436295
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793    Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations    Nancy D. Erbe and Anthony H. Normore (eds)    2015    9781466683761
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800    Hidden Drivers of Success—Leveraging Employee Insights for Strategic Advantage    William A. Schiemann, Jerry H. Seibert and Brian S. Morgan    2013    9781586443337
801    How Strong Is Your Firm's Competitive Advantage?, Second Edition    Daniel Marburger    2016    9781631573675
802    It Takes More than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee—Building a Business Culture That Works for Everyone    Diane K. Adams    2015    9781137526946
803    Managing Corporate Impacts—Co-Creating Value    Jennifer J. Griffin    2016    9781107058675
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811    Strategic Analytics-Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness    Alec Levenson    2015    9781626560550
812    Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics—A Feedback Systems Approach, Second Edition    John D.W. Morecroft    2014    9781118844687
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814    The 10 Principles of Open Business—Building Success in Today's Open Economy    David Cushman and Jamie Burke    2014    9781137347039
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816    The Great Fragmentation—And Why the Future of Business is Small    Steve Sammartino    2014    9780730312680
817    The Management Shift—How to Harness the Power of People and Transform Your Organization for Sustainable Success    Vlatka Hlupic    2014    9781137352941
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825    The Strategist—Be the Leader Your Business Needs    Cynthia A. Montgomery    2012    9780062071019
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837    Personal Success    Brian Tracy    2016    9780814437032
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846    Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World    Kiyoteru Tsutsui and Alwyn Lim (eds)    2015    9781107098596
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851    Sustainable Innovation Strategy—Creating Value in a World of Finite Resources    Christophe Sempels and Jonas Hoffmann    2013    9781137352606
852    The Social License—How to Keep Your Organization Legitimate    John Morrison    2014    9781137370716
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854    Foundations of Sustainable Business—Theory, Function, and Strategy    Nada R. Sanders and John D. Wood    2015    9781118441046
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856    The Pursuit of Sustainability—Creating Business Value through Strategic Leadership, Holistic Perspectives, and Exceptional Performance    David L. Rainey and Robert J. Araujo    2015    9781623968779
857    Green Giants—How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability into Billion-Dollar Businesses    E. Freya Williams    2015    9780814436134
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866    World of Workcraft—Rediscovering Motivation and Engagement in the Digital Workplace    Dale Roberts    2015    9781472429056


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